After serving in the Pacific Theater during World War II, Commander Blee attended the General Line School and transferred to the regular Navy in 1946. Much of his duty has been in Intelligence. He was also Executive Officer of the Deuel (APA-160) and Commanding Officer of the Meredith (DD-890). In 1957- 58 he served as Aide, Flag Lieutenant and Executive Assistant to Admiral Jerauld Wright, Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic and CIC Atlantic Fleet. Commander Blee is presently in command of the Shadwell (LSD-15).

Articles by Ben W. Blee

Prestige and the Navy Family

By Captain Ben W. Blee, U. S. Navy
November 1964
Improved public information efforts, are but one of many steps which must be taken both within and without the naval establishment, if the Navy man and his family are to ...

Lion in the East

By Ben W. Blee, Captain, U. S. Navy
December 1963
England was what England seems, An’ not the England of our dreams. But only putty, brass, an' paint, Ow quick we'd drop 'er! But she ain't!
Rum RAtion

The Story of Grog In The Royal Navy

By Commander Ben W. Blee, USN
August 1959
A mighty bowl on deck he drew, And filled it to the brink; Such drank the Burford’s gallant crew, And such the gods shall drink. The sacred robe which Vernon ...