Colonel Garrett served 28 years on active duty, holding command at every level from rifle platoon to infantry regiment, and served as a division chief of staff. He was a member of the Commandant’s Staff Group under General Charles C. Krulak and served under Vice Admiral Art Cebrowski in the Office of Force Transformation. Commissioned through the NROTC program at University of California, Berkeley, he is a distinguished graduate of the U.S. Naval War College, and holds a masters in national security and strategic studies.

Articles by Pat Garrett

Marines conduct small-boat operations from HMS Albion into Latvia during the 2023 NATO Baltic Operations exercise.

Maneuver Warfare Is Not Dead, But It Must Evolve

By Colonel Pat Garrett, U.S. Marine Corps (Retired), and Lieutenant Colonel Frank Hoffman, U.S. Marine Corps Reserve (Retired)
November 2023
Marine Corps Essay Contest—Second Prize. Sponsored by U.S. Naval Institute. Properly understood and updated, maneuver warfare remains critical to the future.