Captain Stephens is a retired Medical Service Corps Officer, a life member of the U.S. Naval Institute, and recently retired after over 39 years in the Navy. 

Articles by Douglas E. Stephens

Humility and selflessness are essential leadership characteristics for naval  officers and can be as simple as  pitching in on a work detail.

Put Your Sailors First

By Captain Douglas E. Stephens, Medical Service Corps, U.S. Navy
October 2020
Humility and selflessness are essential leadership characteristics for naval officers and can be as simple as pitching in on a work detail.

Deployment Tips for Carrier Medical Departments

By Lieutenant Douglas E. Stephens, Medical Service Corps, U.S. Navy
February 2003
Although preparing carrier medical departments for deployment is nothing new, I suspect there is little documentation other than after-action and cruise reports. Based on the experience of the USS Carl ...