Joseph Callo, Rear Admiral, USNR (Ret.), has written three books about Admiral Lord Horatio Nelson, including Nelson Speaks and Nelson in the Caribbean. Named Naval History's Author of the Year in 1998 and winner of the Samuel Eliot Morison Award for Naval Literature, he lives in New York City. He is the recipient of the Lee Wayland Douglas Award for Literary Achievement, which was awarded by the Association of the United States Navy in 2010.

Articles by Joseph Callo

Courtesy of the Author

A New Look at John Paul Jones

By Rear Admiral Joseph F. Callo, U.S. Naval Reserve (Retired)
May 2013
A good starting-point is Jones’ motivation for joining the Continental Navy. In a letter at the beginning of the American Revolution to Robert Morris, a member of the Continental Congress ...

A Proof of Madness?

By Rear Admiral Joseph F. Callo, U.S. Naval Reserve (Retired)
October 2007
The brashness of youth was the hallmark of the first days of the Continental Navy, but the sea service quickly gained maturity as its commanders and men learned from their ...

John Paul Jones Makes Admiral

By Rear Admiral Joseph F. Callo, U.S. Navy Reserve (Retired)
April 2006
But not in the United States. Jones became a rear admiral in the Russian Navy in 1788, flying his flag in the Vladimir as he defeated the Turks in an ...

Book Reviews

Reviewed by Rear Admiral Joseph F. Callo, U.S. Naval Reserve (Retired), Andrew G. Wilson & Lieutenant General John H. Cushman, U.S. Army (Retired)
April 2005
Nelson’s Purse: The Mystery of Lord Nelson’s Lost Treasures Martyn Downer. Washington, DC: Smithsonian, 2004. 424 pp. Illus. Appens. Notes. Bib. Index. $32.50. Reviewed by Rear Admiral Joseph F. Callo ...

Book Reviews

Reviewed by Major Mark Hubbs, U.S. Army Reserve (Retired) & Rear Admiral Joseph F. Callo, U.S. Naval Reserve (Retired)
December 2003
Hell Wouldn’t Stop: An Oral History of the Battle of Wake Island Chet Cunningham, New York: Carrol & Graf, 2002. 283 pp. Photos. Map. Bib. Index. $26.00. Pacific Alamo: The ...

Book Reviews

Reviewed by Rear Admiral Joseph Callo, U.S. Naval Reserve (Retired), Captain Edward L. Beach, U.S. Navy (Retired) & Ernest Arroyo
August 2002
The Nelson Touch: The Life and Legend of Horatio Nelson Terry Coleman. London: Bloomsbury, 2002. 423 pp. Illus. Appendixes. Notes. Bib. Index. $35.00 ($31.50). Reviewed, by Rear Admiral Joseph Callo ...

Nelson at Copenhagen

By Rear Admiral Joseph F. Callo, U.S. Naval Reserve (Retired)
August 2001
Though only second-in-command of the British Baltic fleet, Vice Admiral Lord Horatio Nelson boldly led an assault on the Danish squadron at Copenhagen, hoping to deny to the Little Corporal ...

'Let's Get the Yale Gang'

By Rear Admiral Joseph F. Callo, U.S. Naval Reserve (Retired)
September 2001
For God, for Country, and for Yale—those words are carved in stone at the base of Branford Tower, modern Yale University's signature building.

Book Reviews

Reviewed by Craig L. Symonds, Rear Admiral Joseph F. Callo, U.S. Naval Reserve (Retired) & A. N. Ryan
June 1999
War Along the Bayous: The 1864 Red River Campaign in Louisiana William R. Brooksher. Dulles, VA: Brassey's, 1998. 287 pp. Photos. Maps. Notes. Bib. Index. $27.50 ($24.75). Reviewed by Craig ...