Bagley, Worth H., Adm, USN

A graduate of the U. S. Naval Academy with the Class of 1947, Rear Admiral Worth H. Bagley, U. S. Navy, commanded the USS Bridget (DE-1024) from 1958 to 1960. His subsequent duties include Naval Member of the Staff of the Military Representative of the President, the White House; Chairman’s Staff Group, Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; C.O. of the USS Lawrence (DDG-4); Executive Assistant and Naval Aide to the Secretary of the Navy; and C.O. of the USS Canberra (CA-70). He now commands Cruiser-Destroyer Flotilla 7.

Articles by Worth H. Bagley


By Rear Admiral Worth H. Bagley, U. S. Navy
February 1970
The year is 1974 and, within a three-week period, eight U. S. merchant ships have been sunk by Soviet submarines, an American destroyer has been attacked, and a Soviet blockade ...