Article I.—The rules of the United States House of Representatives shall, in so far as applicable, govern the parliamentary proceedings of the Society.
Art. II.—1. At both regular and stated meetings the routine of business shall be as follows:
- At executive meetings the President, or in his absence the Vice- President, or in the absence of both a member of the Executive Committee, will call the meeting to order and occupy the chair during the session; in the absence of these, the Society will appoint a chairman.
- At meetings for presentation of papers and discussion, the Society will be called to order as above provided, and a chairman will be appointed by the presiding officer; such chairman shall be chosen, when practicable, from the Council of Regents, reference being had to the subject about to be discussed, and an expert in the specialty to which it relates selected. In the absence of such Regent, suitable selection to act as chairman shall be made upon the same principle from the members present.
- At regular meetings, after the presentation of the paper of the evening, or on the termination of the arguments made by members appointed to or voluntarily appearing to enter into formal discussion, the chairman will make such review of the paper as he may deem proper. Informal discussion will then be in order, each speaker being allowed not exceeding ten minutes in the aggregate, unless by special permission of the Society. The author of the paper will in conclusion be allowed such time in making a resume of the discussion as he may deem necessary. The discussion ended, the Chairman will close the proceedings with such remarks as he may be pleased to offer.
- At the close of the concluding remarks of the Chairman, the Society will go into Executive Session, as hereinbefore provided for the transaction of business, as follows:
- Stated business, if there shall be any to be considered.
- Unfinished business taken up.
- Reports of officers or Committees.
- Applications for membership reported.
- Correspondence read.
- Miscellaneous business transacted.
- New business introduced.
- Adjournment.