American Submarine Operations in the War

By Carroll Storrs Alden, PH. D., Professor of English, U. S. Naval Academy
June 1920
Although there has never been a time among warring peoples when they have not known the advantage of a surprise attack, no other fighting craft has been governed so absolutely ...

Radio Compasses

By Lieut. Commander J. B. Will, U. S. Navy
June 1920
The number of questions asked the writer by officers of all ranks on the subject of radio compasses leads to the belief that a non-technical discussion of them may prove ...

Boresighting Submarine Torpedo Tubes

By Lieut. Commander Donald Royce, Construction Corps, U.S. Navy
June 1920
The boresighting of artillery is generally well known and practised by military people; in fact, the theory and practise of this process are injected fairly thoroughly into the midshipmen at ...

The Air Detachment

By Commander D. E. Cummings, U. S. Navy
June 1920
At Guantanamo last winter an orderly reported to the captain of a battleship, “Sir, three seaplanes stood in and anchored.’’ The captain looked his scorn, and sent the orderly back ...

"Them Haly-Con Days"

By Captain F. B. Upham, U. S. Navy
June 1920
“Them was the good old days,” when the quarterdeck was so sacred that a steerage officer set foot upon it only when, in port, he was suffered to relieve the ...
John Paul Jones Crip

A Suitable Tomb for John Paul Jones

By Lieutenant Wm. E. Malloy, U. S. Navy
June 1920
To those who know Annapolis, the chapel of the U. S. Naval Academy is a familiar landmark. Comparatively few of these know that it holds the tomb of John Paul ...

Notes on International Affairs

Prepared by Allan Westcott, Associate Professor, U. S. Naval Academy
June 1920
FROM APRIL 10 TO MAY 10KNOX PEACE RESOLUTION BEFORE THE SENATESenator Knox Advocates Separate Treaty.—On May 5 Senator Knox opened debate in the United States Senate on his resolution declaring ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

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