Naval History Digital Edition

August 2009
A digital edition of the August issue of Naval History is available for current USNI members to view. The magazine image below is a link to the online magazine and ...

Ship to Stateside in a Dozen Days

By Commander Edward P. Stafford, U.S. Navy (Retired)
August 2009
For a Naval Reserve lieutenant (j.g.), the trip home from World War II's Mediterranean theater had more than a few twists and turns.

Book Reviews

August 2009
The Attack on the Liberty : The Untold Story of Israel's Deadly 1967 Assault on a U.S. Spy Ship James Scott. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2009. 374 pp. Illus ...
Leon Cooper

Naval History News

August 2009
Retrieving Lost Honor at Tarawa Sixty-six years ago, Leon Cooper was a 22-year-old Navy ensign dodging bombs and bullets as hundreds of Marines died around him while they struggled to ...
National Archives

What Went Wrong at Koro?

By William H. Bartsch
August 2009
Although the 7 August 1942 U.S. landings on Guadalcanal and nearby islands were successful, the rehearsals for them in the Fijis were a complete bust.
Hartford Steam Boiler and Inspection Company

Death on the River

By Noah Andre Trudeau
August 2009
Packed on board the riverboat Sultana when her boilers blew, recently freed Union POWs faced being consumed by flames or drowning in the Mississippi.
Photo courtesy of Mrs. James C. Fahey

Fahey's Legacy

By Paul Stillwell
August 2009
The year 1939 was a busy one - filled with events that are still discussed 70 years later: movie classics such as The Wizard of Oz and Gone with the ...
beverley r. robinson collection, u.s. naval academy museum

The Butcher's Bill

By Commander Tyrone G. Martin, U.S. Navy (Retired)
August 2009
Wounded by musket balls, round shot, langrage, and a splinter, Old Ironside's Guerriere casualties received treatment ranging from enemas to amputation.

Historic Aircraft

Norman Polmar, Author, Ships and Aircraft of the U.S. Fleet
August 2009
Big Brother is Flying If the C-47/R4D Skytrain — the military version of the Douglas DC-3 airliner — was the most successful transport aircraft of the World War II era ...

The Oldest Submarine at Midway

By Robert J. Cressman
August 2009
A powerful Japanese force of four fleet carriers screened by fast battleships, cruisers, and destroyers launched 107 planes early on 4 June 1942, its commander believing that surprise had been ...

In Contact

August 2009
' The Underwater Navy at Normandy' (See R. S. Neyland, pp. 37-40, June 2009 Naval History ) Master Chief Boatswain's Mate Edward Ries, U.S. Navy (Retired) The side-scan sonar image ...

On Our Scope

August 2009
The Navy celebrates its birthday, with no great enthusiasm, every 13 October. On that date in 1775 the Continental Congress authorized the outfitting of two ten-gun vessels. In the wake ...

Museum Report

By William S. Dudley
August 2009
The First Gallery For those who enjoy the ultimate in the art of building ship models, a visit to the new model exhibit at the U.S. Naval Academy Museum is ...