Every aspect of the common sailor's life in the Union navy—from recruiting, clothing, training, shipboard routine, entertainment, and wages to diet, health, and combat experience—is addressed in this study, the first to examine the subject in rich detail. The wealth of new facts it provides allows the reader to take a fresh look at nineteenth-century social history, including issues like ...
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Life in Mr. Lincoln's Navy
Available Formats: Hardcover
"U.S. Naval Mission to Haiti, 1959-1963"
U.S. Marines have been sent to Haiti many times since 1800, including as recently as 1995, but one of the most intriguing operations has—until now—been the least known. The 1959-63 mission exposed America's Cold War domino theory to the quagmire of Third World political tyranny. This revealing firsthand account of the operation is a tale of good intentions gone bad ...
Available Formats: Hardcover