Memo - Buy License

By Commander Robert B. Carney, U. S. Navy
May 1938
"Memo—buy license." How many times that note has appeared on my desk calendar! And how great has been the enjoyment and satisfaction derived from following out those instructions. In the ...

The Keokuk's Guns

By Lieutenant Harry von Kolnitz, C.W.S. Reserve
May 1938
In April, 1863, the powerful squadron of Federal ironclads opened their attack on Fort Sumter. This fleet numbered nine, Admiral Du Pont flying his flag from the frigate New Ironsides ...

The Capture and Destruction of the Barrier Forts

By Major Harold Colvocoresses, U. S. Marine Corps (Retired)
May 1938
In the fall of 1856 a state of war existed between the provincial government of Canton, China, and the British naval forces, under command of Admiral Sir Michael Seymour, stationed ...

Bay of Fundy Tides

By Harry Leypoldt
May 1938
Much has been written but little is known of the cause of the exceptionally large range of tide in the Hay of Fundy, and the explanation of the Phenomenon about ...

Naval Courts-Martial and Their Oaths to Witnesses

By Captain Leo F. S. Horan, U. S. Marine Corps (Retired)
May 1938
A New InterpretationThe new manual, Naval Courts and Boards—1937, has brought to the fore a new interpretation of the oath administered to witnesses before courts- martial in the United States ...

Naval Aviation and the Numbers Racket

By Lieutenant Ben Scott Custer, U. S. Navy
May 1938
"Where there is no imagination the people perish.” Let us examine some of the reasons why a dearth of imagination is deadly. It appears that without imagination there is no ...

Fisherman's Paradise—Settler’s Hell

By Lieutenant Robert Mazet, Jr., (M.C.), U. S. Naval Reserve
May 1938
The Galapagos Islands, discovered in 1535, consist of 24 principal islands and innumerable smaller ones straddling the equator in longitude 89° to 92° W., about 500 miles off the coast ...

Discussions, Comments and Notes

May 1938
Naval Courts-Martial and Their Oaths to Witnesses(See page 704, this issue)Commander T. L. Gatch, U. S. Navy.If we start with the assumption that we must start with, namely, that an ...

Book Reviews

May 1938
JANE’S FIGHTING SHIPS, 1937. Edited by Francis E. McMurtrie, A.I.N.A. London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co., Ltd. 425.Reviewed by Rear Admiral C. P. Snyder, U. S. Navy Jane's Fighting Ships ...

Notes on International Affairs

Prepared by Professor Allan Westcott, U. S. Naval Academy
May 1938
FROM MARCH 3 TO APRIL 3FAR EASTAmerican Policy Toward Japan.— An article on “Alternative American Policies in the Far East,” by former President Tyler Dennett of Amherst in the April ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

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