Captain John Byron, U.S. Navy (Retired), is qualified in submarines and surface warfare. He twice was selected as Proceedings author of the year and wrote several prize-winning essays.

Articles by John Byron

Book Review hero

Review & Commentary

By Captain John Byron, U.S. Navy (Retired)
January 2022
Captain John Byron reviews The Afghanistan Papers: A Secret History of the War, and Humane: How the United States Abandoned Peace and Reinvented War

Mess Deck Intelligence

By Captain John Byron, U.S. Navy (Retired)
February 2010
In the wake of the Army's shut-down of a master sergeant's military blog, frequent milblogger "Rubber Ducky" cries foul.

Three Great Apes

By Captain John Byron, USN (Ret.)
May 2005
Surface, submarine, and naval air detailers lord over the Navy like great apesbut do they have the best interests of the Navy at heart?

U.S. Navy, Inc.

By Captain John Byron, USN (Ret.)
May 2004
The Navy is big business, and business has valuable lessons for our Navy.

A New Navy for a New World

By Captain John Byron, USN (Ret.)
March 2003
The world has changed. Sea control is out. Power projection is in. our future fleet must make the transition to sea-based land warfare—and cheaper ship alternatives—if it is to remain ...

Life's Rules

By Captain John Byron, U.S. Navy (Retired)
August 2002
What follows is a compendium of axioms and aphorisms sure to bring glory and happiness to naval officers who seek out their wisdom. On the Profession & One's Posture as ...

A Navy Out of Balance

By Captain John Byron, USN (Retired)
May 2002
Naval officers are an ethical lot. Altruistic and motivated toward the good, they do their best to do their jobs well. But they are drifting slowly from base course, letting ...

Are Sub Commanders Scapegoats?

By Captain John Byron, USN (Ret.)
January 2002
The late Brazilian statesman Roberto Campos often said sarcastically, "It is less important to find solutions than scapegoats." This spirit seems to have informed some recent submarine force decisions involving ...