Today’s submariners can glean valuable examples of tactical positioning from the Age of Fighting Sail. In her February 1815 showdown with HMS Cyane (right) and Levant (left), the USS Constitution managed to best both adversaries; James Fenimore Cooper hailed the action as being “among the most brilliant maneuvering in naval annals.”
Spanish vessels gathering at Cadiz, Spain, in preparation for an invasion of England are put to the torch by Sir Francis Drake in a daring preemptive strike, 1587.
Allied troops loading into landing craft, infantry at a North African port in preparation for Operation Husky, the invasion of Sicily.
Oily survivors from the torpedoed USS Helena are taken aboard the USS Nicholas (DD-449) after the July 1943 Battle of Kula Gulf.
t the entrance to Charleston Harbor in August 1863, heavy artillery pounds Confederate-held Fort Wagner, while ironclads fire on Fort Sumter.
An amphibious transport aircraft, a Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force ShinMaywa US-2, lands on the water at Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni, Japan, in January 2023.