Publisher’s Page

By Jim Barber
January 1988
This is the first regular quarterly issue of Naval History, and I’m happy to report to you that the subscriber response has been even better than anticipated. In some ways ...

The Spirit of the Essex

By Colonel Richard L. Upchurch, U. S. Marine Corps (Retired)
January 1988
The Navy-Marine Corps team provided yet another example of its famed prowess in operations during the War of 1812.

Making Waves

By Joan B. Crawford
January 1988
As manpower became increasingly scarce in the Navy of World War II, the solution was provided through the efforts of womanpower.

The Hardest Choice

By Mike Stankovich
January 1988
In 1942, Captain Mike Moran of the cruiser Boise had to weight the lives of lost airplane crews against the lives of the entire ship's crew.

A Ship for All Seas

By Captain John M. Waters, Jr. U.S. Coast Guard (Retired)
January 1988
When the Coast Guard commissioned a new class of cutters in the 1930s, the ships were built to last, and they have done just that.

In Contact

January 1988
"Peter's Victory at Sea" (See A. Widder, pp. 68-71, Naval History Premier Issue) Stellan Bojerud, Military Historian, Royal Staff College of the Armed Forces, Stockholm—There is always a ...

Oral History—Black Jack Reeves

By Admiral Thomas H. Moorer, U. S. Navy (Retired), Captain David McCampbell, U. S. Navy (Retired), Vice Admiral Thomas R. Weschler, U. S. Navy (Retired), Rear Admiral Thomas J. Hamilton, U. S. Navy (Retired), Admiral Arleigh A. Burke, U. S. Navy (Retired), & Admiral John S. Thach, U. S. Navy (Retired)
January 1988
By Admiral Thomas H. Moorer, U. S. Navy (Retired) I joined the crew of the heavy cruiser New Orleans (CA-32) in February 1934, when she was nearing completion at the ...

Book Reviews

Reviewed by Captain Edward L. Beach, U. S. Navy (Retired), Captain Michael T. Isenberg, U. S. Naval Reserve, Jim Sutton, Captain John Coote, Royal Navy (Retired)
January 1988
WAHOO: The Patrols of America’s Most Famous World War II Submarine Rear Admiral Richard H. O’Kane, USN (Ret.). Novato, CA: Presidio, 1987. 345 pp. Photos. Illus. Maps. Gloss. Ind. $18.95 ...

In Progress

January 1988
U. S. Naval Institute Naval History/Proceedings: Some authors of history articles ask whether their pieces will appear in Naval History or Proceedings, and others state their preference up front. No ...

In Profile—Albert Murray

By Ivan Scott
January 1988
As any leader can tell you, it can be lonely at the top, with not much time for simple, therapeutic conversation and not many people around with whom you can ...