Old Principles and Modern Applications

By Lieut. Commander Dudley W. Knox, U. S. Navy
July 1914
So often one hears demands for a statement of rules which will prescribe, clearly and concisely, what tactical measures are desirable in various situations that may arise on the naval ...

The Development of Our Navy's Smokeless Powder

By Lieut. Commander Ralph Earle, U. S. Navy
July 1914
The PROCEEDINGS of the Naval Institute contain the very best and most valuable professional works on all subjects, and the writer in submitting this plain story of our smokeless powder ...

The Paramount Duty of the Army and Navy

By Rear Admiral Bradley A. Fiske, U. S. Navy
July 1914
The people of the United States are developing an anti-military spirit. Things military are struggling for existence. The principle that the military should be subordinate to the civil authority is ...

A Question in Discipline

By T.D. Parker
July 1914
The officer-of-the-deck begins to look a little fagged. Even the chief boatswain's mate seems worn, and mutters something about "having to tell youse fellows three or four times." The executive ...

Engineering Standards Afloat

By Lieut. Commander H. C. Dinger, U. S. Navy
July 1914
To properly carry on the work of the engineer department of a naval vessel there must be provided a capable personnel efficiently organized. Aside from organization and more important than ...

The Day Torpedo-Boat Attack

By Lieut. Commander Romeo Bernotti, Royal Italian Navy; Translated by Lieut. Commander W.N. Jeffers, U.S. Navy
July 1914
(Rivista Marittima, February, 1954) Until a few years ago the day attack by torpedo-boats was considered a possibility against crippled ships only, as in the case of the Souvarroff ...

Measurement of the Lag in the Time Service

By Ensign Robert A. Lavender, U. S. Navy
July 1914
Another novel use of the wireless telegraph has lately been developed at the U. S. Naval Observatory in the determination of the lag in the telegraph lines which supply the ...

Tacking a Navy Cutter

By Lieutenant A.C. Stott, U.S. Navy
July 1914
With the increasing use of the gasoline engine in all types of small craft there will probably be less and less occasion for the management of navy cutters and whaleboats ...

Professional Notes

Prepared By Lieutenant C. C. Gill, U. S. Navy
July 1914
This complete issue of Proceedings is provided for your use in its original format only at this time. The editorial team is currently reviewing the text version for possible errors ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

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