Editor's Page

By Jim Barber
April 1987
Gentle readers: For nearly 114 years, the Naval Institute has kept faith with the original ideas of its founders, in Proceedings, we have maintained an open forum that stays tightly ...

In Contact

April 1987
Pearl Harbor: A Battle in Search of a Ship William C. Lynch , formerly Navy Second Class Radioman —This is the first time I have publicly raised a question that ...

The War in Vietnam's Shallows

By Edward J. Marolda
April 1987
An ad hoc combination of U. S. and South Vietnamese naval, air, and land forces—and battle-proven tactics— eventually put a severe cramp in Charlie’s shallow-water style.

Worried Landings

By Dennis Gordon and Martin O’Connor
April 1987
Cross winds and a 100-foot wide canal explained why the U. S. naval aviators called Porto Corsini “the station of worried landings.”

PBY Odyssey

Text by Captain Richard C. Knott, U.S. Navy (Retired) & Photos by Journalist Senior Chief Kirby Harrison, U.S. Navy
April 1987
Connie Edwards found that reenacting the epic NC-4 Transatlantic flight involved much more than just a takeoff and landing.

A Sky Gunner's Battle for Wake

By Commissioned Warrant Officer Charles A. Holmes U.S. Marine Corps (Retired)
April 1987
On 2 November 1941, we approached a long, sandy island dotted with green brush and a fourlegged water tower. This was Wake Island.

Old Tom

By Ray Brighton
April 1987
The monument tells little about one of the most distinguished animals ever to serve in the U. S. Marine Corps.

Peter's Victory at Sea

By Commander Arthur Widder, U. S. Navy (Retired)
April 1987
With indomitable will and absolute authority, Czar Peter I built Russia’s first fleet, and set his country on a seafaring course that continues to this date.

Oral History—Parks and the Pompano

By Captain Slade D. Cutter, U. S. Navy (Retired)
April 1987
I was with Lieutenant Commander Lew Parks for three years in the USS Pompano (SS-181). He took command in April 1939, about a year after I graduated from submarine school ...

Book Reviews

By Captain John O. Coote, Royal Navy (Retired), Richard A. Best, Jr., Robert L. Scheina
April 1987
Flagship Hood Alan Coles and Ted Briggs. London: Robert Hale, 1985. 269 pp. Ind. $16.97 ($15.27). Reviewed by Captain John O. Coote, Royal Navy (Retired) In September 1922, Brazil celebrated ...

In Progress

April 1987
U. S. NAVAL INSTITUTE As this new magazine demonstrates, history is alive and well at the Naval Institute, even though our focus remains on today and tomorrow. Here is a ...

In Profile: Carl Evers

By Commander Robert A. Nichols, Supply Corps, U. S. Naval Reserve (Retired)
April 1987
“The ultimate test of a marine artist ... is his ability to depict the sea in all its moods; that is the supreme accomplishment. The marine artist can be of ...
USS Connecticut BB-18

In Focus

April 1987
This picture of the USS Connecticut (BB-18) was taken at the time of her trials in Penobscot Bay [1906], Admiral [Robley D.] Evans ordered his chief of staff to take ...