Commander Hendrix is the executive officer of Tactical Air Control Squadron Eleven. He has twice been named the Samuel Eliot Morison Scholar by the Naval Historical Center. He is a former member of the U.S. Naval Institute's Board of Directors and an ex-officio member of its Editorial Board.

Articles by Henry J. Hendrix II

Roosevelt and Evans

Roosevelt Wields His Big Stick

By Commander Henry J. Hendrix, U.S. Navy
December 2007
A scholar of the life and times of President Theodore Roosevelt pays a centennial tribute to TR's grand scheme, the Great White Fleet.
Treaty of Portsmouth

An Unlikely Location

By Commander Henry J. Hendrix II, U.S. Navy
August 2005
Against the backdrop of President Theodore Roosevelt's diplomacy, the Portsmouth Navy Yard hosted talks ending the Russo-Japanese War.

Book Reviews

Reviewed by James P. Delgado, Lieutenant Commander Henry J. Hendrix, U.S. Navy & Andrew Lambert
October 2003
Pacific Legacy: Image and Memory from World War II in the Pacific Rex Allen Smith and Gerald A. Meehl. New York: Abbeville Press, 2002. 316 pp. Photos. Maps. Index. $65.00. ...

Exploit Sea Basing

By Lieutenant Commander Henry J. Hendrix II, U.S. Navy
August 2003
Plans and platforms designed to meet the Soviet threat will not do in today’s environment. Sea basing—often envisioned as a massive, mobile offshore base—would allow U.S. forces to project decisive ...

Fulcrum of Greatness

By Lieutenant Commander Henry J. Hendrix, U.S. Navy
December 2002
Assistant Secretary of the Navy Theodore Roosevelt uses his office to leverage a completely refurbished foreign policy based around the Navy.