Captain King served in eight afloat commands during his naval service, including command of the USS Fresno (LST-1182). He currently is a senior analyst with American Systems Corporation supporting the Navy’s LPD-17 program.

Articles by Kendall J. King

Stepping a Modern Mast

By Captain Kendall J. King, U.S. Navy (Retired)
June 2006
In January 2005, naval tradition, Greek mythology, Native American heritage, and 21st-century advanced technology all came together with the formal stepping the mast ceremony for the future amphibious transport dock ...

Book Reviews

Reviewed by Captain Kendall J. King, U. S. Navy (Retired), Lieutenant Colonel Richard Seamon, U.S. Marine Corps Reserve (Retired), Commander Glenn Curran, Royal Australian Navy
December 1997
Ironclad Captain: Seth Ledyard Phelps and the U.S. Navy 1841-1864 Jay Slagle. Kent, OH: The Kent State University Press, 1997. 449 pp. Notes. Photos. Maps. Gloss. Bib. $35.00 ($31.50). Reviewed ...

Book Reviews

Reviewed by Captain Kendall J. King, U.S. Navy (Retired), Fred M. Tannenbaum, & Lieutenant Commander Thomas J. Cutler, US. Navy (Retired)
October 1996
Chesapeake Bay in the Civil War Eric Mills. Centerville, MD: Tidewater Publishers, 1995. 315 pp. Notes, Illus. Photos. Maps. $29.95 ($26.95). Reviewed by Captain Kendall J. King, U.S. Navy (Retired) ...

LSTs: Marvelous at Fifty

By Commander Kendall King, U.S. Navy
December 1992
Naval historian Samuel Eliot Morison called them the “most useful all-around craft invented by the Navy.” 1 Admiral Richmond K. Turner referred to them as “a marvel.” 2 Their crew ...