A graduate of the U. S. Military Academy in 1940, Colonel Wermuth subsequently served with Infantry units for five years in California, Utah, the Aleutian Islands, Mississippi, Georgia, and Florida. He was G-3 of the Southern Landing Force on Kiska Island in 1943. From 1946 to 1950, he was instructor and assistant Professor of English at the U. S. Military Academy. After receiving his M.A. from Columbia University, he served in Heidelberg and Frankfurt as a G-l staff officer in Headquarters, USAREUR, and as a staff officer in Headquarters, US EUCOM. He was also a member of the Joint Survey Team in Spain in 1951. Colonel Wermuth is currently assigned to Plans Division, G-3, General Staff, U. S. Army, Washington, D. C.

Articles by Anthony Wermuth

Dollars and Sons

By Lieutenant Colonel Anthony L. Wermuth, USA
August 1959
What is the cost of modern war? What is the cost of preparation? How can one feel that his country is getting his money’s worth? Is there such a thing ...

Civilian Control Of The Armed Forces

By Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Wermuth, U. S. Army
December 1954
Recently, some rather one-sided debates have appeared in the press which, by discussing the principle at length, give added but unneeded emphasis to the principle of civilian control of the ...