Publisher’s Page

By Jim Barber Executive Director
December 1992
As newspapers and television screens bring images of tentative steps toward capitalism in Russia and the other nations of the former Soviet Union, it is still hard to realize that ...

The Goettge Patrol

By Lieutenant Colonel J. N. Mueller, U.S. Marine Corps Reserve
December 1992
On board a transport, five senior Marine officers plan their landing strategy. It was to be Goettg's last mission.

Every Good Ship Has a Heart

By Rear Admiral Francis D. Foley, U.S. Navy (Retired) Sidebar by Captain Bruce Stubbs, USCG
December 1992
Old Glory still flies from the Hornet's gaff after a Japanese dive-bomber crashed on the signal bridge.

In Contact

December 1992
“Commanding Officer Breaking Down” (See C. La VO, pp. 29-34, Fall 1992 Naval History) Captain Joseph R. Tucker, U.S. Navy (Retired)—Mr. LaVO’s article about the first war patrol ...

LSTs: Marvelous at Fifty

By Commander Kendall King, U.S. Navy
December 1992
Naval historian Samuel Eliot Morison called them the “most useful all-around craft invented by the Navy.”1 Admiral Richmond K. Turner referred to them as “a marvel.”2 Their crew members labeled ...

In Profile—Dwight C. Shepler

By Gale Munro
December 1992
In the summer of 1941, U.S. military forces were in a heightened state of alert. Though the United States remained a neutral power, its ships were endangered by the German ...

Oral History—The Cuban Missile Crisis

By Admiral George W. Anderson, Jr., U.S. Navy (Retired), Admiral Horacio Rivero, Jr., U.S. Navy (Retired), Vice Admiral Kent L. Lee, U.S. Navy (Retired), Vice Admiral William P. Mack, U.S. Navy (Retired), & Captain William Ecker, U.S. Navy (Retired)
December 1992
The following excerpts are firsthand accounts by naval officers involved with the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Oral History—Tracking the USS Enterprise

By Rear Admiral Edward L. Feightner, U.S. Navy (Retired)
December 1992
Two days before the Enterprise (CV-6) was to shove off from Pearl Harbor in October 1942, I was assigned to Fighter Squadron 10 on board the carrier. VF-10 had lost ...

Book Reviews

Reviewed by Stanley L. Falk, Vernon Williams, Michael Palmer, Thomas Gillmer, & Sidney Allinson
December 1992
Recent Books about Pearl Harbor By Stanley L. Falk Last year’s 50th anniversary ceremonies at Pearl Harbor reminded Americans once more of the deep sentimental and emotional feelings they still ...

In Progress

December 1992
U.S. NAVAL INSTITUTE Proceedings/Naval Review: In the November 1992 issue. Proceedings's running retrospective look at the major naval campaigns of World War II returns to the desperate land and ...
Douglas Munro

Semper Paratus: Douglas Munro

By Dr. Robert M. Browning, Jr.
December 1992
The U.S. Coast Guard manned more than 350 ships and thousands of craft for the Navy during World War II; amphibious- type assault craft constituted the largest number of these ...

Marine Corps Museums

By Colonel Joseph H. Alexander, U.S. Marine Corps (Retired)
December 1992
There is a narrowing margin between current events and “history.” Less than two years ago, the world’s media were bringing us live coverage of the ongoing military operations of Operations ...