The MV-22 provides a critical capability, but it faces challenges that echo those of the Harrier. If the current review looks at and builds on the aircraft’s previous readiness review, its insights will help keep the MV-22 ready and reliable for the remaining decades of its service life.

Lessons from the Harrier

By Lieutenant General Jon M. Davis, U.S. Marine Corps (Retired)
July 2024
If the Harrier's history is a guide, reviews of the Osprey will help keep it a reliable and capable aircraft for the remaining decades of its service life.
The Dauntless, Singapore’s seventh littoral mission vessel, entered service in 2020.

Singapore’s Littoral Solution

By Eric Wertheim
July 2024
Not to be confused with the U.S. Navy’s Independence-variant littoral combat ships, Singapore’s LMVs were locally designed, with significant assistance from the Swedish firm Saab.
A Marine in the Philippine Marine Corps, left, and an an operations officer with 3d Littoral Logistics Battalion, 3d Marine Littoral Regiment, 3d Marine Division, discuss plans  for KAMANDAG 7, at Camp Cape Bojeador, Philippines, in November 2023. In small working groups and planning teams, collegial leadership is essential to sharing ideas—especially when working with joint forces, allies, and partners.

Collegial Leadership: Leading as a Staff Officer

By Lieutenant Colonels Brian Kerg, Dennis Dunbar, and Cory Frederick and Major Chris Denzel, U.S. Marine Corps
July 2024
Marines take pride in their identity as leaders, and Marine officers are trained to aspire to command. Reprinted with permission from the Marine Corps Association.

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.