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Like the flag on Suribachi that told the Japanese garrison “Iwo is ours,” the landing signal flag on a beach may one day tell the Soviets “We are coming ashore.” Once this gauntlet has been thrown down, our sealift—which will be required for victory— could become a leading candidate target for deliberate enemy escalation.
theater transportation? Is the intensity of fighting
change? What kinds of economic support, domestic
and other “indirect” lift requirements have claim5
available carriers? After taking these factors into
over time, we can develop dynamic net payload -- ments; and by comparing these with available cap3 we can predict lift shortfalls.
Third, given a baseline transportation “balance sheet/.
Sealift will undoubtedly play a key role in any significant U. S. military contingency. And adequate shipping will be required early in a conflict. If a regional confrontation should evolve into a protracted conflict, our success could depend on our ability to move sustaining payloads by sea. Airlift would certainly play an important role in a conventional conflict, but as much as 90%-95% of total tonnage would still travel by sea; 96% of war cargoes was transported by sea during the Vietnam War.
U. S. strategic lift planning traditionally has revolved around four considerations. First, we must analyze the overall deployment situation before we decide to reinforce forward units, deploy new forces, or both. This analysis would consider prepositioned materiel, lift assets in hand, schedules for mobilizing reserve fleets, any allied mobility contributions, the availability of critical support en route (such as aerial refueling), basing, overflight, transit, and other access approvals.
Second, we have to reconcile lift needs with available capacity. What demands do deployment schedules and requirements for filling attrition impose? How efficient is the total system? Are goods getting through, or are they stacking up on piers and at air bases for want of intra-
we must account for any wartime weakening of °u^ posture. Just how fast could we win a third Battle 0 j, Atlantic? Have ports and sea lines of communic^. (SLOCs) chokepoints been mined? Have we made P ^ sions to withhold or evasively route convoys pending ;
camp< ■ae^
successful first phase of an antisubmarine Have sea and air points of debarkation come under ; attack? Depending on the magnitude of the threat, iK^j
pabilities that seem adequate on paper may prove
in the real world. (True, we might offset some
requisitioning foreign ships, capturing hostile
lift C3'
moving supplies earmarked for adjacent theaters to^
immediate scene of fighting; but these gains would P^sjc bly be marginal compared with the destruction of our lift posture by enemy action.)
Finally, in an extended conflict, we must know ho new lift can be brought on line. The World Wars o century involved a race between German submarine^ duction and Allied ship production and antisubm warfare efforts. In April 1917, for instance, Germa f
boats sank 881,000 tons of shipping, and in the surn,.jiiei 1917, it was estimated that by October, available ,jy shipping would fall below the level considered mm1 adequate if losses were not reduced or replaced. Con ^ ing eventually saved the day. During World War ’jfr story was the same: our net shipping losses for ran to about 5,300 ships, yet the U.S. shipbuilding try alone produced nearly 5,600 ships between
1942 ^
Recent trends render continued neglect of enemy
United States might have to fight concurrently has
all the escalatory shots. The ability of potential advert to escalate in ways most inimical to U. S. fortunes increased dramatically. It is now imperative to through the escalation threat in some detail. True, tion is not guaranteed, even if the United States an ^
situations, both sides would probably appreciate the vantages of tight restrictions on the scope and means°^.,t fighting. In fact, a future U. S.-Soviet regional con jt may be subject to a bewildering array of formal mm restraints. (e„.
Yet while curbs on escalation may be strong, the p° s tial results of intense attacks on our shipping are so serl .
‘smash-and-grab” Soviet offensive had stalled ^
• So'
U. S. reinforcements seemed sufficient to erase-a }
gains. In these and other situations, sealift should
leading candidate target for deliberate enemy eS. a.any
U. S. lift might be a doubly attractive objective in 11
replace mobility assets might induce the United States
guish between “vertical” and “horizontal” esC" 0' Vertical escalation entails an increase in the intens
1945. Our post-World War II fixation on sudden, intense, and, above all, short wars has blinded many to the possibility of another extended competition between attrition and replacement; but such a scenario is feasible.1
To develop formal lift posture blueprints, we design a few canonical scenarios and select planning factors that can be plugged into models that characterize these four considerations. We wind up, figuratively speaking, with a family of curves that we can plot on a payload-versus-time chart to see if a given mobility posture is adequate to meet postulated challenges. By varying pertinent assumptions and planning factors, we change the shape of the curves and translate them along the time axis. What we would usually expect to see is a “bathtub” of lift data. At the start of a war, for instance, we might make do with prepositioned mobility resources. But eventually attrition and other forms of lift degradation might reduce effective capability to the point where net logistic requirements cannot be met. Eventually the curves would tilt upward again as the counterlift threat is eliminated, as stabilization of the combat situation leads to reduced needs, and as new lift becomes available from new construction and contributions from new-found allies. As was the case in both World Wars, our victory could depend on the width and depth of this “bathtub.”
Such an analytic process drives, at least in principle, U. S. strategic lift planning.2 But too often, some factors are omitted that could strongly influence, or even dominate, our four basic considerations. From the vantage point of a planner concerned with less-than-worst case scenarios, one of the most important of these factors is the effect that deliberate enemy escalation would impose.
Why hasn’t this threat figured more prominently in U. S. lift planning? So far we have not focused much analytic attention on how to compensate for deliberate enemy escalation in many areas, among them sealift, for several reasons. First, the United States entered both World Wars after the fighting had been under way for some time. The wars had, in effect, already escalated about as far as they were going to go, and in both cases the United States had had some time to warm up its sealift mobilization base. Second, postwar U. S. defense strategy has, to varying degrees, been based on the assumption that nuclear weapons could serve as an all-purpose deterrent to enemy escalation. Third, the same focus on nuclear deterrence has fostered a “short-war” attitude in which only the assets already in hand when war began would be relevant to large-scale fighting. Fourth, in our recent “limited war” experience, the apparent threat to sealift has seemed, at worst, trivial. (Only a few ships were lost in Vietnam, for instance, all to sabotage.) Finally, with the chronic absence of political and budgetary support for strategic mobility forces, it has always been difficult to satisfy lift requirements for a war fought by our own rules—never mind a more demanding scenario.3 In sum, there has been no room in our postwar planning for escalatory threats. In major scenarios, it is supposed that lift will operate in an already escalated environment; in limited war scenarios, the escalatory threat would supposedly remain negligible throughout the conflict.
lation intolerably risky. In an era of strategic parity ,l^ some have said, inferiority), the United States cannote pect nuclear threats to deter many kinds of escalat11 Technological trends, the proliferation of sophistics weapons to many nations, and the increasingly reach of Soviet military power suggest that sea l'neSs) communication will not be as easy to secure as in the P At the same time, projected equipment consumptionr3 ^ have steadily increased, U. S. forces have become ‘ ne^ ier” over time, and the number of locations in which
The U. S. lift posture is composed of fewer ships of h>». value, and while more productive, often less self-sUS ^ ing than ever before. Thus, individual ship losses—°f (0 destruction of logistic infrastructure—are more likeo be catastrophic. Perhaps most important is that a newSL nario—one falling between the canonical short wan11 ■' all-out NATO-Warsaw Pact war and a limited, incren1^ tal Third World operation—has become grimly plaU* over the past few years. A likely case would be a con tation in the Third World in which U. S. and Soviet f°r find themselves in direct conflict. j
In all, the United States should no longer expect t0^p
Soviet Union are in direct confrontation. Even in in 1
that we should not overlook such threats in our plaI,n' Indeed, if a deteriorating theater situation (and the P j pect of uncontrollable escalation to a nuclear disaS^.. loomed, strong pressures might emerge to invest in a ^ imum conventional effort to settle the issue y
point of no return had been 'reached. Similar esca } pressures, possibly nuclear ones, would emerge^ jf
third-area scenarios, because the destruction its allies to fall back in order to avoid jeopardizing important theaters, particularly Central Europe. ^ 5.
In what ways might the threat of action against ^ sealift resources influence planning for convention^1 ^ contingencies, particularly in third-area scenarios? ‘ sake of analysis, some theorists have attempted to ^0([.
fighting, perhaps resorting to nuclear weapons in a P
tvould be t n tareateneck One vertical escalatory option the United c.USe f.^ndful of nuclear weapons to shatter t'me needed fteS ’n~lFeater port infrastructure. Given the s*tortage 0f reconstruction of port facilities and a
strike might a over‘the-shore” logistic resources, this en°ugh f0r ,i e ay tFe arrival of the main U. S. force long Similarly h 6 ^ov*ets to seize their primary objectives, stacks on T?n^0ntaJ escafation could include widespread F’ulf/Arabi- o Upping outside the immediate Persian
ttumber of dI|l f3 area‘ Oruise missiles deployed on a ^okepojm^. P:0115 coulci be fired at ships in transit, and
^ comiTv,^ ?na barbor areas could be subjected to attacks utttandos and mines.
an exnan ,Ventl0na^ conflict. Horizontal escalation refers to tiVes Slon a cor,flict to include new regions or objec- This stnc% related to previous developments.4 Nation3*°n°mic distinction is not very useful in naval key asym ” Part*cu*ar> this taxonomy fails to allow for tal escahfmetneS *n many scenarios: one nation’s horizon- There is 10arnay seem a vertical affront to someone else, forces to110 °U*3t’ moreover, that were U. S. and Soviet exPansio Ct°me 'nto direct confrontation, the specter of sideratio n ° ^enera^ war w°uld cast a pall over other con- be in force n° matter what theoretical inhibitions might
Ttenace61 3 SC0Pe of the antilogistic escalation
Scenario ?ns.Aertwo variants of a popular Persian Gulf have man ° 0t^’ ^ov'et forces have attacked Iran and But \y 6 ^°°cf Progress south to the Zagros Mountains, vading f.f™tensive elements are able to slow the in- ^ginningT3!)10118’ anc* Soviets’ logistic network is Point, \j e° Ck.ter’orate under heavy air attack. At this area, whi h , re'nf°rcements approach ports in the Gulf engineersC Al hVe S*nce been greatly improved by U. S. capable of ,! • these reinforcements are probably in
Perimeter r° ^ack Soviet echelons, a Western defense SecUre vit <]0U^ estahlished sufficiently far inland to Faced w' LeS0urces anc* communications. ets contempt ProsPect of a costly stalemate, the Sovi- have assum^ h*6 esca'ati°n- Throughout the conflict, we °f operatj 6 ^lat only targets within the immediate area fa'rgamefnS’ n0t fncfuding the Soviet Union, had been Used or r.,.°.r atfatF anci that nuclear weapons had not been
These illustrations suggest how grave the threat to the U. S. strategic position a deliberate Soviet conflict-widening maneuver against sealift could be. Many other considerations would be involved, but such threats obviously should be considered in our peacetime mobility planning. We must also face enormous tradeoffs and uncertainties. For instance, if we were certain that the Soviets would never use nuclear weapons first, we would naturally exploit every possible economy of scale in developing just one “super beachhead,” convoying our ships and building our posture around intermodal containers. If, on the other hand, nuclear strikes seemed likely, we would design our posture around fast, self-sustaining sealift—at a much higher cost per delivered ton. To improve our ability to cope with escalation, we would, in short, have to compromise between taking advantage of available lift capacity and tolerating the inefficiencies that would follow from compensatory measures.
A final decision in every case will be arbitrary, since it is impossible to know what the probabilities of some Soviet actions in certain scenarios will be; indeed, the odds of some Soviet choices are influenced by our own decisions about which scenarios are more likely. In addition, many elements of our sealift and sea-lane defense posture exist, and so our freedom to conjure up some ideal future mobility force is quite limited. Even so, some actions can help hedge against a reasonably broad spectrum of threats, and many of these can be incorporated into the existing and future lift posture. Therefore, it is useful to list some approaches which can help deter enemy escalation or cope with it if it does come about.
Let us first consider the possibility of Soviet vertical escalation, or the first use of nuclear weapons against our sealift resources. This is a very narrow, if significant, threat. Because of the uncertainties of maintaining control over nuclear fighting, it is clearly in our best interest to try
To disrupt U. S. logistic support, the Soviets might exercise the escalation option of employing nuclear weapons to attack ports. Our use of ad hoc sea points of debarkation— e.g., two U. S. RolRos and a tanker are seen in the Indian Ocean—could help deter their use of nuclear weapons.
^dingi /
November 1983
resources against nuclear attack will remain
sume the availability of ships from many of °urx^^-ld endowed maritime allies. However, in some Third- ^
" be u 0'
aflu unih1'
friends. When it comes to strategic mobility, one e eral U. S. solution to a “logistics gap” is to procure ^ capacity; but if the political context permits, preposj1 .j stocks may often be more cost-effective than addi bottoms. . jfl-
Even more important, horizontal escalation cou ^ elude attacks against ships at all geographic points 111 |y operational cycles. Mobility “sanctuaries” c6fl
Under the cover of a superpower conflict, some third nation that has acquired advanced offensive weapons—like the Libyan “Nanuchka”-class missile patrol boat—might pursue its own ambitions by taking some escalating action.
to deter the use of nuclear weapons. However, if deterrence fails, we are left with two tasks: appropriate retaliation and containment of damage.
Considering the asymmetries in the superpower positions, planning a nuclear riposte to a Soviet strike against U. S. shipping raises grim questions. The United States is very dependent on its sealift—unlike the Soviets. In fact, in many nuclear scenarios, sealift plays a much more important role in overall Western mobility. The reason is that prepositioned overseas materiel and the airfields used by large airlifters represent a limited number of very vulnerable targets, and also that resupply and replenishment needs could skyrocket and the Joint Chiefs of Staff would probably dedicate our aerial tanker force to Strategic Air Command, not Military Airlift Command. To respond “in kind” could require substantial attacks against a broad spectrum of high-value Soviet military targets, including targets in the Soviet homeland. This first round of nuclear use would lead to an extremely grave situation; so the best way to prevent the Soviets from concluding that gains could outweigh losses would be for the United States to issue a policy—now, in peacetime—that we refuse to confine a nuclear fight to any one narrow setting, naval or otherwise.
In an age of nuclear parity, however, we must not rely totally on automatic retaliatory strategies that might predetermine the rapid expansion of a limited nuclear confrontation. We must raise the Soviets’ costs of escalating to the nuclear level, but we would do well also to diminish the gains they would achieve from a small nuclear attack on our shipping. It is impossible to harden large port complexes; moreover, in most locations, it would be politically impossible to undertake many defensive preparations in peacetime. Therefore, we might look to a well-developed and redundant logistics-over-the-shore (LOTS) capability to enhance deterrence. (A comprehensive LOTS program would, of course, be extremely valuable in a number of conventional scenarios, since the logistic net in many theaters of interest is poor.5)
Similarly, as we design and acquire new mobility forces, we should recall that some ship types (roll-on/roll-offs, barge carriers, and lighter-aboard-ships) may be better suited for operations in times of grave nuclear threat than others. These might be used as hedges against nuclear attack on ports, as well as in Third-World conventional scenarios. By the same token, concentrated targets could be prevented by rapid ship turnarounds and quick movement of materiel into the intratheater logistic network. If the Soviet Union estimated that the United States would have some ad hoc sea points of debarkation open even should they take the ghastly step of escalating to the nuclear level, they might be dissuaded from going nuclear in the first place.
Ships in the SLOC pipeline can be somewhat protected against nuclear attack in both active and passive ways.
afar, and they also may not require convoying, [here ^ avoiding creation of high-value target concentration8 sea. By observing proper emission discipline, by c°° ^ nating a range of Navy, Air Force, and allied asset8’ by routing forces effectively, the United States would ther complicate Soviet efforts to target shipping w long-range nuclear forces. Conventional U. S. sUPPr„,s sion of suspected shorter-ranged, en route nuclear tnr would be a vital adjunct to these other measures. .fl We do have a few steps available to anticipate—arl .’ t so doing, help deter—Soviet nuclear escalation aSa^ 3 U. S. sealift. Yet, while our reliance on shipping can sound pivot of our deterrent strategy, nuclear threats still two-edged swords. Our ability to defend our shipP
limited "
matter how much we spend. Along with being expe**-'' f nuclear defense of shipping would reduce the efficienrfe. what will inevitably be an overburdened fleet. Thus, . vant procurement efforts should probably be driven V marily by other considerations, such as the need to prove cargo handling in areas when port faciliheS marginal. . ta|
Now let us turn to the more likely problem of horf escalation. This could involve potential or actual e*P ^ sion of the number of active theaters, perhaps cate U. S. shipping out of position. If multiple conflict • possible and if available shipping is insufficient, then P^ orities will have to be laid out. Just as in World War * > , might have to rely on the strategic defensive in some ^ ters. Temporary abandonment of some regions might be necessary. Wartime relations with friends and a would be crucial at this time. NATO’s defense planS P.<
________________________________ 7________ Third-
scenarios, or in situations in which our allies might un erally try to localize or retard a crisis, ships might n withheld; U. S. “flags of convenience” may even ^ available. But since this would reduce our ability to > spond to threats, the result is a vicious circle: the 3 ,
reluctance to get involved decreases our ability to de ^ which in turn further aggravates the anxieties of alheS
^ePlovm'S ijm ^*e outset °f fighting. In the usual Rapid iromedint611!! '°rCe scenar'0’ f°r instance, only ships in the jected to S CrS’an Gulf-Arabian Sea area might be sublets in attac^' so i°n8 as no air strikes against thermore / "'ov'et Union itself had been attempted. Fur- shippine th °Ur adversafy's iess formidable, the counter- Was in V' Feat ^e negligible in most places, as it Conceivab|etnam ^Ut a seri°us threat to shipping could large-seal ^ 6Xtend our sea points of embarkation; indeed, tendedtoC countersUipping campaigns have in the past ii°nal l° attac^ ships at all points in their opera- gets in the if Prohibitions on direct attacks against tar- force, ^ omelands of each superpower might remain in Problems ?llnin§ ancl sabotage could still pose serious | powerful foes. Moreover, transit distances can be so long, and port and intratheater logistic nets so deficient, that substantial lead-time problems would arise. Our enemies will have the advantage of the initiative in any decision to escalate and will presumably unleash a coordinated blow with a full array of capabilities. Soviet submarines and long-range aircraft will be able to attack targets far afield, and the forward deployment of Soviet ships and shorter- ranged aircraft along key SLOCs would compound the overall threat.7 Finally, the operational doctrine, not to mention force structures, of many potential adversaries calls for brief, intensive engagement. If tenuous SLOC sanctuaries seemed on the brink of disappearing, it might be in our best interest to preempt. Given the time-sensitive |
some ^aVC t0 conten^ with the longer reach of pay to err on the side of caution in heading off incipient
important P°wers (some of whom are located near escalatory threats—particularly a worldwide logistical
might dec'H Ut“S or whh opportunistic aggressors who a remntn * 6 t0 Pursue local ambitions under the cover of Thus itSaperP°wer conflict. w°rldwid IS Wordlwhile to refine readiness concepts for plans f0re scadane security and, if possible, to develop elect to e a^Propr'ate retaliation should various enemies first glanc^anC* *^e 8e°graphic scope of the fighting. At few outpo^’ ttlG *atter prospect ‘s daunting. Although a should proh ki t lC ^ov'et empire do rely on shipping, we attacks on th ^ concerned w'fh them only if retaliatory theaters of ' Cm C0Ldd improve our position in primary Uses for oulntereSt' besides, we can probably find better ar°und the r,P?Wer pr°jection assets than to scatter them SlTlaller n0 ^ °^c 'n an attempt to prevent harassment by fain types W(-ers' ^'nce we may suffer constraints on cer- f°cus 0Ur 'nt° some areas, we should probably | “Pearl Harbor.” But suppose that political factors foreclose such an option or that preemption fails to eliminate the full counter- SLOC threat. What then? Defense of ships in transit in this case, unlike during nuclear escalation, is possible anc must be a planning top priority. Peacetime planning ordinarily would concentrate on escort, barrier defenses, anc routing to ensure survivability. In conjunction with such traditional undertakings, eliminating enemy sensing anc targeting aids (including space-based ocean reconnaissance satellites) could be just as important as neutralizing countershipping platforms. In addition to the usual sea control measures, other specialized schemes might enhance shipping survivability. |
assUre nPn <?rts on winning a more traditional battle to Timing j?l Sea'lane security. escalati0n • ne most important factor in defeating enemy st°ckpiies a^ainst friendly shipping. In many regions, SUstained c'n «r near theater will be inadequate for hct’ °r even for short-term defense against | Of the many measures that can enhance shipping survivability, adding self-defense capabilities to ships is one that received much publicity as a result of the Falklands Conflict. Some British merchant ships—like the St. Edmund in the Falklands—had helicopter decks, additional communications gear, electronic warfare gear, and more added. ROYAL NAVY |
. diTv— | r -...7 t |
^"^Oings / Novem._________ ^ |
November 1983
Arrangements with local powers might be worked out in advance to allow emergency U. S. basing of attack, interceptor, and antisubmarine air units adjacent to key SLOCs; similarly, plans could be prepared for seizing or neutralizing key chokepoints in the early days of a conflict. Even if preemption is not allowed, an aggressive option might be to advertise plans to “bust bases” immediately that are used as staging points for Soviet forces. For deterrent purposes, the United States might, at the outbreak of war, announce quarantine zones and declare that any enemy forces arriving within these zones will be attacked. A general Caribbean quarantine zone would be particularly critical. Depending on logistic requirements, we might also withhold some transport ships from sailing, pending a reasonable degree of sea control in important zones. Of course, in some situations it would be impossible or undesirable to hold back or provide escorts, and barrier defenses might not be producing results fast enough. Thus, it might pay to explore measures for improving the stand-alone survivability of transport shipping. One way of doing this is to employ ships whose speed is sufficient to frustrate some enemy targeting solutions; planners reason that SL-7s en route to the Persian Gulf would not be escorted for exactly this reason.
However, speeds of more than 30 knots will not alone defeat an aircraft-launched or remotely targeted missile, and there are few cargo ships that fast in the U. S. fleet. For these reasons, we might consider adding certain selfdefense features to selected ships. As the British demonstrated in the recent conflict in the Falkland Islands, preparing in advance for emergency “bolt-on” capabilities can pay high dividends. It might, therefore, be advantageous to start up discontinued subsidy programs for civilian ships that incorporate national defense features, and also to develop a family of modular bolt-on defense systems, including chaff and flare dispensers, austere acoustic decoys, and perhaps even close-in gun and missile defense systems such as Phalanx, Goalkeeper, or the Rolling Airframe Missile now in development.
Programs should also be developed that would render the loss of individual ships less catastrophic. Although certain inefficiencies would result, systematic spread loading of cargoes is essential. To ease management problems, the full range of U. S. war materiel, including ammunition, should be made compatible with both civilian and military container systems. For that matter, centralized computer management can coordinate and streamline the movement of stores worldwide, and field commanders could quite easily be plugged into such an automated control network.
It is not hard to imagine scenarios in which it pays to make new logistic capability widely available, even if the solution is less cost-effective than buying a few very productive specialized systems. By judicious deployment planning, moreover, such proliferation would reduce response times in crises and might, therefore, enhance deterrence. So, rather than build a few high-value assets like crane ships, we might think about distributing lesser cargo-handling capability among many ships. And when it comes to such equipment as DeLong piers and modular
causeway systems, redundancy and interoperability $ vital both for multi-conflict response and to compen for attrition.
Mining port areas and chokepoints can be consioew integral part of the horizontal escalation. An oceang0 - minesweeping capability is needed to clear vital str rather than diverting mine countermeasure ships to co ■ support, some modest variant of the Arapaho progran^nt
approach to add an air defense capability to
ships quickly and cheaply) could allow clusters — port ships to carry along a helicopter and minesweep
sled. Coastal and shallow water mine countermeasures^ necessary too, particularly in the Indian Ocean regi011’^ in forward theaters, it is essential that we be able to mines under fire. In addition to the usual mine cou measures programs, we could also preplan special cou ^ routes which can be quickly checked for the present^, foreign objects in an emergency. Finally, to prevent s tage and intelligence reporting on shipping movefl1 and defenses, we should institute programs to enhance military mobilization potential of the Coast Guard an
maintain tight port area security.
In sum, U. S. sealift capabilities are now in a a- } dangerous disrepair; transport fleet modernization ^ must. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that our strategic ity policy, especially concerning sealift, will rn°vea pe- far beyond its current state, which anticipates either4*^ riod of industrial mobilization for a long war or a ^ emergency measures on the Falklands model. N°n slls less, it may yet be possible to gamer a political cons f
for efforts to modernize and expand this unglamorous’ ^
absolutely vital, component of our defense PostUIjj W
improving our general sealift capabilities, it w0lJ, eI)-
"10 .
worthwhile to spend more for attributes that wou
hance the survivability of our bottoms against
bound to be an increasingly severe conventional tin® ^ other words, the threat of geographic escalation one determinant of our current and future sealift m° zation plans.
'Kevin N. Lewis, “Sustaining Sealift in Extended Conventional War*. jflj Stage,” Proceedings 1982 Mobilization Conference (Fort McNair. a D.C.: Industrial College of the Armed Forces, November 1982). ?RCr
2Alain Enthoven and K. Wayne Smith, How Much is Enough: Shaping1H Program 1961-69 (New York: Harper and Row, 1972), pp. 234-242" 3William W. Kaufmann, Planning Conventional Forces, 1950-1980 (
D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1982). . of1\
4Kevin N. Lewis, Mark Lorell, and Robert Perry, Second-Area MijdQ' tions: A Defense Strategy Option (Santa Monica, CA: The Rand C°,jpefelL 5See Dan Beakey, Logistics Over the Shore: Do We Need It? Nation3 University Monograph Series, no. 82-6 (Washington, D.C.: NDU Press* ^ a discussion of the U. S. LOTS capability. nfjfl0
6For an illustration of this phenomenon in World War II, see T. J. Bel Drums,” Proceedings, April 1983, pp. 58-64.
7For a discussion of SLOCs to the Indian Ocean, see Robert J. ^an^Srof fo^ Route: Imperilled Western Lifeline (Cambridge, Mass.: An Institute Policy Analysis Special Report, February 1981).
Dr. Lewis is a member of the Washington Research
Staff of
• He gf:“ ,
Corporation specializing in defense planning and budgeting- n in ated from Yale University and received an SM and PhD frot’’ -^ce)1 Defense Planning and Arms Control (Department of Political Dr. Lewis has written a number of Rand papers, primarily o ^ force structure and employment planning, and has, among ottie published in Scientific American, Survival, and Orbis.