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Academies & Colleges

Auburn University
Auburn is part of the Auburn-Tuskegee Consortium
- ADM Michael Rogers, USN (Ret.)

Boston University
Boston University is part of the Boston Consortium.
Cross-Town Affiliates:
- Boston College
- Northeastern University
Carnegie Mellon University
Cross-Town Affiliates:
- Duquesne University
- University of Pittsburgh

College of the Holy Cross
The College of the Holy Cross is a part of the Holy Cross-Yale Consortium.
Cross-Town Affiliates:
- Brown University
- Worcester Polytechnic Institute
- Worcester State University
- VADM Peter H. Daly, USN (Ret.) | Holy Cross Class of 1977

Cornell University
- RADM Christopher J. Mossey, USN (Ret.) | Cornell Class of 1981

Duke University
Duke is part of the North Carolina Piedmont Consortium.

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Florida A&M University
Cross-Town Affiliates:
- Florida State University
- Tallahassee Community College

George Washington University
Cross-Town Affiliates:
- Catholic University of America
- Georgetown University
- Howard University
- VADM Kelly Almon Aeschbach, USN

Georgia Institute of Technology
George Institute of Technology is a part of the Atlanta Consortium.
Cross-Town Affiliates:
- Georgia State University
- Kennesaw State University
- ADM James A. "Sandy" Winnefeld, Jr., USN (Ret.) | Georgia Tech Class of 1978

Hampton Roads Consortium | Hampton University, Norfolk State University and Old Dominion University
Cross-Town Affiliates:
- Tidewater Community College
- Regent University

Illinois Institute of Technology
Illinois Institute of Technology is part of the Chicago Consortium.
Cross-Town Affiliates:
- Kennedy King College
- University of Illinois at Chicago
- CAPT James F. Young, USNR (Ret.)

Iowa State University

Jacksonville University
Cross-Town Affiliates:
- Florida State College at Jacksonville
- University of North Florida
- CAPT Mark Vandenberg, USN (Ret.)

Maine Maritime Academy
Cross-Town Affiliates:
- Husson University
- University of Maine at Orono
- Mrs. Margaret Mathews Jenks

Marquette University
Cross-Town Affiliates:
- Milwaukee School of Engineering
- University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
- VADM Gerald R. Beaman, USN (Ret.) | Marquette University Class of '74

Maryland Consortium | University of Maryland at College Park and University of Maryland Baltimore County
The University of Maryland at College Park and the University of Maryland Baltimore County are part of the Maryland Consortium.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MIT is part of the Boston Consortium.
Cross-Town Affiliates:
- Harvard University
- Tufts University

Massachusetts Maritime Academy

Miami University (OH)
- ADM Stanley R Arthur, USN (Ret.) | Miami (OH) Class of 1957

Morehouse College
Morehouse is part of the Atlanta Consortium.
Cross-Town Affiliate:
- Clark Atlanta University
- Spelman College
- ADM James A. "Sandy" Winnefeld, Jr., USN (Ret.)

North Carolina State University
NC State is part of the North Carolina Piedmont Consortium.

Northwestern University
Northwestern is part of the Chicago Consortium.
Cross-Town Affiliate:
- Loyola University
- RDML James McManamon, USN (Ret.) | Northwestern Class of 1980

Norwich University

Ohio State University
- RADM Frank Lacroix, USN (Ret.), Ohio State University Alumnus

Oregon State University
- Mr. Alan Goudy

Pennsylvania State University
- Ms. Bonnie Musser in memory of W. Thomas Musser III

Prairie View A&M University
Prairie View A&M University is part of the Houston Consortium.
- Mr. Dirk P.D. Mosis III

Purdue University
- Mr. John H. Kundts | Purdue Class of 1969

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Cross-Town Affiliates:
- Russell Sage College
- Union College
- CAPT Sam Parrino, USNR (Ret.)

Rice University
Rice University is part of the Houston Consortium.
Cross-Town Affiliates:
- Houston Baptist University
- Texas Southern University
- University of Houston (University Park Campus).
- Mr. Dirk P.D. Mosis III

Rutgers University
Cross-Town Affiliate:
- Princeton University
- Mr. Rollin M. Warner, Jr.

San Diego Consortium | University of San Diego and San Diego State University
Cross-Town Affiliates:
- University of San Diego (Host University)
- University of California San Diego
- Point Loma Nazarene University
- California State University San Marcos
- San Diego State University

Savannah State and A&M College and Armstrong Atlantic State University

Southern University and A&M College
Cross-Town Affiliates:
- Baton Rouge Community College
- Louisiana State University
- Southeastern Louisiana University

State University of New York Maritime College
Cross-Town Affiliates:
- Columbia University (Includes Barnard College)
- Fordham University
- Molloy College
- Mr. Donald Brennan | SUNY Maritime College Class of 1961

Texas A&M University
Cross-Town Affiliate:
- Texas A&M University at Galveston
- CDR Brian C. Hayes, USNR (Ret.)
- Dr. Brian Hennings

The Citadel — The Military College of South Carolina

Tulane University
Cross-Town Affiliates:
- Dillard University
- Loyola University
- University of New Orleans
- Xavier University of Louisiana
- The Honorable Sean C. O'Keefe

Tuskegee University
Tuskegee is part of the Auburn-Tuskegee Consortium

U.S. Coast Guard Academy
Alpha Company
- RADM Fred L. Ames, USCG (Ret.) | U.S. Coast Guard Academy Class of 1968
Bravo Company
- ADM Thad Allen, USCG (Ret.)
Charlie Company
- ADM Thad Allen, USCG (Ret.)
Delta Company
- Mr. Steven J. Kuzma
Echo Company
- RADM Sid Wallace USCG (Ret.)
Foxtrot Company
- VADM Howard B. Thorsen, USCG (Ret.) | U.S. Coast Guard Academy Class of 1955
- LCDR Ian Starr, USCG
Golf Company
- LCDR Karen Kutkiewicz, USCG
Hotel Company
- RADM Doug Fears, USCG

U.S. Merchant Marine Academy

U.S. Naval Academy

1st Company
- Gen Peter Pace, USMC (Ret.) | U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1967

2nd Company
- Mr. Corbin McNeill | U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1962

3rd Company

4th Company
- Mr. John Morton

5th Company
- VADM William D. "Doug" Crowder, USN (Ret.) | U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1974

6th Company
- VADM James A. Sagerholm, USN (Ret.) | U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1952

7th Company

8th Company

9th Company

10th Company

11th Company
- ADM Henry H. Mauz, Jr., USN (Ret.) | U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1959

12th Company

13th Company
- CAPT John P. "Sean" Coffey, USN (Ret.) | U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1978

14th Company
- ADM Jonathan Greenert, USN (Ret.) | U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1975

15th Company
- Mr. Dirk P.D. Mosis III | U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1973
- Dr. Jennifer London in honor of Jack London

16th Company
- RADM Tom Lynch, USN (Ret.)

17th Company
- CAPT William Schramm, USN (Ret.)

18th Company
- USNA Class of '78 and '79 18th Companymates

19th Company
- Mr. Chip Wallen

20th Company
- Mrs. M. Cathy (Gaul) Salvato | U.S. Naval Academy Class of '83
- CAPT Michael S. Salvato, USN (Ret.) | U.S. Naval Academy Class of '83

21st Company
- CAPT James N. Adkins, Jr., USN (Ret.)

22nd Company
- Mr. Ed Farrell | U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1964

23rd Company
- VADM Dirk J. Debbink, USNR (Ret.) | U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1977

24th Company
- L. Frank (Smokey) Field | U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1964

25th Company

26th Company
- Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Mario

27th Company
- VADM John M. Bird, USN (Ret.) | U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1977

28th Company

29th Company
- CAPT Joseph R. Brenner, USN (Ret.)

30th Company
- CDR Guy Snodgrass, USN (Ret.) | U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1998

University of Arizona
- Mr. Thomas Peyatt

University of California, Berkeley
Cross-Town Affiliates:
- California State University Maritime Academy
- Stanford University
- University of California at Davis
- Mr. Robert Kanze

University of California, Los Angeles
UCLA is part of the Los Angeles Consortium.

University of Colorado
Cross-Town Affiliate:
- Point Loma Nazarene University
- An Anonymous Donor

University of Florida
- RADM Mark Emerson, USN (Ret.) | University of Florida Class of 1976

University of Idaho and Washington State University
- CDR and Mrs. Micheal L. Bryant

University of Illinois
Cross-Town Affiliate:
- Parkland College
- The Honorable Robert O. Work

University of Kansas
- CDR Robert Shields, USN (Ret.) | University of Kansas Class of 1966

University of Memphis
University of Memphis is part of the Mid-South Consortium.
Cross-Town Affiliates:
- Christian Brothers University
- Rhodes College

University of Michigan
Cross-Town Affiliate:
- Eastern Michigan University

University of Minnesota
Cross-Town Affiliates:
- Macalester College
- University of Saint Thomas
- Mr. Stanley S. Hubbard | Minnesota Class of 1955

University of Mississippi
University of Mississippi is part of the Mid-South Consortium.

University of Missouri
Cross-Town Affiliate:
- Columbia College
- CAPT Carl D. Olson, USN (Ret.) | University of Missouri Class of 1974

University of Nebraska
- RADM Sean Filipowski, USN (Ret.)

University of New Mexico
Cross-Town Affiliate:
- Central New Mexico Community College

University of North Carolina
UNC is part of the North Carolina Piedmont Consortium.
- CAPT Brian T. Smith, USN (Ret.)

University of Notre Dame
Cross-Town Affiliate:
- St. Mary's College
- Mr. Paul Charron | Notre Dame Class of 1964

University of Oklahoma

University of Pennsylvania
UPenn is a part of the Philadelphia Consortium.
Cross-Town Affiliates:
- Drexel University
- Temple University
- RADM Joseph F. Campbell, USN (Ret.) | UPenn Class of 1980

University of Rochester
Cross-Town Affiliates:
- Rochester Institute of Technology
- St. John Fisher College,
- SUNY Brockport
- CAPT Tom Brovarone, USN (Ret.)

University of South Carolina
Cross-Town Affiliates:
- Allen University
- Midlands Technical College
- Mr. Thomas C. Deas | University of South Carolina Class of 1972

University of South Florida
Cross-Town Affiliate:
- University of Tampa

University of Southern California
University of Southern California is part of the Los Angeles Consortium.
- LCDR Jason M Pilalas, USNR (Ret.) | University of Southern California Class of 1963

University of Texas
Cross-Town Affiliate:
- Huston-Tillotson University
- CAPT Dave Adams, USN (Ret.) | University of Texas Class of 1990

University of Utah
Cross-Town Affiliates:
- Weber State University
- Westminster College
- Mr. John Ching | University of Utah Class of 1984

University of Virginia
- Mr. Douglas "Chip" Wallen | University of Virginia Class of 1989

University of Washington
Cross-Town Affiliate:
- Seattle University
- Mr. William M. Rosen

University of Wisconsin

Vanderbilt University
Cross-Town Affiliates:
- Belmont University
- Tennessee State University
- LT and Mrs. Elliot T. Hall, LT Hall is Vanderbilt Class of 2011

Villanova University
Villanova is a part of the Philadelphia Consortium.

Virginia Military Institute
Cross-Town Affiliate:
- Mary Baldwin University
- Bill and Kristy Whitsitt in honor of their son, Jeremy Brett Whitsitt

Virginia Polytechnic Institute

Yale University
Yale is a part of the Holy Cross-Yale Consortium.
- RADM Joseph F. Callo, USNR (Ret.) | Yale University Class of 1952
- CAPT Sally McElwreath Callo, USN (Ret)