On Our Scope

By Fred L. Schultz Editor-in-Chief
December 2003
The Centennial of Flight observations planned for Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, this December are predicted to attract throngs of aviation enthusiasts to mark the anniversary of the Wright Brothers’ historic ...

With Nelson at the Nile

By Thomas E. Jordan
December 2003
Seaman John Grimshaw, a sailor with Rear Admiral Horatio Nelson’s fleet at the Battle of the Nile, kept a log beginning on Christmas Eve, 1797. He recorded his “perticalars” on ...

Death of a Destroyer

By Captain Paul Sherbo, U.S. Naval Reserve
December 2003
Many a ship driver reading of the 1969 collision between the USS Frank E. Evans and HMAS Melbourne—here, after the incident—can see familiar errors that again could end in catastrophe ...

Recalling a Collision

By Captain R. T. E. Bowler III, U.S. Navy (Retired)
December 2003
At the time of the June 1969 collision between the USS Frank E. Evans (DD-754) and HMAS Melbourne, I was asleep in “after officer’s country,” on the main deck two-thirds ...

A Doctor for the Marine Corps

By Paul Stillwell
December 2003
During the Gulf War of 1991 and Operation Iraqi Freedom of 2003, the Navy had substantial medical facilities in place, and casualties were light. The news media barely took notice ...

In Contact

December 2003
“Exhuming the Constellation” (See D. Wegner, pp. 24-30, June 2003; M. Tyson, p. 10, October 2003 Naval History) “Constellation: Oldest Warship” (See G. Footner, pp. 39-41, October 2002; E. Aho ...

Historic Fleets

By A. D. Baker III, Editor, Combat Fleets of the World
December 2003
The USS Hank (DD-702) was one of 58 Allen M. Sumner (DD-692)-class destroyers completed during 1944-46; another dozen nearly identical ships were built as destroyer-minelayers. Of these 70 ships, 5 ...

Mitchell in the Marines

By Norman Polmar, Author, Ships and Aircraft of the U.S. Fleet
December 2003
Air power advocate William (Billy) Mitchell in the 1920s was a leading opponent of navies and especially of aircraft carriers. Calling for an independent air force that would embrace all ...

Naval History News

December 2003
Congress Moves to Designate “National World War II Museum” The National D-Day Museum in New Orleans now has official sanction for a new subtitle. Efforts to broaden the scope of ...

Book Reviews

Reviewed by Major Mark Hubbs, U.S. Army Reserve (Retired) & Rear Admiral Joseph F. Callo, U.S. Naval Reserve (Retired)
December 2003
Hell Wouldn’t Stop: An Oral History of the Battle of Wake Island Chet Cunningham, New York: Carrol & Graf, 2002. 283 pp. Photos. Map. Bib. Index. $26.00. Pacific Alamo: The ...

Salty Talk

By Commander Tyrone G. Martin, U.S. Navy
December 2003
The death of a crew member, especially at sea, is an event that can impact on shipmates in much the same way as the loss of a family member. Sailors ...