Our Weakest Link (Prize Essay, 19270

By Lieutenant Commander Thomas L. Gatch, U. S. Navy
March 1927
A nation which goes to war unprepared educates its statesmen at more expense than its soldiers.—Upton THE Navy grows too introspective and so tends to forget that in war the ...

Whither? Some Aspects of Our Present Policy

By Brockholst Livingston
March 1927
The best of prophets of the future is the past.—Byron Editor's Note—Submitted in the Prize Essay Contest, 1927. Although not awarded the prize or honorable mention, the article was considered ...

A Personal Narrative of the Koszta Affair

By Commander R. C. Parker, U. S. Navy
March 1927
Editor’s Note—See discussion, page 335 this issue. ONE of the writer’s earliest memories is of a long hall hung with old time ship pictures, among which was a particu­larly bold ...

The Officer and the Division

By Lieutenant Commander John B. Ewald, (SC) U. S. Navy
March 1927
The success of a division on board ship and the success of the division officer depend on the relations between the enlisted men who compose the division, on one hand ...

Diplomatic Services of American Naval Officers

By the Late John Hay, Secretary of State, 1898-1905
March 1927
Statement by the late John Hay Secretary of State, 1898-1905 Regarding the Diplomatic Services of American Naval Officers During the winter of 1902-3, apropos of a revolutionary situation existing on ...

The Naval Officer in Diplomacy

By the Late Rear Admiral H. S. Knapp, U. S. Navy
March 1927
Editor’s Note: Both the Nicaraguan and Chinese situations are so important and timely that it seems appropriate to print the lecture given at the Naval War College in 1923 by ...

Adventures of "Old Glory"

By William E. Beard
March 1927
The flag of the United States, adopted June 14, 1777, was thereafter in the Revolution thirteen stars and thirteen stripes. The War of 1812 was fought under a flag of ...


March 1927
A Destroyer Leader for the U. S. Fleet (See June, 1926, Proceedings) Maurice Prendergast.—Introductory.— The June, 1926, issue of the Proceedings contained a very interesting contribution, by Captain Taussig, suggesting ...

Notes on International Affairs

Prepared By Professor Allan Westcott, U. S. Naval Academy
March 1927
3 JANUARY to 3 FEBRUARY UNITED STATES AND NICARAGUA Efforts toward Peaceful Settlement. —On the morning of January 27 Rear Admiral Latimer arrived at Corinto, the west coast seaport of ...

Book Reviews

March 1927
BOOK DEPARTMENT The Institute Book Department will supply any obtainable naval, professional, or scientific book at retail price, postage prepaid. The trouble saved the purchaser through having one source of ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

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