First published in 1989, The Bridge at Dong Ha, by John Grider Miller, recounts the heroic actions of then-Captain John Ripley, U.S. Marine Corps, in destroying a key bridge and stalling the coastal portion of the 1972 Easter Offensive by the North Vietnamese Army. By 1990, The Bridge won book-of-the-year honors from the U.S. Naval Institute and the Marine Corps Historical Foundation, and was placed on the Marine Corps Commandant’s professional reading list. Now republished in the Naval Institute’s Bluejacket paperback series, the book has new cover-to-cover drawings by Colonel Charles Waterhouse, Iwo Jima veteran and premier Marine Corps combat and historical artist. From the beginning of Ripley’s ordeal—setting charges on the bridge under direct fire (above)—to the moment of jubilation when the bridge goes up, this legendary artist once again captures the essence of the warrior spirit. A perfect fit.