Captain Harry A. Baldridge graduated from the Naval Academy in 1902 and was retired for physical disability after 30 years active service, part of which included duty as Head of the Department of Seamanship at the Naval Academy and duty on the staff of Admiral William S. Sims. As curator of the Naval Academy Museum he is responsible for the acquisition of many of the Museum's most valuable collections.

Articles by Harry A. Baldridge

Naval Academy Museum - The First 100 Years

By Captain Harry A. Baldridge, U. S. Navy (Retired), Curator
April 1946
IMPORTANCE OF THE 1945 MUSEUM “Miss le hand has shown me your note, and I told her that I wanted to answer it myself. “As you know, I have been ...

Naval Academy Museum—The First 100 Years

By Captain Harry A. Baldridge, U. S. Navy (Retired), Curator
September 1945
IMPORTANCE OF THE 1945 MUSEUM “Miss le hand has shown me your note, and I told her that I wanted to answer it myself. “As you know, I have been ...