
July 2014
Robert M. Browning Jr. is the chief historian for the U.S. Coast Guard and the author of nearly 50 articles relating to the Coast Guard and U.S. naval and maritime ...
The Photography Collection of Alfred Joseph Sedivi/U.S. Naval Institute Photo Archive

On Our Scope

July 2014
For the 3.6 million men and women who served abroad in the U.S. Navy during World War II, letters and perhaps a rare phone call or visit were the only ...
U.S. Naval Institute Photo Archive

In Contact

July 2014
Whiteout in Antarctica Richard Paul Smyers I have some additional information that could further illuminate Norman Polmar’s June column (“ Historic Aircraft: The Little Birds ,” pp. 14 15) ...
NOAA Okeanos Explorer Program, Gulf of Mexico 2014 Expedition

Naval History News

July 2014
Looters Also Found the Santa Maria On 13 May, underwater archaeological explorer Barry Clifford revealed that remnants of a shipwreck off the northern coast of Haiti most likely belong to ...
U.S. Naval Institute Photo Archive

Forged in Battle

By Edward J. Marolda
July 2014
From refined tactics to improved ships and weapons, the U.S. Navy benefited from its Vietnam lessons and steeled itself for the later Cold War years.
National Archives

'Damn the Torpedoes'

By Robert M. Browning Jr.
July 2014
Rear Admiral David Glasgow Farragut’s timeless words echo down the corridors of naval history—but just what exactly were those words?
U.S. Naval Institute Photo Archive

The Marines' Commando Experiment

By Midshipman First Class Michael Tesluk, U.S. Navy
July 2014
Edson and Carlson—two leaders with two very different styles—put their stamps on the 1st and 2d Marine Raider Battalions in World War II.

Book Reviews

July 2014
In the Hour of Victory: The Royal Navy at War in the Age of Nelson Sam Willis. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2014. 396 pp. Ilus. Notes. Glossary ...
Courtesy of Author

Museum Report - The Lucky Windjammer

By Andrew C. A. Jampoler
July 2014
Built in Glasgow in 1903, the SV Pommern is now—75 years after going out of service—afloat and restored. She is tied up across the street from the Ålands sjöfartsmuseum, a ...
U.S. Naval Institute Collection

Pieces of the Past

July 2014
A few hands of “White Squadron,” anyone? Preserved in the archives of the U.S. Naval Institute, this educational card game from 1896 teaches players about the ships of the U.S ...
Photography Collection of Alfred Joseph Sedivi, USN (1915–1945), courtesy of Nickie S. Lancaster, U.S. Naval Institute Photo Archive

Photographer at War

By Paul Stillwell
July 2014
Before meeting his fate with the sinking of the Indianapolis, Photographer’s Mate Alf Sedivi created a treasure trove of World War II Pacific imagery.