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Edited by Captain Daniel M. Karcher, U. S. Navy
By Captain D. V. M. Macleod, D.S.C., Royal Navy
143 SACLANT ASW Research Center By Dr. Rudolf Schrader 147 Ocean Current Riding
By Lieutenant
Truxtun Umsted, U. S. Navy
150 Notebook
136 The E-8/E-9 Selection Process
By Lieutenant Commander Edmund C. Hughes,
CEC, U. S. Navy
139 Exercise Match Maker
Iike many officers attached to the various J bureaus and offices in Washington, I was recently detailed to the Bureau of Naval Personnel for temporary additional duty on a selection board. In my case, it was the E-8/ E-9 selection board which convenes annually in September as soon as results from the August examinations are available. My observations over the years had resulted in the opinion that as a rule the senior and master chief petty officers in the Navy are of extremely high quality, but until my assignment I had actually given little thought to how these men were selected.
The selection board was concerned with regular Navy personnel and reservists on active duty as well as the inactive reserve and EAR candidates. The selection process for each of these categories is generally the same.
There are explicit rules on who is eligible to be considered for promotion to E-8 or E-9. To be eligible for E-8 a man must have a minimum of 11 years of active duty, a permanent appointment to E-7, and have been an E-7 for four years as of the projected effective date of the promotion. To be eligible for E-9 the man must have 13 years active duty and have served as an E-8 for two years as of the projected effective date of the promotion.
If a man meets these qualifications and is recommended by his commanding officer, he may take the examination given in August of each year. This examination has six sections relating to technical proficiency, military knowledge, supervisory ability, mechanical aptitude, verbal aptitude, and arithmetical aptitude. The Naval Examining Center, in conjunction with the Bureau of Naval Personnel, establishes a passing score, and the names of those who pass are forwarded for consideration by the selection board.
In discussing the methods used by the board I sat on, it must be pointed out that each board is free to proceed in any manner it chooses. It is doubtful, however, that the Procedures change appreciably from board to board. My board consisted of a president and 25 members, assisted by the recorder and assistant recorders. The members included one captain, seven commanders, 13 lieutenant commanders, and four lieutenants, who were divided into 12 panels. The board represented a broad base of experience with designators I'eflecting virtually all specialties. The personnel folders of the candidates in various ratings were assigned on an equal work-load basis to those panels which contained officers whose background and designators matched as closely as possible the ratings assigned. The Wave member served as a “floating panel,” consulting with the various panels whenever a Wave appeared in a group being considered. Additionally, for the first time, an E-9 representative was added to the board as assistant recorder. This is now a permanent feature.
In 1964 there were 7,602 candidates including regular Navy, active and inactive reservists, and TARs. As I was to learn, if each 'Uan is to receive a thorough evaluation of his record it is necessary to divide the work load, and it is not possible to have each candidate considered by every member of the board. With only a two-member panel evaluating each record, it required five to six weeks for each panel to complete the task. However, s>nce quotas are assigned to each rating and pay grade, all candidates competing for a vacancy are judged against all other candidates for that opening by the same panel members.
These quotas are established by BuPers, and the board is informed of the number of °Penings available by pay grade and rat- lng- These quotas are based on Department °f Defense petty officer quotas and by vacancies during the year projected by BuPers. As an example of the keen competition, the total Cffiota for all E-9s (active duty) was 301, with 2,070 eligible candidates presented to the K,ard. The E-8 picture was somewhat better w,th a quota of 1,515 to be selected from 4,896 candidates.
The panel members were provided a listing with each candidate’s test scores, standard (over-all) and raw score for each section, and a performance factor which is the performance evaluation grade average for the past four or two years, respectively for E-8 and E-9 candidates.
The panel then evaluated the service record of each man, gleaning all available information concerning the candidate’s past performance, formal education, naval training, types of duties performed, character, and basic intelligence. This evaluation leads to a numerical grade which then is combined with the test grade and performance factor to establish a relative standing for all the candidates in that particular rate. From this standing, selectees and alternates were designated by the panel members.
Each panel was free to select a-nyone who had passed the examination. A high test score did not automatically guarantee selection. At times performance evaluations, experience, and the other factors indicated that a superior man was eminently qualified even though he made a relatively low score on the test, and he was selected. However, due to the low number of quotas for most rates compared with the number of candidates, the man with the substantially higher test score who compared equally or even slightly lower in performance evaluations and amount of experience with the lower scoring candidates was
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Of all the material available to the board members, the test scores and performance evaluations provided the most complete picture of the candidate, and contained the most significant factual information upon which to judge the candidates. As a rule, most of the additional information showed only minor differences, since by the time they are eligible for consideration the candidates had almost all had generally the same wide experience, responsible assignments, training, and conduct records.
It was apparent that the enlisted performance evaluation form compares in importance to the officer’s fitness report. While the quality of the evaluations reviewed by the board ranged from satisfactory to outstanding, there were too many which were extremely poor in that they did not provide helpful information or were so vague as to be confusing to the reviewers.
Too large a number of the evaluations reflected lack of concern and inadequate attention on the part of the reporting seniors.
In many cases it is probable that a junior officer completed the report without understanding the system or devoting sufficient time and effort to the evaluation.
In addition to the many evaluations received containing mechanical errors, such as not filling in the period covered by the report, giving only the FPO number of the activity without any other identification, and numerous typographical errors, the poor evaluations could be faulted for one or more of several reasons:
1. Insufficient or poorly thought out writeups under “Description of Assigned Tasks” and “Evaluation of Performance.” In a few cases nothing was written in these spaces.
2. The written statements conflicted with or did not support the numerical grades.
3. The written evaluation contained conflicting statements.
4. Drastic differences in marks from one period to the other while at the same command, and frequently under the same reporting senior, were not explained.
5. The evaluations and marks did not reflect violations of the UCMJ or civilian laws or letters of indebtedness that were found in the service record. (In one extreme example, a man had been awarded two captain’s masts in 18 months and yet had received no mark in military behavior below 3.6.)
In the Report of Enlisted Performance Evaluation (NAVPERS 792) missing dates and the use of the FPO number in lieu of the ship or station slow the evaluation process. Usually, by thorough study of the service record, the reviewer can determine the proper dates and the name of the activity; however, it does reflect careless work and review. Unfortunately, the Bureau of Naval Personnel does not have the people available to review the evaluations before their submission to the board. Incorrect and poorly completed evaluations find their way into the service record as rapidly as good evaluations.
The use of project numbers and code names, and statements such as “he was project chief on Project 16.1” in the block “Description of Assigned Tasks” may have had meaning to the person who wrote or signed the report, but to a selection board reviewer it tells very little about the type and amount of professional knowledge and supervisory ability re-
quired to perform the assigned tasks. The Write-up should tell anyone reviewing the evaluation at any later date exactly the nature of the duties performed. It is from this Written material that the reviewer obtains the information which tells the most about the Inan being considered for promotion.
The most common failing in the completion of “Evaluation of Performance” sections is that the comments entered used the exact Words or paraphrases of the words over the marking blocks in the five trait categories. If the comments match the words given in the form they are of little use to the board members. In many cases, however, the words used Were from marking blocks other than the trait categories concerned. The evaluations contained generalizations and conflicting statements. Too many enlisted evaluations bad reflected this careless and thoughtless Preparation.
The examples below demonstrate extreme variations in grade and conflicting grades and statements. They all describe the same man over five consecutive reporting periods at the same activity. The mark in professional performance follows the write-up.
Chief--------- was assigned to the position
of Zone Chief because of demonstrated abil- tty. Considered to be one of our finest recruiters. 4.0
Outstanding recruiter and public relations man. Known throughout the District for interesting and informative presentations. 3.8
Chief---------- is an excellent recruiter. En
thusiastic, well informed. Especially effective m Public Relations and devotes many off- hours to making friends for the Navy. Production has dropped. 3.2
Conscientious recruiter capable of carrying out all phases of recruiting. Does work will- mgly and without supervision. 3.6
Does his job in such a way that superiors and subordinates are confident in him and enthusiastic about him. Willing to do that little extra to help attain his goal. Accepts assignments without argument. 3.0
Such examples may be considered humorous until one considers the importance that nese performance evaluations and grades
Professional Notes 139
hold for the man and the Navy. Admittedly, the written portions of the evaluations are somewhat difficult in that the words over the marking blocks describe in a few words a fairly complete picture of the man. It is particularly difficult to write anything original and different to justify marks in military appearance and military behavior. Consequently, it is the responsibility of the evaluator to devote time, thought, and imagination to the writing of a meaningful evaluation.
The spaces for “Evaluation of Performance” and justification of the very high and very low trait ratings (e.g., professional performance, leadership and supervisory ability) are the heart of the report.
When an officer fills out or signs an evaluation for a CPO, he should keep in mind one question: “Is the accuracy and completeness of this evaluation equivalent to what I expect in the preparation of my own fitness report?” If every reporting senior can answer in the affirmative, the selection process will be made as fair and accurate as possible.
By Captain D. V. M. Macleod,
D.S.C., Royal Navy,
Commander, Match Maker Squadron
Since the formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in 1949, ships of member nations have only operated together for up to three weeks during planned exercise periods. In November 1963, the Commander- in-Chief Eastern Atlantic proposed an extended exercise for a small NATO task group. The Standing Group approved this exercise on 5 March 1964, and planning went ahead during the summer of 1964. Four destroyer- type ships were organized into this so-called MATCH MAKER Squadron: HMS Leander, HMCS Columbia, HNMS Overijssel, and the USS Hammerberg (DE-1015).
The mission of the four ships was to gain experience in the problems, especially those
of logistics and maintenance, arising from the operation of ships of several NATO nations for an extended period during peacetime.
In order to fulfill this mission the ships were to operate together for five months, take part in selected NATO exercises that were scheduled for that period, carry out a training program comparable to that which the ships would have while under national control, and visit ports of NA TO countries in order to make use of the differing maintenance and logistic facilities.
The program was virtually cut and dried before the squadron formed, and it was designed to include the maximum number of scheduled NATO exercises and four periods of base maintenance—one each in the United Kingdom, France, Canada, and the United States. Generous allowance was made for weapons training and ASW practice outside of the scheduled NATO exercises. Emphasis was placed, naturally, on use of NATO publications and procedures, and if there was a conflict between NATO and national procedures, the NATO procedure was to be used. The four ships were organized as a task group, and the task group commander (Commander, MATCH MAKER Squadron) was free to ride in any of the ships in the exercise.
Detailed orders for administration were produced by the squadron commander immediately prior to the formation of the squadron. These orders were kept brief and were based on the concept of each ship operating, as much as possible, in accordance with her own national customs. The orders covered the normal points of ship safety and gave guidance on ASW tactical doctrine, communications, logistics, etc. No attempt was made to achieve standardization of dress or appearance of the ships; the squadron commander’s policy was to achieve enough common practice between the ships to demonstrate squadron solidarity.
Bearing in mind that MATCH MAKER was primarily a logistic exercise, a squadron logistic policy was established. This laid down the following supply methods:
• Primary method: cross-servicing within the squadron.
• Secondary method: dockyard assistance in NATO ports of call.
• Tertiary method: use of national logistic agencies.
The documentation of the primary and secondary methods involved the use of the
All photos courtesy Royal Navy
standard demand formats. Resort was made to the tertiary method only when the other two had failed; in this last case normal national accounting procedures were used.
This system worked well for readily identifiable stores such as cordage, paint, and cleaning materials, but some difficulty was experienced in identifying more complex electronic and mechanical items. There is no common NATO stores catalogue, and not all ships carry the U. S. Federal Stock Book of Stores or national catalogues other than their own. There is also a completely inadequate system of cross-references in the national stores catalogues. While it is appreciated that its preparation would be a monumental task, there is no doubt that there is an urgent requirement for a NATO stores catalogue or stock book. The provision of this book would achieve great savings in time and transport costs and would allow full use to be made of the provisions of STANAG 1062 (Standard Procedures for Services Rendered and Supply Transfer Between NATO Navies).
Apart from the difficulties experienced in identifying specialized stores, the greatest Problem encountered by the squadron was that of ammunition supply. Little progress seems to have been made beyond national supply arrangements and recommendations have been made to attempt to improve this situation.
The ships of the squadron were experienced in underway replenishment and use was made of tankers and store ships of all the participating navies. No insuperable incompatibilities of rig were encountered, but the little differences of practice and gear that were experienced called for considerable ingenuity, first-class seamanship, and a lot of hard work. Most of this could have been avoided if navies would ensure that ATP 16- replenishment at sea—is kept amended and up to date as new techniques are developed and incorporated in the equipment of allied tankers. Apart from the almost universal incidence of minor modifications to standard gear, the biggest snag encountered was the failure of oilers in the Eastern Atlantic area (EASTLANT) to provide an easily used adaptor for use with the open-trunk system. The Canadian replenishment ship Provider was greatly admired, and her self-tensioning winches put her in a class of her own. The development of the probe system of fueling should be a great advance over current
practice. The only other significant difference in this field between the two sides of the Atlantic was the apparent reluctance of Western Atlantic area (WESTLANT) replenishment ships to alter course during replenishment.
On 18 February 1965, the four MATCH MAKER ships met in Rosyth on the east coast of Scotland. The formation of the squadron coincided with the start of NATO Exercise PILOT LIGHT, so there was no time to worry about minor difficulties. Fortunately, very few problems arose: some crossservicing was necessary to ensure that every ship had the right crystals to meet the EASTLANT communications plan and when one or two defects had been rectified by Rosyth Dockyard the squadron was ready.
The initial phase of PILOT LIGHT was an intensive weapons training period which allowed the MATCH MAKER ships to practice the ASW tactical doctrine laid down in the squadron orders. By the end of PILOT LIGHT, the four ships formed a unit which was a squadron in spirit as well as in name.
All ships had an enormous enthusiasm for the project. This established a capital of goodwill which paid a continuous dividend of cheerful pride in the squadron throughout its corporate existence. A new concept is bound to be more exciting than the humdrum normal, and this, coupled with a proper professional pride, ensured a 100 per cent output from each ship. In a very short space of time friendly rivalry was balanced by real respect for colleagues in other ships in the squadron. It was fairly early in the operation that an enlisted man from the Hammerberg overheard a British rating, who was not in the squadron, criticize a Leander rating; the U. S. sailor’s immediate reaction was to defend the reputation of his British colleague in the most forceful way he knew.
In order to get the maximum benefit from the different customs and equipment in each ship, every officer, chief petty officer, and petty officer was made an honorary member of the mess of his opposite number in each ship of the squadron. This encouraged intership visiting in harbor and promoted a lively exchange of views and operating experiences which broadened the horizons of everyone concerned. It also sowed the seeds of friendships which show every sign of lasting even
now that the squadron has been disbanded.
The anticipated language barrier never materialized. The Royal Netherlands Navy practices English on its own voice circuits and, apart from the tendency of the English (or more normally the Irish, Welsh, and Scot) communicators to talk too fast on voice circuits, no real difficulties were encountered. The worst offender was probably the squadron commander whose idiomatic signals were sadly misinterpreted on one or two occasions, and not by the Dutch ship at that.
After PILOT LIGHT, the MATCH MAKER Squadron underwent a three-week course at the Joint Antisubmarine School at Londonderry, Northern Ireland. This intense period of ASW training consolidated the techniques that had been developed to gain maximum advantage of the fine variety of sonar equipment in the four ships. A weakness was revealed in electronic warfare, and to improve this the Royal Netherlands Navy provided an enlisted specialist whose skill in this art did much to improve the standard of all four ships. A further period of training with the British nuclear-powered submarine Dreadnought and two fast conventional submarines at the end of April rounded off a fine initial training phase.
The arrangements for base maintenance in Portsmouth, Brest, Halifax, and Norfolk worked well. Four separate periods were really too many in five months, but the program was justified by the experience gained in the different ports. Particularly well commented on were the high standards of work carried out in Brest by the French Navy.
The month of May was devoted to visiting Copenhagen, Rotterdam, Brest, and Lisbon. Great interest was displayed in the MATCH MAKER Squadron, both by the navies and by the general public. A heavy program of exercises was carried out on passage between these ports, and British and French facilities were used for further weapons training.
The passage across the Atlantic, which included a fueling stop in the Azores, was used to exercise WESTLANT ASW techniques and the WESTLANT communications plan. Contact was made in dense fog with the U. S. and Canadian ships taking part in NATO Exercise POLE STAR. This was a convoy exercise where, for the first time, the MATCH MAKER
Squadron was split up among the other screening forces and temporarily lost its squadron identity. This was unavoidable, and involved the sacrifice of one of the great assets of a worked-up ASW squadron—the intimate knowledge of the likely intentions and the capabilities of the other ships of the unit.
In Halifax, the MATCH MAKER ships received a warm welcome and willing, skilled assistance with maintenance problems. Both the Columbia and Hammerberg found their national squadrons in company—in fact the gentlest of hints had to be dropped to both squadrons that these two ships were now NATO and not national and so were not available for national domestic chores.
After passage of the Cape Cod Canal in Perfect weather, the four ships enjoyed the hospitality of New York City for four days. The squadron was honored by a visit by the Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic, and close contact was made with Commander Carrier Division 18 and his ships with whom the squadron was to exercise for the next eight days.
This period of hunter-killer operations was an interesting finish to Exercise MATCH NtAKER and, after a brief visit to Norfolk, the ^ATCH MAKER ships reverted to national control on 19 July 1965.
The exercise provided a fascinating five Months for every officer and enlisted man who look part in it. Much was learned from the logistic problems that arose under these circumstances. Five months of continuous operations with excellent training facilities allowed an unusually high standard of ASW Proficiency to be achieved. The combination °f four widely differing sets of equipment gave Ihe squadron a unique tactical flexibility. Tach ship started the exercise with the conviction that her own methods of operation Vvere the best; each ship finished the exercise With a new respect for her colleagues and with a very much broader approach to common naval problems.
Most important of all, the exercise has ■nade NATO live for 1,000 officers and enlisted men. Allies who previously were just names are now friends who will be remembered with real affection and respect for years to come. There should be annual opportunities for other NATO units to do the same.
By Dr. Rudolf Schrader,
Former Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Scientific Affairs,
In May 1958, the Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic (SACEANT) proposed that the NATO nations should pool their efforts in antisubmarine warfare research by bringing together scientists from the various countries into one laboratory.
There was unanimous agreement in the NATO Science Committee that the ASW problem was of vital importance to the Atlantic Alliance from both the organizational and the technical point of view. Although the scientific aspects of the problem were considered exceedingly difficult, the Science Committee welcomed the proposal to create an ASW research center at La Spezia and expressed its hope that the center would offer new avenues of scientific approach to the problem by drawing on more fresh talents.
The formulation of plans for joint action by NATO in ASW research began in February 1958. It is recalled that the NATO Council, at a meeting at heads of government level in December 1957, recognized the importance of science and technology to the political and military strength of the Atlantic Alliance, and consequently established the Science Committee. In addition, a scientist of outstanding qualification was appointed Science Adviser to the Secretary General of NATO and Chairman of the Committee.
Also in May 1958, a Sub-Committee of the Naval Research Advisory Committee, chaired by Captain Kenneth M. Gentry, U. S. Navy, visited seven NATO countries—Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, and the United Kingdom—and talked with top naval officers and scientific leaders in these countries on the desirability to pool technical data and scientific personnel in
* Dr. Schrader is a commander, German Navy (Retired).
a co-operative effort to solve some of the most urgent ASW research problems that none of these countries had been able to solve independently. Lengthy discussions were also held in Paris with NATO’s first Science Adviser, Professor N. F. Ramsey, and Lieutenant General T. B. Larkin, U. S. Army, then Head of the Mutual Weapons Development Team.
An Italian proposal that the joint research center be set up at La Spezia received particular attention and favorable response. It was furthermore suggested that the seven European countries visited by the Sub-Committee, plus the United States and Canada, become the nine NATO countries participating in the center’s activity. These recommendations and the financing of the center within the framework of the Mutual Weap- pons Development Program were approved later in the year. Italy agreed to make available to the center without cost the land, buildings, dock space, utility connections, and so forth.
The proposals were approved by the United States in August 1958, and the SACLANT Antisubmarine Warfare Research Center was officially commissioned in La Spezia, Italy, on 2 May 1959, initially as a U. S.- Italian operation. Today, the center assists the NATO nations to make better use of their available resources of funds and scientific manpower, and provides a natural link between these nations in a scientific field of greatest importance to the defense of the Atlantic Alliance.
The center is located within a compound of the Italian Navy’s shipyard in La Spezia and is housed in a long, two-story building, the upper floor being used for offices, conference room, and library; the lower floor for laboratories, shops, and computer room. The location of the research center offers easy access to ocean experiments in both the deep sea and shallow water.
In creating the center, heavy emphasis was placed on the requirements of the NATO navies for a reliable means of communication for submerged submarines, long-range underwater detection equipment with optimum target classification capability, and a suitable method of identification. Any improvement in these important areas would immensely assist the NATO navies in the discharge of their broad mission to ensure security of the vital supply lines between Western Europe and North America in case of war and, in particular, to cope with the increasing threat of the Soviet submarine fleet.
The mission of the center, as laid out in the memorandum of understanding, is to provide scientific advice and assistance in the field of ASW to SACLANT, other NATO commands, and the participating NATO countries, and to be responsive to the NATO navies. To this end, the center performs research, operational research and analysis, and, at special request, consultant work.
Dr. Eugene T. Booth of the United States was the center’s first director until May 1961, and undertook the very important work of its initial organization. He was succeeded by Dr. John M. Ide, also from the United States, who served the center until February 1964, and had the difficult task of the transition period during which the center became a NATO operation. Dr. Ide, in turn, was relieved by Dr. Henrik N^dtvedt of Norway, who had been the Norwegian Representative on the Scientific Advisory Council from the beginning and its second chairman. The major duties of the director are concerned with the selection of scientific personnel and the formulation and administration of the center’s research program.
The Scientific Advisory Council was set up in April 1958, to advise SACLANT and to make recommendations concerning the scientific program of the center, to report on progress, and to assist in the co-ordination of national research programs in ASW. Furthermore, the Advisory Council consists of scientists appointed by the ministries of defense of the nations participating in the center’s activities and, as an ex-officio member, includes the director of the center and the Science Adviser to NATO. Thus, the Advisory Council represents a body of scientists who are actively engaged in their country’s ASW research and are highly qualified to tender scientific advice to the NATO naval authorities and to the center. These men also maintain closest links between the center’s work and the work done in national laboratories and assist the center in recruiting scientific personnel.
Early in 1960, the center chartered the
Aragonese, a 3,000-ton Italian merchant ship. After she had been modified and equipped with scientific instrumentation, she served the center as a floating laboratory for two years. She provided accommodations for ten scientists and was primarily used for underwater acoustic experiments and oceanographic studies. Although she possessed a considerable number of features which substantially limited her usefulness in research, she rendered valuable service. However, by late 1961 the Scientific Advisory Council, when discussing the long-term program of the center, suggested that adequate consideration be given to procuring a new research vessel. This matter was further explored in 1962, and the studies conducted during the summer of this year clearly indicated the need for a new ship. At the beginning of 1964 the Maria Paolina was chartered and is now serving the center as an oceanographic research vessel. The Maria Paolina, formerly an Italian merchantman, is 257 feet long and displaces 1,914 tons.
A second-hand digital computer was made available to the center by the U. S. Department of Defense and placed in operation in June 1960. The computer has been put to Work on a great many problems, primarily in the fields of acoustic propagation, submarine geophysics, and operational research. At the end of 1961, the Scientific Advisory Council suggested that the computer be replaced by a modern, medium-scale computer better suited to meet the needs of the center, and a new computer has now been installed.
The center was unilaterally funded by the United States from May 1959 until early 1963. This arrangement made it possible to establish the center without delay and to start its activities as a matter of greatest importance to NATO. As of February 1963, the center has become a NATO organization and today receives funds from all 15 countries. This change to multilateral financing has come about as a result of the NATO Council recognizing and endorsing the importance of the work which has been done by the center in the past and Us usefulness for NATO in the future. Under the new arrangement, the mission of the center has not changed, but continues to pro- Vlde scientific advice and assistance to sACLANT and other NATO commands in the field of ASW research. However, in accordance with the terms of the new charter, the former Scientific Advisory Council has been renamed the Scientific Committee of National Representatives and is now composed of scientists of each of the NATO nations that wishes to be represented.
Typical of the center’s work has been investigation of the conditions in many parts of the North Atlantic, and at most times of the year, where a great amount of the acoustic energy that travels long distances propagates by bottom-surface-reflection. In fact, acoustic paths bounced at the bottom and the surface of the ocean are, because of their relatively large angles with the horizontal, less affected by the thermal structure of the sea water than the direct paths. As a result, sound propagation by bottom-surface reflection has opened a very promising field of scientific research and offers one avenue toward achieving reliable sonar ranges in excess of those available with present technology.
To use this form of propagation for submarine detection it is very important to understand better the three broad areas which are generally referred to as energy transmission, signal coherence, and reverberation. As a first step, the center concentrated its research effort on energy transmission and carried out field investigations in selected areas of the Mediterranean Sea with an explosive sound source. While it was possible to learn from these studies more about the general characteristics of energy loss at the ocean bottom, it has been only recently that attention has been given to the very complex and difficult problem of the physical nature of different bottom types and its relation to acoustic reflection.
More recently, studies of sound channel and convergence zone propagation, and the influence of inhomogenities on acoustic paths have been added to the program. These studies were recommended by the Scientific Advisory Council, and considerable progress in these fields has been made to date at both the experimental and theoretical levels.
The enormous costs of modern weapons make wasted shots less and less acceptable. Any improvement in target classification is, therefore, an important goal. Unfortunately, the classification of submarines by means of
sonar detection techniques is a problem which is still not adequately solved. Electromagnetic waves in the low frequency range can travel in sea water for appreciable distances, and there have always been some hopes that one day these waves could be applied in one way or another for submarine detection. Research into this field has been carried out over the last 20 years, but with very little success. However, there have recently been considerable advances in signal processing techniques which now make the prospects of using electromagnetic waves for underwater detection a little bit brighter than in the past.
There are two distinct methods for such detection. The active method observes the disturbances produced by a submarine in an electromagnetic field which is set up by an appropriate transmitter, while the passive method detects electromagnetic signals generated by the submarine itself. Experimental and theoretical studies have been carried out in the center, and a conference devoted to electromagnetic phenomena in the extremely low frequency range and their possible application to antisubmarine warfare was held, under the sponsorship of the center, at NATO Headquarters in Paris in September 1962. The conference was attended by experts from various NATO countries and provided a valuable tool in this very difficult field of scientific research.
The center’s Scientific Advisory Council, at its first meeting, proposed the establishment of a strong program in oceanography.
The center’s basic research effort in oceanography was set up essentially along two lines: physical oceanography and submarine geophysics. Physical oceanography was selected because the Mediterranean Sea is inadequately known in this respect. Of particular interest are studies concerning modifications to the inflowing water as a result of energy exchanges with the atmosphere. To learn more about these processes, the research ship Aragonese took part in a co-operative investigation in the Gibraltar Straits with five other research vessels in the summer of 1961. This project was initiated and organized by Professor Henri Lacombe, the French member of NATO’s Sub-Committee on Oceanographic Research, and was financed by the Science Committee as a part of its continuing program in oceanography.
Submarine geophysics has been included in the center’s program since this is rapidly becoming one of the most important branches of the sciences of the ocean. Moreover, it has allowed for the establishment of close cooperation with other laboratories. The most important areas for submarine geophysics are the Mediterranean and the Red Sea and, during a period of about two years, altogether seven cruises were made by the Aragonese to various parts of the Mediterranean and the Red Sea, representing a total period of about seven months at sea, during which measurements were taken along 40,000 miles of tracks. Initially, effort was directed largely to magnetic and gravity surveys; however, more recently studies of the heat flow through the ocean bed have been added. Specialized and expensive equipment was needed for these measurements, and considerable work has gone into the analysis and presentation of the data obtained from these investigations.
The detection of a submerged submarine by acoustic wave techniques depends on the climatic conditions within the sea water. It is well known that the vertical temperature distribution affects the range of sonar equipment which is at present in use by the navies. But it is not so well known how the variable oceanographic factors influence quantitatively sound propagation in the sea. The establishment and maintenance of the closest relationship between oceanography on the one hand and its application to antisubmarine warfare practices on the other is generally referred to as military oceanography.
Since the creation of the center, great effort has been devoted to military oceanography. The activities in this field consisted primarily of fact-finding visits, experimental work, extended surveys and theoretical studies. More recently, a special requirement by SACLANT has clearly revealed the necessity for more information on the co-ordination between oceanographic parameters and sonar performances and has given highest priority to this work within the center’s oceanographic program.
Most problems studied by the operational research group to date have been generated within the center. A first study undertaken by the group concerned an investigation of false sonar contacts. Over a long period of time, data were collected from NATO ships operatIng their sonar equipment while sailing in a Prescribed ocean area. The object of this study was to increase knowledge of target classification in normal sonar operation. As a result of the co-operation of many of the NATO navies ‘n collecting data, a significant addition to the limited knowledge in this important field has been made possible.
A second study of the operational research group dealt with the problem of multiple salvo techniques. Underlying this study was the traditional knowledge that the problem of hitting and destroying a target increases with the number of shots fired. The study proved a Very useful exercise in collecting realistic Weapon data, and in programming the computer to take into account a wide variety of Parameter variations.
A conference devoted to the application of operational research to the search and detection of submarines was held at the center in June 1963. This conference was sponsored by the Advisory Panel on Operational Research, Which was created by the Science Committee ln 1959, and was attended by many experts engaged in antisubmarine work. It turned out to be very useful for the center and many national laboratories dealing in these problems.
Finally, still another major area assigned to the operational research group concerns the analysis of naval exercises and the tactical Plans underlying them. For this purpose, sea ■naneuvers are examined by the group, and the results of these investigations are used to arrive at better tactics.
\/| ani in his never ending search for new A ways of doing things, has recently pro- U(ce<l a significant innovation in surface and SU 'Surface ship navigation. The Braincon
Corporation of Marion, Massachusetts, in conjunction with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOl), has developed a method of ocean current navigation known commercially as the Navi-Therm System.
The basic idea of the Navi-Therm System is to find the area of swiftest current in a given ocean current, define its width, and then stay in it.
The system is basically a research and commercial navigation aid which uses a method of continuously tracking the temperature of specific ocean currents at established predetermined depths. It is reported to be one of the first tested and proved products of unrestricted oceanographic research translated without military impetus into practical form for the direct benefit, both economical and operational, of commercial shipping. The performance tests to date have been restricted primarily to the location and continuous tracking of the eight-to-ten-mile-wide ribbon of sea which produces the four-to-five-knot Gulf Stream Current.
Extensive testing already has proved a ship’s over-all speed can be continuously sustained up to 4.j knots over her indicated speed through the water. This means, in effect, a 45- knot speed increase without the attendant fuel costs, without serious thought to sea conditions, and without having to stretch an already stretched engineroom watch bill. The present, and major, limitation to the system is that insufficient information exists on the thermal structure of other ocean currents of the world, and therefore the system can only be effectively used in a northward passage in the Gulf Stream.
One main problem that has heretofore precluded the use of “current riding” more effectively has been the fact that the Gulf Stream wanders or meanders up to 11 miles a day.
Thus a vessel navigating on information supplied by ocean area charts could easily be in the indicated position of the Gulf Stream axis and yet be several miles away from the narrow ribbon of maximum current.
Investigation has revealed that the structure of the Gulf Stream consists of a series of water levels of constant temperature, called isotherms, which drop off into deep water at the east or seaward edge of the stream, and that these isotherms in general follow the con-
The heart of the Navi-Therm System for tracking ocean currents is an instrument vehicle known as the V-fin, shown here on the stern of the SS Cities Service Baltimore. The device is towed at a depth of 200 feet at speeds up to 20 knots with a "haired fairing” cable, right, which eliminates 50 per cent of the normal cable drag as well as the vibrations which cause cable fatigue.
tour of the continental shelf. Woods Hole scientists made the discovery, based on the analysis of many prepared Gulf Stream isotherm profile charts (vertical plans, normal to axis) that the 15° Centigrade isotherm plotted at a depth of 659 feet was coincidentally the temperature/depth level over which ran the maximum surface current velocity. From this information and further profile analysis it was determined that: The maximum velocity of the Gulf Stream was located at that precise point where the temperature gradient was at its steepest inclination, and where the 15° C. isotherm lay at the 659-foot depth.
The idea of continuously tracking this isotherm at 659 feet was not considered feasible. The cost of quantity production of tracking equipment that could withstand the tremendous stresses, weight and drag forces that would be encountered would be prohibitive. Woods Hole scientists continued to gather data on the thermal and current structure of the Gulf Stream and in 1956 put out a memo to ship captains which included specific directions on the technique of current riding: “It consists principally in keeping the 60° Fahrenheit isotherm between 500 and 800 feet deep. The rules are:
• Take hourly observations.
• If the 60° F. isotherm drops below the 800- foot level the ship is on the right hand side of the swiftest current. A course change of 10° to the left is recommended.
• If the 60° F. isotherm rises above the 500 level the ship is on the left-hand side of the swiftest current. A course change of 10° to the right is recommended.
• For ships with echo sounders, if the bottom shoals up to less than 175 fathoms make a 10° course change to the right regardless of the temperature being recorded.
• At about 32° N, 79° W., the current direction changes gradually from north to northeast and 20° course changes to the right should be used instead of 10° course changes m this region.
The swiftest part of the current, where averages of better than four knots were obtained, is only about eight to ten miles wide. The surface temperature is useless as an indicator of this zone.
With the BT, this zone could probably be followed from Rebecca Shoals all the way downstream as far as longitude 70° W. East °f this meridian the Gulf Stream meanders so Widely that it is no longer profitable to follow.
Coastal tanker interests became interested ln the concept to the point that in 1961 the Cities Service Oil Corporation contracted for the design and construction of suitable equipment that would permit “current riding” by its northbound coastal tanker fleet. Brain- con Corporation, working with WHOI and Cities Service, reviewed reams of filed Gulf Stream isotherm charts and elected to make a compromise between practice and theory. They determined that the loss of efficiency in calculations was slight when the 22.5° C. lsotherm vice the 15° C. isotherm was used and the 22.5° isotherm lay at only 200 feet Vlce 656 feet. This meant that design and economical production of mid-depth continuous temperature sensing devices were feasible.
The Braincon Corporation developed an instrument vehicle which could be towed continuously at a depth of 200-feet at speeds up to
knots. This vehicle was an adaptation of “dr patented winged depressor type instrument vehicle known as the V-fin. Contained 111 this instrument vehicle was a sensing pack- a§c which provided continuous temperature and pressure readings which would be trans- ated into “steer right” or “steer left” indications on an instrument mounted on the ship’s navigation bridge. The depth of the vehicle Would be controlled either by echo soundings °r empirical data pertinent to the length and type (including fairing) of the tow line.
The Navi-Therm System has been extensively tested on the Cities Service tanker Cities Service Baltimore, and money savings alone have been estimated at $30,000 a year.
The advantages of “current riding” with Navi-Therm or a similar system using the same concept are untold. Woods Hole has strongly suggested the existence of a two-knot Gulf Stream countercurrent which would allow similar use of the “current riding technique for southbound coastal shipping. When sufficient historical data can be accrued on the various equatorial currents, such as the Japanese current and the Humboldt Current, tremendous savings could be possible for long trans-oceanic voyages by placing a ship in the two-, three-, or four-knot axis for days or weeks on end.
Other areas of economic/military application can be found in the Optimum Track Ship Routing System, Antisubmarine Warfare Environmental Prediction System, assignment of Navy operation areas, and the myriad of other problems that can be associated with mili- tary/commercial navigational problems.
It would be an interesting study in the Navy to calculate the time/money saved on the many multiple ship ocean transits made from Key West, Charlestown, Guantanamo, and San Juan to such northern U. S. ports as Newport, Norfolk, and Boston, especially in view of the fact that the BT equipment is already installed in all U. S. antisubmarine ships. With the decreasing unit cost of expendable BTs and the advent of oceanographic aircraft, the application of the current riding system to optimum track ship routing would be most compatible with existing “in house” equipment and procedures.
With the increasing emphasis being placed on oceanography and the ocean sciences by the government it is important that the Navy investigate all avenues of study within its sphere of influence to determine the usefulness and application of new theories and concepts that may appear and to assist this country’s over-all oceanographic effort.
U. S. Navy
s SecNav Unveils Patrol Boats (Robert Zimmerman in The San Diego Union, 29 October 1965): Secretary of Navy Paul Nitze took a ride in San Diego harbor yesterday aboard the Navy’s newest weapon for guerrilla warfare—a fast, heavily armed patrol boat called the Swift.
The Navy took the wraps off the Swift, which was designed especially for patrol operations along the Vietnamese coast, during a quick visit here by the secretary.
See Photograph, page 164
Nitze flew to North Island from Long Beach yesterday afternoon, took a spin around the harbor in one of the four Swifts now based here, and, after having dinner with a group of flag officers, left by plane for Washington.
Nitze said he was “very much pleased” to see the results of the Navy’s search for a new craft to operate in coastal waters and rivers of Viet Nam. He said the Navy is obtaining 54 of the Swifts, which have the official designation of “Patrol Craft, Fast” or PCF.
The 50-foot aluminum boat has a top speed of about 28 knots. Basically, it is the same craft as one developed by Stewart Seacraft, Inc., of Berwick, La., for use by oil well crews traveling back and forth from off-shore rigs in the Gulf of Mexico.
The Navy version is armed with twin 50- caliber machine guns in a “gun tub” over the pilot house, and an over-and-under mount on the aft deck combining a single 50-caliber machine gun and an 81mm mortar.
The Swift is powered by twin General Motors VI2 diesel engines, with a pair of screw propellers. It has bunk facilities and a galley for its crew of one officer and five enlisted men.
Nitze said the Swifts would have immediate value in patrol and surveillance operations along the coast of South Vietnam, where the U. S. Navy is working with the
South Vietnamese Navy to keep Viet Cong guerrillas from getting any help by sea.
The four Swifts in San Diego are attached to Boat Support Unit 1 at the Coronado Amphibious Base.
s Navy Considering Fast Cargo Ships
(The New York Times, 19 October 1965): The Navy is considering building about 20 big, fast military cargo ships that would be loaded with tanks, other heavy equipment and supplies and stationed near potential trouble spots.
Such a fleet of new “fast deployment logistic” ships would cost about §640 million, by current Navy estimates.
Coupled with house-size C-5A transport planes recently ordered into production, these cargo vessels would give the United States the capability to speed large ground forces to distant areas, and to have the equipment close at hand to enable them to fight in limited-war situations.
The Navy study has the approval of top Pentagon officials, who consider the fast deployment ships an integral part of modernized United States airlift-sealift for the 1970s and beyond.
However, Pentagon officials have not settled on any final figure as to the numbers of such ships that would be needed, nor have they adopted the Navy’s cost figures.
The Navy study estimates that each of the new vessels would cost about $32 million. Defense specialists are skeptical of that figure, believing it may be too low.
Congress has voted $67.6 million for two of the ships. This comes to $33.8 million apiece, with the additional $3.6 million attributed to higher costs of first-of-their- kind models.
The cargo ships would have about twice the capacity, greater speed and—hopefully—• lower operating and other costs than current Navy sealift vessels.
They would be equipped with ramps to permit rapid loading and unloading of
"'heeled and tracked military vehicles.
Under the plan, the craft would be powered by a new propulsion system similar to an aircraft type of gas turbine engine. The speed would be about 20 knots.
Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara tQld Congress early this year that:
Such a ship would be particularly useful 0r carrying, without disassembling, heavywheeled and tracked vehicles as well as helicopters.
Its relatively high speed would permit to deliver cargo within the critical first 30 ays even from the continental United States to a distant area.
We propose, however, to use these ships as forward mobile depots stationed close to Potential trouble areas and in no event for carrying peacetime cargoes.”
El U. S., British Seek Indian Ocean Island
I^altimore Sun, 9 November 1965): The British overnment, in behalf of both the United . tates Navy and the Royal Navy, is negotiates with the colonial Government of Marit- JUs for purchase of the small coral atoll of lego Garcia in the Mauritius group as a '"uch-needed base for a permanent radio •station in the South Indian Ocean.
This broad expanse of water, south of Asia aj)d east of Africa, is one of the near-vacuums
0 ^"glo-American sea power into which for Several years numerous United States naval
'cers have been anxious to see the Navy ex- e°d its potential controls.
. The only shadow of a naval force now there ls the Persian Gulf Command, which is little '"ore than a symbol and a means of communication.
Such actual United States naval strength as has appeared infrequently in the big Indian cean has been exhibited by small task °'ces sent intermittently from the 7th Fleet
1 by such passings as that of the Navy’s ""clear-propelled task force in its “Sea Orbit” Cl'cuit of the globe.
The plans for utilizing Diego Garcia do not remotely contemplate erection of a true base, or permanent supply facilities for an Indian Ocean squadron.
The Navy, quite frankly, has no vessels to spare for such a creation and is sufficiently hard put to spread its combatship resources among the Pacific, Atlantic, and Mediterranean fleets without borrowing from them for creation of an altogether new command.
The proposed use of Diego Garcia is less dramatic but still important, the aim being to create a sure and continuous means of maintaining long-range communications between Washington, London, or Manila (or the sea commands) and naval vessels in the Indian Ocean.
Today long-range radio over those waters is undependable, ranging from fair to zero.
This is an almost unique condition apparently existing only in the Indian Ocean, and because of atmospheric conditions whose cause is still obscure.
Long-range radio is dependent upon radiowaves’ ability to “bounce” off the lower edge of the troposphere back to earth’s surface several times in order to reach a distant distination. Elsewhere this is normally a routine thing over land or sea.
In the Indian Ocean it is not routine at all and frequently impossible, the troposphere’s undersurface in that region being highly variable. A single bounce, but no more, is normally possible in the area.
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Many times United States or British naval vessels in that broad region have been unable either to send messages to higher commands or to hear from them.
If a permanent powerful radio station is erected on this atoll—east of Mozambique and 1,000 miles south of the Seychelles Islands, where the allies already maintain an anchorage—it should be able to reach any vessel in that ocean with a single bounce off the troposphere.
Presumably there also will be fuel storage and staging facilities for reconnaissance airplanes making their normal surveys.
This, to be sure, is remote from any idea of a naval command in that large ocean such as has been advocated by naval leaders wishing a substantial addition to United States sea power.
Even so, it marks a considerable aid to such transient naval elements as the United States 7th Fleet sends west of Singapore from time to time or the Atlantic Fleet sends on “amity” cruises along the East African Coast.
It also, to speak plainly, could mark a forehanded step by the United States in setting up a useful facility in that watery area should Britain itself later continue its withdrawals from distant outposts.
s Helicopter 'Explodes’ to Safety {Navy Times, 22 September 1965): A helicopter that “explodes” to safety before crash-landing has been successfully tested here.
The Naval Weapons Laboratory has been working on an escape capsule system de-
Over 100 types, each, in all sizes. Drop forged, carbon and alloy steels. Open end, socket, box socket, detachable socket, hollow screw and other types.
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signed to rescue personnel of a copter forced to crash-land from a minimum height of 100 feet.
Pilots of copters may be able to save their passengers and parts of their machines by exploding away the rotor blades, slicing off the fuselage and parachuting what is left to earth.
The system, still in the testing stage, works like this:
The pilot pulls a handle that fires a cartridge which cuts the rotor shafts and separates the blades. Simultaneously, another explosive and cutting devices part the fuselage, cables, tubes and wires inside the helicopter.
Rockets propel the cut parts of the aircraft free of the passenger capsule and chutes (two on each side) shoot out of their containers.
The Navy says that a copter falls only six feet after the pilot pulls the handle and that the parachutes catch the capsule before it has fallen 100 feet.
Additional tests are being conducted on remote helicopters at the Department of Defense Parachute Test Facility, El Centro, Calif.
s Radioactivity in Holy Loch {Ocean Science News, 24 September 1965): The presence of the U. S. Navy Polaris fleet in Holy Loch, Scotland, has raised the level of radioactivity of that body of water and its bottom and tidal lands. In the course of regular surveys it was found at the end of April that the amount of radioactivity, although still low, had increased more than would have been expected from past experience. Some radioactivity was detected on the tidal mud flats in small patchy areas. A further check in midMay confirmed this increase, and it was therefore thought advisable to put in hand a full scale and detailed survey. This was carried out at the end of May and beginning of June.
A joint United States/United Kingdom assessment shows—and this is in agreement with the best internationally accepted criteria available to us—that the radiation levels are still far below those which would be at all likely to cause any individual to receive an annual dose rate approaching the limits acceptable for members of the general public as recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection. This radio-
activity has been identified as coolant discharge from the submarines’ reactor plants.
It is, however, essential to ensure that the radiation level will remain below any point of possible hazard to the public. In this respect, the American Navy is willingly co-operating in taking further preventative measures. Detailed surveys will be carried out on a continuing basis by both the United States and United Kingdom and the results of these will continue to be exchanged and discussed as required.
The British Navy has pulled its nuclear sub, Dreadnought, out of service as a result of cracks which developed in welded seams and joints of the internal structure. In answer to OSN’s inquiry, a Royal Navy representative in Washington stated that discovery of the cracks necessitated advancement of the date for overhaul and refitting of the Dreadnought scheduled for next year. It is hoped, he said, that the deficiency can be corrected and that the submarine can be put back into service. At this point it is unknown whether the cracks are the result of design or metallurgical deficiencies.
At first the Washington spokesman said he did not know whether the condition of Dreadnought, and the investigation of its cause, would delay the British Polaris program, but later stated he had received official word from London that the Polaris program would not be hampered.
s Destroyer Helped Restore Power (Annapolis Evening Capital, 11 November 1965): A Navy destroyer was instrumental in restoring power to a portion of New York City yesterday.
Officials at the New York Consolidated Edison power plant at 14th Street discovered that before power could be restored to the area, a large jolt of electricity was needed to start their electric turbines.
Power officials turned to a Navy destroyer tied up at a 14th Street Pier—the USS Bristol, a reserve destroyer assigned to the 3rd Naval District.
The Bristol's generators provided enough power—a 1,000 kilowatt shot—to start the station’s large generators, bringing power back to the downtown area about 5:30 a.m.
Also, the Navy supplied two portable power units to the Brooklyn General Hospital during the blackout and the Boston Naval Shipyard supplied the Mystic River Power Station in Boston with 3,000 kilowatts of power for one hour.
The power loss in the seven-state region in no way affected the operational readiness of Atlantic Fleet units or naval installations in the area. Naval installations were operating on auxiliary power units within minutes after losing normal power.
Other U. S. Services
s 6 More CGd Cutters to Vietnam (Navy Times, 17 November 1965): Six more names of Coast Guard 82-foot cutters bound for Vietnam have come to light, along with names of another 25 officers assigned there to Squadron One.
Some of these officers are replacements for those already patrolling the Vietnam coastal waters, according to reliable reports, and others will be assigned to the newly dispatched boats.
First reliefs will arrive in mid-April of 1966, others six weeks later and the last ones will get there about August 1. This means some tours will end after nine months, others after 10| months, and the others after a full year.
Replacements are to be staggered rather than all at once.
27 UPHAM STREET, MELROSE, MASS. 02176 Navy Electrical Equipment Supplies Since 1939
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The 17 ships there now work for the Navy, as will the nine soon to bring the total to 26. This brings their movement under Department of Defense public information rules, which prevent the Coast Guard from
announcing names of ships, although crews, families, communities and members of Congress know and the news has been published ln newspapers at the homeports of many, if n°t all, of the little cutters.
All are of the 82-foot or “point” class, a addition to Points Partridge, League and Hudson, which were named by Congressional sources recently, the others are:
Points Cypress, Newport, R.I.; Jefferson,
• antuckct, Mass.; White, New London, °nn.; Grace, Crisfield, Md.; Kennedy, San
Juan, P.R.; Slocum, St. Thomas, V.I.
At the same time it was learned that the oast Guard will open a merchant marine detail in Saigon.
0 Army Seeking New Helicopter (The
-1 ew } ork Times, 4 November 1965): The Army ordered development yesterday of an armed ' •copter that would fly twice as fast an any now in combat in Vietnam.
Lockheed Aircraft Corporation was selected to develop the “compound helicopter,” which 'VlU be armed with machine guns, grenade Onchers, rockets and antitank missiles.
At the same time, the Air Force selected t"o contractors to develop competing plans 1 a new bomber-carried missile called the ‘ a,n, for short range attack missile.
Ahe Boeing Company of Seattle, Wash., anc| the Martin Company’s Orlando, Fla., •vision were given $2.75 million contracts to
• an the Sram, a missile announced by Presi- ent Johnson last January.
i he Army’s new helicopter will be the •st built exclusively as a weapons-carrying C'aL. All those now in service have been aPted from cargo-carrying types. j°ckheed will build 10 prototype machines hnder a contract to be negotiated soon.
fhe Army said that the craft, called an vunced aerial fire support system, would ^•uisc at more than 230 miles an hour. This
• aaa again as fast as any now operational n the Army and twice as fast as the armed helicopters in Vietnam.
^ he helicopter not only has rotary wings, Ut Las also a pusher propeller at the tail 1 short stubby wings to give it lift and r<\tCr sPeecf *n forward flight.
* ° date has been set for delivery of the rst °Perational models.
S3 Research Ship Readied (Baltimore Sun, 13 November 1965): The Oceanographer,
the nation’s newest and most modern oceanographic research vessel, is to be permanently based at Seattle, Wash., in late 1966 or early 1967, Rear Adm. James C. Tison, Jr., director of the Coast and Geodetic Survey announced.
The Oceanographer, along with her sister ship, the Discoverer, are both scheduled to be outfitted in Baltimore for automatic data- processing systems, by the Westinghouse Defense and Space Center.
Both vessels are under construction at the Aerojet-General Shipyard in Jacksonville, Fla. The Oceanographer is scheduled for delivery in January.
The port where the Discoverer will be permanently based is yet to be announced.
Those were the days when you could almost mistake the Fiji Islands for a possession of Salem, Massachusetts . . . when Yankee ships took missionary ladies to convert the heathen Hawaiians, bringing back sandalwood and sealskins, whale oil and dried sea-cucumber (delicious in soup).
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Following installation of the specialized automated instrumentation equipment, the $7,000,000 Oceanographer will be temporarily based in the Jacksonville area, on a “shakedown” and doing some research in the Atlantic, Tison said.
Naval researchers, buffs and just plain readers welcome the bi-monthly naval book catalogs which we publish. Our specialist services are known throughout the world. We can be of help to you too. For a free copy of our latest catalog (consisting primarily of out-of-print books) write to . . .
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The vessel is 303 feet long, weighs 3,800 tons and has a cruising range of 16,000 miles. It will carry a normal complement of 13 officers, 39 crew, 45 technical and scientific personnel and additional accommodations for eight visiting scientists will be available.
All scientific areas are to be air-conditioned, with inter-connecting communications, closed circuit television and a centralized control system in the engine room, providing remote starting and stopping of machinery.
Special bow-viewing ports below the water line will permit underwater observations. More than 4,100 square feet of laboratory space will be provided.
Research and Development
s Light Water, Helo Speed Crash-Rescue Fire Fighting (Approach, November 1965): The use of a helicopter as a complete rescue vehicle was recently demonstrated when a UH-2B approached a fiercely burning wreckage in a simulated crash-fire, and completely extinguished the fire in 16 seconds. A dummy pilot was rescued seven seconds after the arrival of the helicopter.
This major breakthrough was possible by using an extinguishing agent called “Light Water” and culminated a 15-year search to perfect the helicopter as a complete crash-fire rescue vehicle. The entire development was under the sponsorship of the Bureau of Naval Weapons.
In the past, the helicopter has been used to assist rescue teams by transporting the team and a heavy, externally slung protein foam or dry chemical unit to the crash scene and to
use rotor wash to help retard the flames.
With the regular protein foam, the rotor wash blows the foam off the extinguished fuel, allowing back-flash or reignition. This is not the case with Light Water. The non-toxic, water soluble Light Water is 6 to 12 times more powerful in quelling fuel fires than any other known agent. Once extinguished, the fuel cannot reignite.
The intent of the tests conducted was to adapt the helicopter as a complete rescue vehicle, primarily for inaccessible, off-station crashes. The tests consisted of 17 flights at Miramar Naval Air Station. The UH-2B helicopter, used for the tests was piloted by Chief (Aviation Pilot) J. L. Colbert of NAS Miramar and LCDR. A. L. Stingl of the Bureau of Naval Weapons. All types of fires, using different fuels of varying amounts from 50 to 300 gallons per fire, were extinguished in 8 to 18 seconds after arrival of the specially fitted helicopter.
By configuring the helicopter with a foam nozzle at the end of a retractable 8-foot boom, the pilot can maneuver the helicopter to completely clear a rescue path directly to the fuselage in a matter of seconds. The approach is made downwind at a height of about 20 ft. The rotor wash contributes considerably by suppressing the fire and and pushing the flames and smoke away as the helo pilot approaches. Also, the Light Water is forced down directly on the fire by the rotor wash. It was found that by mounting the boom at a 45-degree angle to the starboard side, two advantages were realized. First and foremost, it placed the foam nozzle in the pilot’s sight at all times and secondly, the helicopter gained a power factor by using a wind coefficient instead of hovering directly downwind.
Tests included lowering two rescue men on a quick descent device as the helicopter hovered momentarily downwind at the crash site. The rescue men immediately followed the helicopter as the pilot opened a rescue path to the fuselage. Although the rescue men wore protective clothing, extinguishment was so complete that street clothing could be used.
The relatively small amount of Light Water carried (60 gallons) for extinguishment allows a permanent installation on a helicopter by using a specially designed tank carried on an external stores rack, thereby not denying cabin space or mission capability but simply changing the helicopter to a multi-mission aircraft. Any number of tanks could be carried depending on the need and lifting capability °f the helicopter.
With relatively little cost, all major airfields, both military and commercial, could have the tremendous advantage of this type °f rescue vehicle.
BuWeps is reviewing all data developed to determine the feasibility of and action cequired for providing this capability to all naval activities as well as providing informa- don to other military and civilian agencies.
@ Navy Crew for MOL (Aviation Week & •tyace Technology, 18 October 1965): Navy space proponents, who do not have much top- evel support, are pressing for an all-Navy nianned orbiting laboratory (MOL) flight.
. hey are proposing that the fourth manned rOL flight have a Navy crew and experi- nrents designed solely for ocean surveillance and anti-submarine warfare.
cannot be publicly compared with those of United States Navy submarines because that information is classified. The Navy will say only that its submarines descend to depths “in excess of 400 feet.”
As a result of increasing interest in the oceans’ resources, the development of deepdiving research submarines is being pressed by the Navy and commercial ship builders.
Such submarines are expected to play an important role in the exploitation of off-shore petroleum resources and in tapping mineral deposits, and improving scientific knowledge of fishing.
The Aluminaut, which is constructed of aluminum cylinders 6.5 inches thick, can descend at a rate of 100 feet a-minute. She is submerged by means of water ballast. The release of shot ballast brings the submarine to the surface.
The captain of the submarine is R. E. Serfass of San Diego. She has a crew of five.
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BH Submarine Dives to Record Depth
7^le New York Times, 13 November 1965): 50-foot-long aluminum submarine has lved to a record depth of nearly one and a Quarter miles, J. Louis Reynolds, chairman 0 Reynolds International, Inc., reported Yesterday.
The research craft, which was launched in 64, is designed to operate at a depth of >000 feet for periods of up to 24 hours.
, . has four wide-angle viewing ports and Th-intensity light to allow scientists to study the ocean depths.
The recent dive that took the craft down 6,250 feet was conducted off Great Abaco * and in the Bahamas. While operating at e depth for eight hours, the crew was able jf. sPeak by telephone with Mr. Reynolds in Rtchmond, Va., in a test of deep-water communications.
When the $3 million submarine was aunched at the yards of the Electric Boat ornpany in Groton, Conn., she was hailed by cmetary of the Navy Paul H. Nitze as one of ue most remarkable seagoing vessels ever
The diving capabilities of the Aluminaut
The craft is equipped with underwater television, external lights and sonar for mapping the ocean bottom.
Ship Notes
s United States: There are approximately 130 ocean-going ships now under construction in U. S. shipyards for the U. S. Navy. In addition, 17 ships are being built for foreign navies: five guided missile destroyers, six minesweepers, and six motor gunboats. The following list contains the hull numbers, names, shipyard, and estimated commissioning dates of ships under construction as of 1 November 1965. The arrangement of ships in this list is not the official precedence of ship types.
CVA-67 John F. Kennedy 1968
Newport News S.B. & D.D. Co.
DLG-28 Wainwright 8 Jon. 1966
Bath Iron Works Corp., Bath, Maine
DLG-29 Jouetf 3 Dec. 1966
Puget Sound Naval Shipyard
DLG-30 Horne 18 Feb. 1967
Hunter's Point Div.,
San Francisco Naval Shipyard
DLG-31 Steretl 1 Apr. 1967
Puget Sound Naval Shipyard
DLG-32 William H. Slandley 7 May 1966
Bath Iron Works Corp.
DLG-33 Fox Jun. 1966
Todd Shipyards Corp., San Pedro, Calif.
DLG-34 Biddle 8 Oct. 1966
Bath Iron Works Corp.
DLGN-35 Truxlun Jun. 1966
New York S.B. Corp., Camden, N. J.
DE-1045 Davidson 7 Dec. 1965
Avondale Shipyards, Inc., Westwego, La.
DE-1047 Voge Jul. 1966
Defoe Shipbuilding Co., Bay City, Mich.
DE-1048 Sample Sept. 1966
Lockheed S.B. 8, Const. Co., Seattle, Wash.
DE-1049 Koelsch Dec. 1966
Defoe Shipbuilding Co., Bay City, Mich.
DE-1050 Alberf David Nov. 1966
Lockheed S.B. 8, Const. Co.
DE-1051 O'Cal/ahan Jun. 1967
DE-1060 | Todd Shipyards Corp., San Pedro, Calif. | 1969 | |
DE-106I | Avondale Shipyards, Inc. |
| 1969 |
DE-1062 | Todd Shipyards Corp., Seattle, | Wash. | 1969 |
DE-1063 | Lockheed S.B. & Const. Co., Seattle | 1969 | |
DE-1064 | Todd Shipyards Corp., Seattle, | Wash. | 1969 |
DE-1065 | Lockheed S.B. & Const. Co., Seattle | 1969 | |
DE-1066 | Todd Shipyards Corp., Seattle, | Wash. | 1969 |
DE-1067 | Todd Shipyards Corp., San Pedro, Calif. | 1969 | |
DE-1068 | Avondale Shipyards, Inc. |
| 1969 |
DE-1069 | Lockheed S.B. & Const. Co., Seattle | 1970 | |
DE-1070 | Todd Shipyards Corp., Seattle, | Wash. | 1970 |
DE-1071 | Todd Shipyards Corp., San Pedro, Calif. | 1970 | |
DE-1072 | Avondale Shipyards, Inc. |
| 1970 |
DE-1073 | Lockheed S.B. & Const. Co., Seattle | 1970 | |
DE-1074 | Todd Shipyards Corp., San Pedro, Calif. | 1970 | |
DE-1075 | Avondale Shipyards, Inc. |
| 1970 |
DE-1076 | Todd Shipyards Corp., San Pedro, Calif. | 1970 | |
DE-1077 | Avondale Shipyards, Inc. |
| 1970 |
DEG-1 | Brooke | Feb. | 1966 |
| Lockheed S.B. 8. Const. Co., Seattle, Wash. | ||
DEG-2 | Ramsey | Apr. | 1966 |
| Lockheed S.B. & Const. Co., Seattle, Wash. | ||
DEG-3 | Schofield | Jul. | 1966 |
| Lockheed S.B. & Const. Co., Seattle, Wash. | ||
DEG-4 | Talbot Bath Iron Works | Jan. | 1967 |
DEG-5 | Richard L. Page Bath Iron Works | Apr. | 1967 |
DEG-6 | Bath Iron Works | Jul. | 1967 |
PGM-84 | Asheville Tacoma Boatbuilding Co., Inc. | Dec. | 1965 |
PGM-85 | Gallup Tacoma Boatbuilding Co., Inc. |
| 1966 |
PGM-86 | Antelope Tacoma Boatbuilding Co., Inc. . |
| 1967 |
PGM-87 | Ready Tacoma Boatbuilding Co., Inc. |
| 1967 |
PGM-8 8 | Crockett Tacoma Boatbuilding Co., Inc. |
| 1967 |
PGM-89 | Marathon Tacoma Boatbuilding Co., Inc. |
| 1967 |
PGM-90 | Canon Tacoma Boatbuilding Co., Inc. |
| 1967 |
SSN-605 | Jack | 16 Apr. | 1966 |
| Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Portsmouth, | N. H. | |
SSN-612 | Guardflsh | Aug. | 1966 |
| New York S.B. Corp., Camden, N. J. |
| |
SSN-613 | Flasher | 9 Apr. | 1966 |
General Dynamics Corp., Elec. Boat Div., Groton, Conn.
Defoe Shipbuilding Co., Bay City, Mich.
DE-1052 | Knox Todd Shipyards Corp., Seattle, Wash. | 1968 |
DE-1053 | Roark Todd Shipyards Corp., Seattle, Wash. | 1968 |
DE-1054 | Todd Shipyards Corp., Seattle, Wash. | 1968 |
DE-1055 | Todd Shipyards Corp., San Pedro, Calif. | 1968 |
DE-1056 | Avondale Shipyards, Inc. | 1968 |
DE-1057 | Lockheed S.B. & Const. Co. | 1969 |
DE-1058 | Todd Shipyards Corp., San Pedro, Calif. | 1969 |
DE-1059 | Avondale Shipyards, Inc. | 1969 |
Newport News S.B. & D.D. Co., 1969
Newport News, Va.
General Dynamics Corp., Elec. Boat Div., 1969 Groton, Conn.
Sand Lance Apr. 1968
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Portsmouth, N. H.
Lapon 1967
Newport News S.B. & D.D. Co.,
Newport News, Va.
Gurnard 1967
Mare Island Div., San Francisco,
Naval Shipyard, Vallejo, Calif.
Hammerhead 1968
Newport News S.B. & D.D. Co.,
Newport News, Va.
Newport News S.B. & D.D. Co., 1968
Newport News, Va.
Guitarro 1968
Mare Island Div., San Francisco,
Naval Shipyard, Vallejo, Calif.
Mare Island Div., San Francisco, 1969
Naval Shipyard, Vallejo, Calif.
Aspro Apr. 1967
Ingalls S.B. Corp., Pascagoula, Miss.
Sunfish Feb. 1967
General Dynamics Corp., Elec. Boat Div., Quincy, Mass.
Fargo Dec. 1966
General Dynamics Corp., Elec. Boat Div., Groton, Conn.
Queenfish Oct. 1966
Newport News S.B. & D.D. Co.,
Newport News, Va.
Puffer Oct. 1967
Ingalls S.B. Corp., Pascagoula, Miss.
Ray Feb. 1967
Newport News S.B. & D.D. Co.,
Newport News, Va.
Pogy Apr. 1967
New York S.B. Corp., Camden, N. J.
Tautog Dec. 1966
Ingalls S.B. Corp., Pascagoula, Miss.
Grayling 30 Oct. 1967
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Portsmouth, N. H.
Whale 26 Oct. 1966
General Dynamics Corp., Elec. Boat Div., Groton, Conn.
Sturgeon 20 Jul. 1966
General Dynamics Corp., Elec. Boat Div., Groton, Conn.
Haddock Jun. 1967
Ingalls S.B. Corp., Pascagoula, Miss.
8 Oct. 1966 Boat Div.,
6 Aug. 1966 Boat Div.,
General Dynamics Corp., Elec. Groton, Conn.
General Dynamics Corp., Elec. Groton, Conn.
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AGC-19 | Philadelphia Naval Shipyard | 1969 | |
AKA-113 | Newport News S.B. & | D.D. | Co., 1968 |
| Newport News, Va. |
| |
AKA-114 | Newport News S.B. & | D.D. | Co., 1968 |
| Newport News, Va. |
| |
AKA-115 | Newport News S.B. & | D.D. | Co., 1969 |
| Newport News, Va. |
| |
AKA-116 | Newport News S.B. & | D.D. | Co., 1969 |
| Newport News, Va. |
| |
LPD-6 | Duluth |
| 18 Dec. 1965 |
| New York Naval Shipyard, Brooklyn, N. Y. | ||
LPD-7 | Cleveland |
| Jul. 1966 |
| Ingalls Shipbuilding Corp., Pascagoula, Miss. | ||
LPD-8 | Dubuque |
| Oct. 1966 |
| Ingalls Shipbuilding Corp., Pascagoula, Miss. | ||
LPD-9 | Denver |
| Jan. 1967 |
| Lockheed S.B. & Const. | Co., | Seattle, Wash. |
LPD-10 | Juneau |
| 1967 |
| Lockheed S.B. & Const. | Co., | Seattle, Wash. |
AOR-2 | General Dynamics Corp., Elec. Boat Div., Quincy, Mass. | 1968 |
AS-34 | Canopus 4 Nov. Ingalls Shipbuilding Corp., Pascagoula, | 1965 Miss. |
AS-36 | General Dynamics Corp., Elec. Boat Div., Quincy, Mass. | 1968 |
LSV-9 | Sea Lift | 1966 |
Lockheed S.B. & Const. Co., Seattle, Wash.
LPD-11 | Coronado Lockheed S.B. & Const. Co., Seattle, ' | 1967 Wash. |
LPD-12 | Lockheed S.B. & Const. Co., Seattle | 1967 |
LPD-13 | Lockheed S.B. & Const. Co., Seattle | 1967 |
LPD-14 | Lockheed S.B. & Const. Co., Seattle | 1968 |
LPD-15 | Lockheed S.B. & Const. Co., Seattle | 1968 |
LPH-10 | Tripoli May 1966 Ingalls Shipbuilding Corp., Pascagoula, Miss. | |
LPH-11 | Philadelphia Naval Shipyard | 1968 |
LSD-36 | Ingalls Shipbuilding Corp., Pascagoula, Miss. | 1969 |
LST-1179 AUXILIARY | Philadelphia Naval Shipyard SHIPS | 1968 |
AD-37 | Samuel Gompers Puget Sound Naval Shipyard | 1967 |
AD-38 | Puget Sound | 1968 |
Puget Sound Naval Shipyard
General Dynamics Corp., Elec. Boat Div., 1968 Quincy, Mass.
General Dynamics Corp., Elec. Boat Div., 1968 Quincy, Mass.
Niagara Falls Dec. 1966
Natl. Steel & Shipbuilding Co., San Diego
White Plains ] 267
Natl. Steel & Shipbuilding Co., Son Diego
Natl. Steel & Shipbuilding Co., San Diego 1967
Camden 11 Jul. 1966
New York S.B., Corp., Camden, N. J.
Puget Sound Naval Shipyard 1968
General Dynamics Corp., 1968
Elec. Boat Div., Quincy, Mass.
Henry L. Stimson 13 Aug. 1966
General Dynamics Corp., Elec. Boat Div., Groton, Conn.
George Washington Carver 23 Jun. 1966 Newport News S.B. & D.D. Co.,
Newport News, Va.
Francis Scott Key 31 Dec. 1966
General Dynamics Corp., Elec. Boat Div., Groton, Conn.
Mariano G. Vallejo 23 Aug. 1966
Mare Island Div., San Francisco,
Naval Shipyard, Vallejo, Calif.
Will Rogers 4 Mar. 1967
General Dynamics Corp., Elec. Boat Div., Groton, Conn.
General Dynamics Corp., Elec. Boat Div., 1969 Groton, Conn.
Newport News S.B. & D.D. Co., 1970
Newport News, Va.
Narwhal 1968
General Dynamics Corp., Elec. Boat Div., Groton, Conn.
Kamehameha 10 Dec. 1965
Mare Island Div., San Francisco,
Naval Shipyard, Valleio, Calif.
George Bancroft 28 Jan. 1966
General Dynamics Corp., Elec. Boat Div., Groton, Conn.
iewis and Clark 22 Dec. 1965
Newport News S.B. & D.D. Co.,
Newport News, Va.
James K. Polk 2 Apr. 1966
General Dynamics Corp., Elec. Boat Div., Groton, Conn.
George C. Marshall 18 Mar. 1966
Newport News S.B. & D.D. Co.,
Newport News, Va.
AGDE-1 Glover 13 |s|ov. 1965
Bath Iron Works Corp.
AGEH-1 Plainview Jon. 1955
Lockheed S.B. & Const. Co., Seatile, Wash.
AGOR-12 Northwest Marine Iron Works, 1967
Portland, Ore.
Northwest Marine Iron Works, 1967
Portland, Ore.
Kane ,956
Christy Corp., Sturgeon Bay, Wis.
Dolphin Aug. 1967
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Portsmouth, N. H.
More A-7As—The Navy has increased to 182 its order with Ling-Temco-Vought for A-7A Corsair II aircraft. Some 1,000 to 1,500 of the new light attack planes are now envisioned, essentially as replacements for the A-4 Skyhawks. The Corsair II at right is one of three prototypes now flying. The first A-7As should reach the Fleet in late 1966.
"Swift” Boats—The first of 54 "Swift” patrol boats being bought for the war in Vietnam have joined the Navy’s Coastal Surveillance Force in the Gulf of Siam. The craft are aluminum hulled, 50 feet long, displace about 18 tons full load, and have diesel engines capable of driving them at more than 25 knots. They are armed with twin • 50-caliber machine guns forward and a combined 81mm. mortar and .50-caliber machine gun aft.
Sea-to-Air Refueling—This SH-3A Sea King took on 3,700 pounds of fuel from the destroyer O'Brien (DD- 72 5) in recent tests to extend the range and time on station for manned ASW helicopters. The evolution took 15 minutes, using no special equipment except a device to prevent the helicopter’s rescue hoist from pinching the fuel line.
Morse Code Reader—The Army is testing this handheld Morse code reader which translates audio dots and dashes into visual letters and numerals. The device, which plugs into existing radio equipment, was developed by Regency Electronics. It contains 350 diodes and 75 transistor circuits, and has a power pack of four small, re-chargeable "penlight” batteries.
Powerful Prow—The bulbous bow of the new Great Lakes coal carrier Ontario Power will enable the Canadian ship to plow through rough seas at a higher speed than can the ordinary bluff- bowed lakers. Just aft of the bulbous bow is the opening for the athwartships tunnel housing a variable-pitch, low thrust propeller. The 710- foot Ontario Power will carry coal and other bulk loads from Nova Scotia to Lake Ontario.