Robert. D. Heinl Jr.

Robert Debs Heinl Jr., Colonel, USMC (Ret.), a graduate from Yale University in 1937, fought at Pearl Harbor, Iwo Jima, and in Korea. He wrote three books and retired in 1964 after 27 years of service. Prior to his death in 1979 he was a nationally syndicated columnist.

Articles by Robert Debs Heinl, Jr.

The Gun Gap and How to Close It

by Colonel Robert D. Heinl, Jr., U.S. Marine Corps (Retired)
September 1965
The author questions whether our active fleets embody the aggregate non-nuclear firepower to assure the continued success of the Navy’s the amphibious assault.

Target: Iwo

By Robert D. Heinl, Jr., Colonel, U. S. Marine Corps
July 1963
Among the lasting controversies of the Pacific War, that which surrounds the pre-D-day bombardment of Iwo Jima will be debated as long as men remember the battle.
Beaches of Tarawa

The Right to Fight

By R. D. Heinl, Jr., Colonel, U. S. Marine Corps
September 1962
"The Right to Fight" is taken from Colonel Heinl's definitive history of the Marine Corps, Soldiers of the Sea, scheduled for early publication by the U. S Naval Institute.

The Marine Corps – Here to Stay

By Lieutenant Colonel Robert D. Heinl Jr., U.S. Marine Corps
October 1950
The Marine Corps seems to arouse at large the kind of white-hot, indignant defense that Everyman reserves for his alma mater, Mother’s Day, or the flag.