Displaying 1 - 10 of 11
First Team and Guadalcanal Campaign
Naval Fighter Combat from August to November 1942
From huddled command conferences to cramped cockpits, John Lundstrom guides readers through the maelstrom of air combat at Guadalcanal in this impressively researched sequel to his earlier study. Picking up the story after Midway, the author presents a scrupulously accurate account of what happened, describing in rich detail the actual planes and pilots pitted in the ferocious battles that helped ...
Available Formats: Softcover
Fatal Cruise of the Argus
Two Captains in the War of 1812
This is history, vibrant and on a grand scale and rich in the details of seafaring life with a focus on an American and a British naval officer whose separate paths converge in 1813 during a fierce battle between the Argus and the Pelican.
Available Formats: Hardcover