
November 2012
Colonel Joseph H. Alexander, U.S. Marine Corps (Retired) , the 2010 Naval History Author of the Year, served 29 years as an assault amphibian officer. He has published six books ...
Art Collection, National Museum of the Marine Corps, Triangle, VA

On Our Scope

November 2012
The late 1940s was a tumultuous time for the U.S. Marine Corps. Amid interservice feuding and postwar budget tightening, funding for the Corps was cut to the quick. The Fleet ...
U.S. Naval Institute Photo Archive

Historic Aircraft - A Dart from the Sea

By Norman Polmar
November 2012
From the 1920s into World War II several nations developed high-performance floatplane aircraft. Indeed, some were among the fastest aircraft of their time. During World War II, the British evaluated ...
Courtesy of the Author

A Vital Concept Refined

By Colonel Glen Butler, U.S. Marine Corps
November 2012
In the second half of the 20th century, the Marines took combat-forged lessons to heart and further honed close air support’s role and capabilities.

Book Reviews

November 2012
Misadventures of a Civil War Submarine: Iron, Guns, and Pearls James P. Delgado. College Station: Texas A&M University Press. 288 pp. Illus. Maps. Notes. Bibliog. Index. $34.95. Reviewed by Andrew ...
U.S. Navy (Harry Andrew D. Gordon)

In Contact

November 2012
Enterprise ’s Long History Captain Charles T. Creekman, U.S. Navy (Retired), executive director, Naval Historical Foundation Paul Stillwell does a great job of describing the significant role the USS Enterprise ...
Jesse Cancelmo

Naval History News

November 2012
Archaeologists Document Civil War Shipwreck in Gulf of Mexico A team of marine archaeologists and technicians assembled by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) began work in September to ...