Upcoming Events
WEST 2023
Register now for the Sea Services event of the year! Join us in San Diego at WEST 2023, 14–16 February, where the theme is “Readiness, Capability, Capacity: How Do the Sea Services Match Up Against the Future Threat?” Panel topics include “Man, Train, and Equip Perspective: What Are the ‘Goods’ and ‘Others’ on Readiness, Capability, and Capacity?” and “Do the Sea Services Have the Resources They Need to Meet the Challenges of Today and Tomorrow?” For registration, full agenda, and more details, visit westconference.org.
Naval Institute Member Event in San Diego
Our Member Event at the Ultimate Skybox is a highlight every year during WEST. This year it will be at 1800 on 15 February. Enjoy the company of fellow members and meet WEST speakers and panelists while enjoying great food and drink in one of San Diego’s premier venues. Tickets are limited, so register now at usni.org/events.
Naval Institute Press
In 2014, Robert Haddick was one of the early authors to suggest the U.S. public and many foreign policy experts were unaware of the threat China’s military modernization and buildup posed to U.S. national interests. In this second edition of Fire on the Water: China, America, and the Future of the Pacific, Haddick brings the reader up to today’s balance of power. Much has transpired in nine years, and the stakes are even higher now.
“Robert Haddick has once again produced a superb study on the intensifying Sino-American rivalry. His unsparing judgments about outmoded U.S. military strategies are sure to stir debate while his urgent calls for defense reforms ought to jolt the policy community into action. For those looking for creative yet sensible ideas to meet China’s challenge, this is the go-to book.”
—Toshi Yoshihara, senior fellow, Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, and coauthor of Red Star over the
Pacific: China’s Challenge to U.S. Maritime Strategy, 2nd ed.
To order your copy, go to www.usni.org/press/books/fire-water-second-edition.
Membership News
Whether you are new to the Institute or a Golden Life Member, you are an important part of our 150-year history! The Naval Institute would never have reached its sesquicentennial without the support of our members! Thank you for being with us. Your dues and donations support not just Proceedings, but the full depth and breadth of our missions: giving voice to the naval profession; reporting Sea Service news; preserving the lessons of naval history; and publishing professional books for current and future officers and enlisted professionals. If you have a son or daughter, shipmate, friend, or colleague who would benefit from being a member, please encourage them to join, or give them the gift of membership at www.usni.org/join. And we welcome all our new members who were members of the Naval Historical Foundation!