- A D Baker III (10)
- A D Baker III Editor Combat Fleets of the World (8)
- Admiral Mike Mullen (2)
- Admiral Paul A Yost Jr (1)
- Admiral Paul A Yost Jr USCG Ret (1)
- Admiral Robert J Natter USN (2)
- Admiral Robert J Natter US Navy (1)
- Admiral Vern Clark (1)
- Admiral Vern Clark USN (1)
- Admiral Walter F Doran USN (1)
- Andrew Lambert (1)
- An Interview with Captain Edward L Beach Jr US Navy Retired (1)
- An Interview with Evan Thomas (1)
- An interview with John Deely Captain Freedom Schooner Amistad (1)
- Arthur K Cebrowski & Thomas P M Barnett (1)
- Arthur R Lee (1)
- Captain D A Goward USCG (2)
- Captain John Byron USN Ret (2)
- Commander Clay Harris US Navy (2)
- Commander George Bonsall US Navy (2)
- Commander Terry D Mosher US Navy (2)
- Commander Tyrone G Martin US Navy Retired (6)
- Compiled by Samuel Loring Morison (2)
- David C Walsh (2)
- Don Wallace (2)
- Don Wallace Illustrated by Jan Adkins (2)
- Don Walsh (6)
- Dr Milan Vego (4)
- Ed Walsh (4)
- Edward J Walsh (2)
- Eric Wertheim (5)
- Fred L Schultz EditorinChief (5)
- Jan Adkins (2)
- Joe DiRenzo III (2)
- Lieutenant Colonel Richard Seamon USMCR Ret (2)
- Lieutenant Commander Rick Burgess (6)
- Lieutenant Commander Rick Burgess USN Ret (3)
- Lieutenant Commander Thomas J Cutler USN Ret (2)
- Lieutenant Commander Thomas J Cutler USN Ret and Eric Wertheim (2)
- Lieutenant Commander Thomas J Cutler USN Ret and Lieutenant Commander Rick Burgess USN Ret (2)
- Major Christopher D Kolenda USA (2)
- Norman Friedman (10)
- Norman Friedman Author The Naval Institute Guide to World Naval Weapon Systems (2)
- Norman Polmar (6)
- Norman Polmar Author Ships and Aircraft of the US Fleet (6)
- Paul Stillwell (6)
- Rear Admiral Donald C Arthur Medical Corps US Navy (2)
- Tom Marfiak (7)
- Tom Philpott (11)
- Vice Admiral Jerry Miller US Navy Retired (2)
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