This epic air story of World War II is a powerful, poignant cross-section of the global air conflict from the perspective of British and American pilots. The author artfully weaves the historical backdrop with the pilots' accounts of one-on-one dogfights, dangerous bombing missions, and narrow escapes. Whether recounting the dark days of the Battle of Britain or the far-flung operations ...
In 1844 the USS Yorktown sailed from New York, as part of the U.S. Navy's newly established African Squadron, to interdict slave ships leaving the African coast. Aboard the sloop of war, Master's Mate John C. Lawrence, an educated New Yorker in his early twenties, kept a private journal describing what happened during the extraordinary two-year voyage and his reactions ...
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The innocence the 1950s and turbulence of the 1960s and 70s--years when America reached out and touched the heavens, only to be torn apart by internal conflict and a war in Southeast Asia--provide a dramatic setting for this unforgettable story of three men and ...