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^unions !fS Missouri (BB-63), 2-5 September 1988, Hyatt Regency, Long Beach, California. Con- 'ac': Jim Hartman, P.O. Box 301, Pigeon, Ml 48755■ (213) 491-1234 or (800) 228''-9000.
USS Lowry (DD-770), 15 September 1988, arleston, South Carolina. Contact: Dick emanche, 89 Willowick Dr., Lithonia, GA 30038.
USCGC Bibb (WHEC-31), World War II arew an0 SS Mallory survivors, 15-18 Sep- eiT|ber 1988, Radisson Hotel, St. Louis, Mis- j2Uri- Contact: Capt. J.K. Hamilton, USCG el ). 140 Manchester Ave., North Haledon, 07508. (201) 427-6512.
King Helicopter 25th Anniversary, 15-
September 1988, Canadian Forces Base hearwater, Shearwater, Nova Scotia. Con- act- Lt. Col. Sandy Kerr, Commanding Offi- ^er- 406 Maritime Operational Training JjUadron, Canadian Forces Base Shearwater, hearwater. Nova Scotia, B0J 3A0, (902) 3'5lll ext. 1406, or Autovon 479-1406.
USS Corson (AVP-37), 21-24 September 1988, New Orleans, Louisiana. Contact: L. Casey, P.O. Box 348, Newhebron, MS 39140. (601) 694-2167.
USS Capps (DD-550), 22-24 September 1988, San Diego, California. Contact: Earl Beadle, 1203 West St.. Pine Bluff, AR 71602. (501) 247-3702.
USS Fowler (DE-222), 2nd reunion, 22-24 September 1988, Norfolk, Virginia. Contact: James Humphrey, 508 West Fourth Ave., Derry, PA 15627. (412) 694-8243.
USS Brush (DD-745), 22-25 September 1988, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Contact: Quenton Miller, 309 Fayette Davis Ave., Cleveland, MS 38732. (601) 843-5572.
USS Chester (CA-27), 9th reunion, 22-25
September 1988. Huntsville, Alabama. Contact: Bill Burgess. P.O. Box 2669, Murphys CA 95247. (209) 728-1333.
DesRon 8 of World War II, USS Trippe (DD- 403), USS RhineI (DD-404), USS Buck (DD- 420). USS Bristol (DD-453), and USS Wctin- wright (DD-419), 22-25 September 1988, Norfolk, Virginia. Contact: Harry C. Cook, 868 Hopwood Lane, Virginia Beach VA 23455. (804) 497-7892.
Pass-Down-the-Line Notes
UnderSeas Defense ’88, second annual international exposition and conference, 3-6 October 1988, Holiday Inn at the Em- barcadero. San Diego, California. Speaker will be Captain Roger M. Venables, Royal Navy submariner. Contact: Deani Given or
The Proceedings Puzzle__________
Still On Patrol By Commander Michael C. West, U. S. Navy
Hidden in this puzzle are the 45 named U. S. submarines of World War II that never returned. Answers may be read forward, backward, up, down, or diagonally. (Solution to appear in next month’s "Notebook.”)
I Gridley (DD-380), 16-18 September 88, Vicksburg, Mississippi. Contact: Walter ones, 319 Evergreen Dr., Vicksburg, MS 89 >80. (601) 636-4858.
bfvu Oj/umftus (CA-74), 18-21 September Omaha, Nebraska. Contact: Gene E. H'ckham, 879 45th Ave., NE, Salem, OR 30i. Please send a self-addressed envelope hh request for information.
Iq ® Cayety (AM-239), 20-24 September 88, Best Western New Tower Inn, Omaha, obraska. Contact: Ralph “Bud” Zeckser, 6“7 W. 63rd Terrace. Prairie Village, KS
‘ aval Mine Warfare Association, 20-24 ePtember 1988, Best Western New Tower an, Omaha, Nebraska. Contact: Herb Stettler, 604 Greenleaf Dr., Santa Rosa, CA 95401. ,7°7) 545-8626.
USS Sage (AM-111), 20-24 September 1988, mahu, Nebraska. Contact: Franklyn K. Zinn. ,50> Great Oaks Pkwy., Austin, TX 78756. ,512) 454-3186.
R | O | B | A | L | O | R | K | P | M | A | C | S | E | B | R | E | G | G | I | R | T | M |
A | s | K | Y | K | C | A | B | Y | A | R | G | K | E | N | 0 | T | I | R | T | A | D | F |
c | c | E | T | U | G | A | S | L | i | A | R | G | H | R | I | N | P | I | K | A | H | L |
D | u | R | A | V | X | U | N | C | A | L | N | E | I | O | o | P | E | z | B | M | N | A |
A | Y | I | M | L | p | I | D | E | O | Y | X | I | N | Z | c | C | F | F | c | I | H | G |
E | F | I | ,M | M | I | X | P | G | Q | R | P | L | V | N | A | P | A | H | I | U | H | A |
H | G | X | A | Y | p | 0 | M | J | E | o | P | N | N | R | u | E | X | B | p | S | V | R |
L | G | R | u | N | I | 0 | N | C | G | o | P | I | X | W | o | R | J | G | L | 0 | H | T |
L | G | X | E | N | p | K | Y | F | A | F | N | C | 0 | z | A | C | 0 | K | G | A | Y | O |
u | D | J | Y | N | I | z | M | I | F | L | U | C | R | N | M | H | E | R | R | I | N | G |
B | C | N | T | X | A | p | V | B | M | o | S | P | E | N | p | L | O | Z | S | z | B | R |
I | 0 | D | A | R | o | D | L | p | P | W | c | G | L | P | G | U | M | 0 | O | s | A | P |
A | F | H | u | o | 0 | T | I | u | w | A | B | H | w | i | Z | E | T | E | K | w | R | Y |
C | V | D | F | z | s | U | G | E | C | E | 0 | M | O | c | J | U | G | F | C | 0 | B | R |
C | A | P | E | L | I | N | T | G | R | S | H | A | R | K | C | I | P | I | A | R | E | A |
M | M | 0 | T | F | I | C | G | U | O | N | C | F | G | E | I | A | S | R | J | D | L | L |
T | p | M | F | L | T | E | U | c | S | o | J | F | B | R | P | c | z | S | R | F | J | o |
E | R | P | Y | R | E | T | R | A | D | o | N | O | X | E | 0 | M | I | A | E | I | D | c |
L | p | A | J | I | P | L | G | D | W | K | D | T | O | L | X | F | H | Q | B | s | G | s |
O | R | N | C | G | H | G | I | J | H | T | S | I | I | K | R | A | H | s | M | H | T | E |
° | P | O | Q | E | E | B | I | L | L | U | T | T | U | A | N | o | G | R | A | I | G | E |
I b Brown (DD-546), 16-18 September “8, Georgia’s Stone Mountain Park, At- anta. Georgia. Contact: Bob White, USS '•ohvi Association, P.O. Box 5618, Lincoln, 68505. (402) 483-2182.
Pr°«edings / August 1988
Catherine Umphreys. P.O. Box 368, Spring Valley, CA 92077. (619) 465-2262.
The Berks County Vietnam Memorial Parade and Dedication, 24 September 1988, Reading, Pennsylvania. Veteran groups welcome. Contact: B. C. V. M. C., P.O. Box 4222, Mt. Penn, PA 19606. (215) 779-1457.
Index to
Allied Signal Aerospace
Company........................................... 119
American Cyanamid Company......... 116
Antheil Booksellers.............................. 90
AT&T............................................... 125
Boeing Military Airplane....... 83, 84, 85
Caterpillar, Inc.................................... 29
The Corporate Word, Inc.................... 90
Electronic Data Systems
Corporation........................................ 28
EDO Corp.,
Government Systems Div..................... 21
EDO Corp., Western Div....................... 8
FMC Corp.,
Naval Systems Div................................. 1
Fusion Video....................................... 25
GE Company, Aircraft Engines........... 18
GE Company, Naval & Drive
Turbine Systems............................... 2, 3
General Dynamics............................. 121
GM Allison Gas Turbine...................... 20
Hampton Company............................. 16
Humphrey, Inc.................................... 86
Advertisers----------------------------------- '
Intermarine SpA........................................ 1
Lockheed Aeronautical Systems
Company....................................... 3rd Cover
Loral Corporation......................... 2nd Cover
Lyric Software........................................... ^
McDonnell Douglas
Corporation.................................. 4th Cover
Naval Institute Press............................... *10
Newport News Shipbuilding...................
Presidic Press............................................. °
S.T.Preston & Son, Inc.............................. ^
Raytheon Company.......................... 26, 27
Rockwell International,
Collins Government
Avionics Div........................................... P®
Sanders, A Lockheed Company............... **
Sub-Sea Systems........................................ ^
Syscon Corporation................................... ^
Texas Instruments..................................... ^
, 7
Textron Lycoming..................................
Westinghouse.................................... 22, 23
Willbros Butler
Engineers, Inc.........................................
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Proceedings / August