Captain "Mad Jack" Percival

By Allan Westcott, Professor, U. S. Naval Academy
March 1935
A merchant officer impressed into the British Navy and at one time a foretopman in H.M.S. Victory , the sailing master of the U.S.S. Peacock in her defeat of the ...


By Constance Lathrop
March 1935
Its Origin and Use in the United States Navy Grog, celebrated in naval song and story, while of British origin in term and use, designated the spirit ration in our ...

Book Reviews

March 1935
Book Department Members of the Institute may save money by ordering books through its Book Department, which will supply any obtainable book. A discount of 10 per cent is allowed ...

Notes on International Affairs

Prepared by Professor Allan Westcott, U. S. Naval Academy
March 1935
From January 3 to February 3 FAR EAST Japan’s Policy in China.—Many stu­dents of Far Eastern politics found some special significance in the broad phrases of Foreign Minister Hirota’s speech ...


March 1935
Martelli’s Method (See pp. 739, May, 1920; 1171, August, and 1776, December, 1933; 651, May, 1934, Proceedings) Harry Leypoldt.—In view of the several articles dealing with Martelli's method, all of ...

Meridian Altitudes By "H. O. 208"

By Alvin C. McIsaacs
March 1935
One of the greatest faults with navigators today is their tendency to try to cut down figures in their problems,” says Captain Charles H. Cugle in the preface to his ...

Strictly Private Thoughts on Naval Publicity

By Lieutenant Alan R. McCracken, U. S. Navy
March 1935
"Step right up, ladies and gentlemen. Get your official tickets here. We're starting in just a few minutes, folks. It's the chance of a lifetime, and only 25 cents. Right ...

A Building Program for the Naval Academy

By Lieutenant Commander J. B. Heffernan U. S. Navy
March 1935
The prospective increase in the number of midshipmen at the Naval Academy will accentuate certain needs which have been felt for several years, and will result in an acute shortage ...

Recruits and Ratings

By Ensign Richard Lane, U. S. Navy
March 1935
John Doe and William Smith both came from small mid-western towns. They were upstanding and ambitious young men; each of about the same abil­ity and of higher than average intel­ligence ...

Paper Work Versus Brains

By Captain J. V. Babcock, U. S. Navy
March 1935
Paper work continues to compete with the weather in our professional conversation and the more we talk about it the greater its prestige appears to grow. We seem to have ...

The Effect of Depth Charges on Submarines

By Lieutenant Commander Leonard Doughty, Jr., U. S. Navy
March 1935
With the development of any new weapon of war the first reaction is an exaggerated estimate of its invincibility. This is usually followed by the development of countermeasures, which in ...

Paul Jones and Arnold

By Commander W. C. I. Stiles, U. S. Navy (Retired)
March 1935
A hair, perhaps, divides the false and true." This saying of Omar Khayyam though made in the field of philosophy, seems equally applicable to the study of military character. Ambition ...

Cancer Begins at Forty

By Captain Lucius W. Johnson (M.C.), U. S. Navy
March 1935
As the physician himself advances beyond middle age there is one experience which recurs with ever increasing frequency. Some contemporary will come to him, exhibiting a lesion of the skin ...
Drawing of the general arrangement of the USS Fulton the First

The U.S.S. Fulton the First

By Lieutenant Ralph R. Gurley, U. S. Navy
March 1935
In January, 1814, Robert Fulton’s plans the floating battery Demologos were approved; under the name of Fulton the First it became world’s first steam-driven warship.

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

Digital Proceedings content made possible by a gift from CAPT Roger Ekman, USN (Ret.)