CDR. Edward Peary Stafford, USN (Ret.) (1918�2013) was a naval aviator. He wrote for Naval History and Proceedings, as well as for National Geographic. He is best known for The Big E and four other books on naval history: Subchaser; Little Ship, Big War; The Saga of DE-343, and The Far and the Deep.

Articles by Edward Stafford

Cosmic Curiousity

By Commander Edward P. Stafford, U.S. Navy (Retired)
October 2004
Half a century ago, three Navy aviator saw something high above their Greenland base that baffled them.

Book Reviews

Reviewed by Commander Edward P. Stafford, U.S. Navy (Retired), Benis M. Frank, Commander Tyrone G. Martin, U.S. Navy (Retired) & Captain James A. McNitt, U.S. Naval Reserve
February 2000
Across the Top of the World James P. Delgado. New York: Checkmark Books, 1999. 224 pp. Illus. Index. $35.00 ($31.50). Reviewed by Commander Edward P. Stafford, U.S. Navy (Retired) The ...

The Hurricane Hunted

By Edward P. Stafford
October 1996
In the midst of the 1950 hurricane season, a storm named Charlie took on a squadron of PB4Y-2S Privateers in Miami and made the Navy’s “Hurricane Hunters” the hunted.

Book Reviews

By Stanley L. Falk, Commander Edward P. Stafford, U. S. Navy (Retired), John Rousmaniere, Commander John D. Alden, U. S. Navy (Retired)
September 1988
Leyte Gulf: A Bibliography of the Greatest Sea Battle By Stanley L. Falk The Battle for Leyte Gulf (23-25 October 1944) was the last great naval battle of World War ...

Books by Edward Stafford