Lieutenant Commander Lott, who enlisted in the Navy in 1931, served on Commander Seventh Fleet’s staff with General MacArthur in Australia during World War II. After serving as a personnel advisor to the ROK Navy, he retired in 1957. He has since been recalled to active duty to accomplish special writing assignments for the Chief of Information. He is the author of two Naval Institute books, A Long Line of Ships, which is the history of the Mare Island Naval Shipyard, and Most Dangerous Sea, the history of mine warfare in World War II which is to be published later this month.

Articles by Arnold Lott

Japan's Nightmare—Mine Blockade

By Lieutenant Commander Arnold S. Lott, USN
November 1959
The war began in many ways, and in many places . . . and the end, when it came, also evolved in many ways and many places. Coral Sea, Midway ...