Captain Abercrombie, U. S. Naval Academy class of 1921, graduated in 1920, and had varying duties. In destroyer duty on Pearl Harbor day, he was one of the first naval officers to win three Navy Crosses.

Articles by L.A. Abercrombie

Pacific Life Line

By Captain L. A. Abercrombie, U. S. Navy, and Fletcher Pratt
November 1944
With promotion I found myself no longer skipper of the old Blue Beetle. I was now “commodore” of a whole destroyer division, my new flagship being a destroyer of the ...

The Blue Beetle

By Captain L. A. Abercrombie, U. S. Navy, and Fletcher Pratt
October 1944
I was on the bridge at the time, with the dawn light from astern just beginning to strike across those long, slow swells from which the Pacific is never free ...