Graduating from the Naval Academy in 1935, Commander Talerico served in battleships, heavy cruisers, and light cruisers. After duty in the Neutrality Patrol off Iceland, he took part in the Aleutian, Tarawa, Philippine, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa campaigns, and while serving with the fast carrier task forces he took part in the raids on Formosa, Japan, and in the South China Sea. His present duty is as an instructor in Seamanship at the Naval Academy.

Articles by Anthony Talerico, Jr.

Sea of Decision

By Commander Anthony Talerico, U.S. Navy
September 1950
The blue sea between Europe and Africa has always been an important crossroads between occidental and oriental peoples. The Mediterranean Sea has had a cyclical importance throughout the centuries. At ...

Operation Justice (Honorable Mention, 1947)

By Commander Anthony Talerico, Jr., U. S. Navy
May 1947
Until the twentieth century, the imperialistic fever of all nations made them regard war as inevitable, and as a legitimate method of carrying out foreign policy. The First World War ...