After passing the exams for West Point, Mr. Dieckmann changed his mind and enlisted in the U. S. Navy, serving for twenty years and finally retiring as a Chief Boatswain’s Mate. Subsequently he studied criminology and joined the San Diego Police Department where he served in various capacities until he retired recently as Lieutenant of Detectives. Mr. Dieckmann has written many technical articles for police magazines, as well as detective stories and fact-fiction based on his knowledge of police work. His hobby is historical research concerning weapons and strategy and tactics in ancient times.

Articles by Edward A. Dieckmann, Sr.

Sunday Punch Weapon

By Edward A. Dieckmann, Sr.
October 1956
When General William M. Hoge, commanding the American forces in Europe made the remark: “Our new weapons are a brake on Russian ambitions for armed conquest,” he meant our atomic ...