Deputy Director of the Atlantic Division of the Bureau of Yards and Docks, Commander Smith joined the Civil Engineer Corps of the Navy early in 1941 and served most of the war in the Seabees. He holds degrees from both the College of the City of New York and from New York University. This is his second article published by the Naval Institute Proceedings.

Articles by H. E. Smith

What Is The Military Mind?

By Commander H. E. Smith (CEC), U. S. Navy
May 1953
The reader may counter the title question by replying, “ Is there a Military Mind?” There is a military mind if there is a judicial mind, an ecclesiastical mind, a ...

The Anatomy of Leadership

By Commander H. E. Smith (C.E.C.), U. S. Navy
December 1951
Leaders are born, not made” is an old sophism. If it were true, government and business would be difficult to maintain on any established basis. Somehow we would be forced ...