Captain Allen is a cutterman currently leading the Office of Emerging Policy at Coast Guard Headquarters in Washington, DC.

Articles by Craig Allen Jr.

Armed Drones: The Coast Guard's Next New Frontier?

By Lieutenant Commander Craig Allen Jr., U.S. Coast Guard
December 2017
At the core of the Coast Guard’s identity as a multimission service is the careful balance among its military, law enforcement, and humanitarian roles. Those roles occasionally conflict, requiring the ...
U.S. Coast Guard (Steven M. Youde)

A Great White Fleet for Cooperative Sea Power

By Lieutenant Commander Craig Allen Jr., U.S. Coast Guard
August 2014
The U.S. Coast Guard should be adequately resourced to deploy as an essential agent of our maritime strategy. In 1907 President Theodore Roosevelt deployed a great white fleet of 16 ...
U.S. Navy

Professional Notes

June 2014
Restarting Mk-48 Production poised to restart production of its heavyweight antisurface and antisubmarine warfare weapon, the Torpedo Mk-48 MOD 7 Common Broadband Advanced Sonar System (CBASS). The last all-up round ...
U.S. Coast Guard (Patrick Kelley)

Relieving the Watch

By Lieutenant Craig H. Allen Jr., U.S. Coast Guard
August 2012
With multiple missions and greater challenges ahead, the Sentinel class is set to “redefine the patrol boat’s role.”