Mr. Tannenbaum, a Chicago native, served as a volunteer restoration crew member, docent, and group chaperone on board the ex-USS Silversides between 1979 and 1985. While completing a bachelor’s degree in journalism at Illinois State University in 1985, he did extensive research on the submarine’s illustrious history.

Articles by Fred M. Tannenbaum

Book Reviews

Reviewed by Captain Kendall J. King, U.S. Navy (Retired), Fred M. Tannenbaum, & Lieutenant Commander Thomas J. Cutler, US. Navy (Retired)
October 1996
Chesapeake Bay in the Civil War Eric Mills. Centerville, MD: Tidewater Publishers, 1995. 315 pp. Notes, Illus. Photos. Maps. $29.95 ($26.95). Reviewed by Captain Kendall J. King, U.S. Navy (Retired) ...

The USS Silversides

By Fred M. Tannenbaum
April 1993
Retired U.S. Navy Captain Robert K. R. Worthington raised his glass and invited the friends around him to join in a toast to his beloved old boat, the famous fleet ...