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Pr°g°ramWS U sT W'ih the Hafrier
leading the w f' MaLnne CorPs 1S aSain advanreH . st ln introduction of
Ending (V/STni\°r Sh°rl takeoff and Service a? 10L) aircraft as the Joint
Develonm dVanCCd Vertical Lift Aircraft c'osertofent Pr°gram (JVX) moves U. s. r“ltlon-_JVX seeks t0 satisfy the
advancedV/SQe^feS requirements for an The jvy MU ' a>rcraft. the Bell u^" be a scaled-up version of
technoloevH?COpter Textron XV‘15A first fieu, emonstration aircraft, which
and Arm °n 3 1977 ’ under NASA
a'rcraft SponsorshiP- Two XV-15A tilt-rotor mT6 budt to demonstrate rotarv-u,in Chnolo8y that would permit a Vertical J a'rcraft to hover and perform ^me, to t,!,h0rt'andings and’ once air- characteric. aVe tbe sPeed and handling TheYV k ?f 3 flxed-w,ng aircraft demonstrat- S have achleved their flight by Nj a e a 10n goa's *n extensive testing being fir,,. and tbe services, with one to the Pan0 a (7_5A Galaxy transport
Porformedw i!r Show in 1982’ where it attention ■ 6 , and received international
aircraft made3^ XV'15 evaluation , one fr°m fk„ , ,e landings on and takeoffs
1°) in Ano ’C?pter carrier TriP°li (LPH- tvas not imSt,982' Although the XV-15 ^e tests ^ ed *or shipboard operation, minor diffpr°.Ved successful with only The M f U tles encountered. deplovino^I!6 *~orps WH1 have the lead in vertical ;K C. ^or the amphibious/ JVX S aS.Sault role. Marine use of the V/ST0LPlanned t0 exceed ‘he Harrier eight TAVPa°^rain—'92 AV-8As and 300 av on /Xs Procured; plans to buy fine Com,S 3nd 28 TAV-8Bs. The Ma- P'ace it Pl!! iooking at the JVX to re- 53A/D S LH;46 Sea Knights and CH- early 199q|| ^ta^*ons beginning in the
els anci ^riting, the proposed force lev-
► Marine r f°r the JVX
Pjjj*l -auT'552 ^ amPhibious/
7 39 ^°r combat search and res- "S5 / November 1983
cue (SAR), replacing Naval Reserve HH-3A helicopters
► Air Force—200 for special operations, supplementing HH-53 and HH-60 helicopters, and C-130 transports
The Army has apparently withdrawn from the JVX program because of major financial problems facing the service as several high-cost systems are being procured at this time, including large numbers of the UH-60 Black Hawk and AH-64 Apache helicopters, and development of an advanced lightweight helicopter, LHX. The Army had planned to buy 284 JVX aircraft for corps-level aero- medical evacuation, and as special electronic mission aircraft (SEMA), in the latter role replacing two helicopter and three fixed-wing aircraft types (EH-Is, EH-60s, RV-ls, RC-12s, and OV-lOs). The Army is still talking about a later buy of the JVX for utility and cargo use, but not the high-priority SEMA role.
There are some indications that the Army’s withdrawal could affect the Air Force’s participation in JVX. Dr. Thomas E. Cooper, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Research, Development, and Logistics, has said that the Air Force is not willing to assume a greater portion of JVX development costs if the Army withdraws completely. The Navy and Marine Corps had been given the lead in the JVX program on 27 December 1982 and were committed to paying for 50% of development costs, the Army 34%, and the Air Force 16%. Cooper said the Air Force was already forced to “bite the bullet” when it had to increase its share of development costs from 12% to 16% when program leadership shifted from the Army to the Navy and Marine Corps.1
Current Navy plans restrict the JVX to the combat SAR role, a job now assigned only to the reserves. This is a small portion of the potential for naval use of a V/STOL aircraft with the planned JVX’s characteristics. The Navy’s “Sea-Based Air Master Study,” conducted in the mid-1970s, recommended the development of three V/STOL aircraft designs, the first being a Type A subsonic aircraft that could carry out the Marines’ medium assault role and the Navy’s antisubmarine warfare (ASW), airborne early warning (AEW), carrier on-board delivery (COD), and SAR roles. (The Type B was to be a supersonic fighter/attack V/STOL aircraft, and the Type C an eventual replacement for the LAMPS III antisubmarine helicopter.)
Commenting on these recommendations in 1977, Admiral James L. Holloway III, then-Chief of Naval Operations, wrote:
“Sea-based, manned, tactical aircraft
Table 1 Marine Corps JVX Program (FY 1983 Dollars)
Combat requirement | 290 aircraft |
Support requirement | 20 |
RDT&E | 2 |
Training | 40 |
Pipeline (10.6% of above) | 37 |
Life-cycle attrition | 163 |
Total | 552 |
Unit flyaway cost | $15.5 million (average) |
Total flyaway cost | $8,556.0 million |
Total RDT&E (Navy-Marine Corps) | $1,113.1 million |
Total | $9,669.1 million |
are an essential component of the
35,000 pounds and twin,
The XV-15 has been extensively tested. In addition to flight deck operations, the XV-15 conducted simulated aerial refueling, simulated weapons delivery, evasive maneuvers, slope landings, and contour flights at Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, Arizona, in August and September.
U. S. Navy’s force structure. V/STOL aircraft will increase aviation mission performance by our air-capable ships and will enormously increase the flexibility of aircraft carrier design.”2
Then, calling for the eventual construction of all-V/STOL carriers, Admiral
Holloway concluded:
“In effecting the transition to V/STOL, the Navy’s present sea-based, tactical air capability cannot be degraded, as it currently represents the margin of superiority between the U. S. and Soviet navies. Therefore, the transition plan calls for the replacement of current CTOL [conventional takeoff and landing] models, at the normal expiration of their service life, with V/STOL follow-on aircraft. These V/STOL aircraft will use the current inventory of carriers, augmented by one additional large deck or equivalent, until an all- V/STOL naval air force makes the pure V/STOL carrier a feasible reality.”3
Admiral Holloway retired a year later, and this innovative view of naval V/STOL dissipated under his successor and, especially, Secretary of Defense Harold Brown, who strongly opposed V/STOL programs, including the Marine Corps’ AV-8B Harrier.
But, in general, the naval air community has opposed high-performance V/STOL aviation in the fleet as a threat to undercut support for building more conventional aircraft carriers, as well as the subsonic V/STOL that could compete for the LAMPS III helicopter (now the SH- 60B) mission.
The Marines’ need to develop a replacement for the aging CH-46 and CH- 53A/D helicopters led to initiation of the medium helicopter requirement (HXM)—sometimes referred to as V/HXM, to indicate a possible V/STOL candidate. The JVX will fulfill this requirement with a scaled-up XV-15 hav-
rotors with a diameter of 38 fee' aircraft will be able to carry 24 co loaded troops or 10,000 pounds o ^ ,,f on external sling, with a top - about 300 miles per hour, and a 7 ,)
tical mile combat radius at a cruise r ,5 of about 250 miles per hour. Thejo unrefueled endurance will be ten ho ^ the ferry configuration (i.e., ^ o<
continental United States to Ha* ,§ across the Atlantic). This ferry r^n"’at,le vital if the aircraft is to be self-dep10' ^ to potential crisis spots, where 1 j0y- marry up with units of the Rapid De" ment Force or other ground tr°0Ps' ^ Being fully capable of V/STOL °P tion and hovering makes the JVX vious candidate for future Navy mlS ^,e|l from conventional aircraft earners as as from other naval ships. The size’ "^j)l load, and performance of the make it highly suitable for: tar-
► ASW and over-the-horizon missi ,
geting from large surface comba ^ eventually succeeding the SH-60B, (0
the high-speed and endurance recluirtj0ii5 exploit long-range towed array dete^L.aIl)'
► ASW from aircraft carriers, even succeeding the S-3A, SH-3H,
Proceedings / Noveiid*'1^
Planned SH-finc • ■
recoverv with Permitting launch and
deck c^ ofT MlCrfering with fli§ht- ► AEW fr !Shter and attack aircraft
SUcceed,ng 7hrFa9fr ameu’eVentUaHy
‘ended bv rPf ,• 2C’ Wlth ran8e ex- b°ard Surf^ fue ln8 or “dwelling” on
from the carrier^mbatantS at & distance
Providing dut'es from aircraft carriers, fueling L J?1Ck'response in-flight re- eonventioifai Ifl 3S Wel1 as Performing An I! ker missions
ratability ^ ana'ysis of the com- aircraft L?* 1 t'rotor AEW and ASW such an air,. ramers demonstrated that 0r suPerior 7 1 Would be ‘he equivalent V/STOL w °i.,an E'[1] [2] [3] Hawkeye. The s°me nerfn°U d have “limi‘ati°ns in [‘he] S 3 h°?naaCe areas compared to bili‘y Drnvm enhanced operational flexi- van4ges ^dTe,[4] ;ignificant unique ad- smaller th.u JVX’S deck sP°t will be
F°rexamni h°Se Lof.the E'2s or S-3s. s‘a‘ion at Wltk aircraft relieving on .S ‘en til, l"!UtlCal miles from a car- ‘‘mated to r° ?r a‘rcraf‘ sorties were es- s°rties or as wel1 as >[5] E-2
role> the tilt V3 SOrtles- In the C0D material anri r°t0r aircraft could deliver Erectly tn n personnel from the beach
carriers. AnHn'kVlati°n shiPs as wel1 as
Craft tyneq „ y replacing several air- ldl 3 basic airframe -engine combination, the tilt-rotor would simplify carrier logistic requirements.
Marine development and operational testing will begin with the initial production aircraft in fiscal year 1987 with an initial operational capability in 1991. The aircraft will be produced by a teaming of Bell, located in Fort Worth, Texas, and Boeing Vertol, in Ridley Park, Pennsylvania. The two firms teamed in June 1982 to exploit Bell’s design with Boeing Vertol’s extensive experience in manufacturing large helicopters. (Boeing Vertol produces the Marine/Navy H-46 and the Army H-47 helicopters.) In 1983, the firms received a $68.8 million contract from the Naval Air Systems Command for a series of wind tunnel tests, critical structure testing, mock-up construction, studies, and cost analysis over a 23-month period.
Despite the historical Navy reluctance to support V/STOL development,5 Secretary of the Navy John Lehman and the current Navy leadership are fully backing the JVX program for the Marine Corps. In May, Vice Admiral E. R. Seymour, then-Commander of the Naval Air Systems Command, discussed the potential of JVX:
“JVX will provide a quantum increase in tactical flexibility against threat forces, vastly complicating the enemy commander’s estimates of our intentions. JVX will allow us to improve the existing inadequate linkage between strategically air or sea lifted logistics, enabling use of airheads, ports and sea space deeper to our rear areas and less vulnerable to aircraft, rocket and missile interdiction attacks. Tilt rotors can also revitalize our rotary wing industry, providing increased markets for a uniquely American aerospace technology. There is a high degree of foreign interest already from our Allies in our program.”[6]
’ Dr. Thomas E. Cooper, meeting with aerospace and defense writers, 13 July 1983.
[2] Admiral James L. Holloway III, USN, “The Transition to V/STOL,” Proceedings, September 1977, p. 24.
[3] Ibid.
[4] Discussions of this situation include Lieutenant Commander James R. Williford, USN, “The Slumbering V/STOL Program,” Proceedings, March 1964, pp. 74-79, and R.M. Braybrook, “V/STOL: Stalled?” Proceedings, October 1974, pp. 33--40.
[5] Santa Fe Corporation, “Operational Merit of Bell Tilt Rotor Carrier Aircraft,” 23 May 1979.
[6] Vice Admiral E. R. Seymour, USN, testimony before Subcommittee on Transportation, Aviation and Materials of the Science and Technology Committee, House of Representatives, 2 May 1983.