Editor's Page

January 2016
A year ago in these pages, Vice Admiral Thomas Rowden, Commander of Naval Surface Forces, along with coauthors Rear Admiral Peter Fanta and Rear Admiral Peter Gumataotao, introduced the concept ...

CEO Notes

January 2016
The Naval Institute enters the new year with the outstanding support of our Members and a positive record of accomplishments for 2015. First, when I speak of you, the Members ...

Comment & Discussion

January 2016
Technical Expertise Requires Its Own Career Path (See J. W. D. Kurtz, p. 12, December 2015 Proceedings ) Colonel Todd R. Fredricks, U.S. Army —I feel compelled to comment on ...

From the Deckplates - High Trust, High Engagement

By Senior Chief Jim Murphy, U.S. Navy (Retired)
January 2016
Each new year provides the opportunity to reflect on the past and set goals for the future. As we begin 2016, we should strive toward building high-trust organizations. The alternative ...

Charting a Course - How to Make Flag

By Captain Kevin Eyer, U.S. Navy (Retired)
January 2016
There are those among us who wish for achievement greater than command at sea. Perhaps you would like to be one of these persons? Though many flag officers would prefer ...
U.S. Navy (Kevin V. Cunningham)

'Tactical Excellence by Design'

By Rear Admiral Jim Kilby, U.S. Navy
January 2016
Facing a rising tide of capable, potential adversaries, the U.S. Navy’s surface force has ordered a course change in tactical training with a renewed focus on sea control. A big ...
U.S. Navy

Lessons Learned for Maritime Combat

By Captain Fred Pyle, Lieutenant Commander Mark Cochran, and Lieutenant Commander Rob McFall, U.S. Navy
January 2016
The surface Navy has a proud tradition of warfighting excellence—from destroyer action in the Pacific during World War II, supporting the Inchon landing in Korea, to the gun line in ...
U.S. Navy (Ignacio D. Perez)

Rethinking Survivability

By Lieutenant Commander Ryan Hilger, U.S. Navy
January 2016
In April 2012, the Defense Department’s Director of Operational Test & Evaluation (DOT&E) dropped a bombshell, stating that the littoral combat ship (LCS) “is not expected to be survivable in ...
U.S. Navy (Brandon Cyr)

Retaining Our Most Talented. . . to Fight and Win

By Captain Brad Cooper, U.S. Navy
January 2016
One year ago, surface force leadership published a collective vision for the future. In their Proceedings article “‘ Distributed Lethality ,’” Vice Admiral Tom Rowden and Rear Admirals Pete Gumataotao ...
U.S. Navy (Blake Midnight)

Flash Mob in the Shipping Lane!

By Commander Timothy McGeehan and Commander Douglas Wahl (Retired), U.S. Navy
January 2016
2015 Mine Warfare Essay Contest Winner, Sponsored by the Mine Warfare Association rough the channel; there was no telling if the minesweepers had neutralized all of the enemy mines. Now ...
U.S. Naval Academy

The Well-Educated Officer

By Captain William R. Bray, U.S. Navy
January 2016
Within two years of graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy in the late 1980s, I read Allan Bloom’s then-recently published bestselling critique of higher education, The Closing of the American ...
U.S. Navy (Gary Nichols)

The New Navy: It's Here

By Hospital Corpsman Ryan Zieno, U.S. Navy
January 2016
It’s a phrase we hear more and more as we travel the halls of our buildings and the p-ways of our ships. The older, saltier sailors keep mentioning how this ...
U.S. Navy (Ryre Arciaga)

The Men Behind the Machines

By Milan Vego
January 2016
Proponents of new technologies often make assertions, with little or no proof, regarding the capabilities of a novel weapon. (This was also the case in the past after the advent ...

Book Reviews

January 2016
Fighting the Cold War: A Soldier’s Memoir General John R. Galvin, U.S. Army (Retired). Lexington, Kentucky: University of Kentucky Press, 2015. 517 pp. Index. $39.95. Reviewed by Robert E. Hunter ...
U.S. Navy (Joe Bishop)

Professional Notes

January 2016
How to Handle the Freedom : Part II By Commander Dale Heinken, Captain Robert Butt (Retired), and Lieutenant George Kunthara, U.S. Navy It is well known that shiphandling is a ...
French Ministry of Defence

Combat Fleets

By Eric Wertheim
January 2016
On the night of 13 November, France suffered its worst terrorist attack since World War II. Less than a week later, the French navy’s nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle ...
Courtesy of the Sage Family

Lest We Forget - The Sages of Niobrara

By Lieutenant Commander Thomas J. Cutler, U.S. Navy (Retired)
January 2016
Eunice Sage was proud of her three sons, all serving in the Navy. She was happy that they were together but concerned that their serving in the same ship could ...

From Our Archive

January 2016
‘In skating over thin ice our safety is our speed.’ Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803–1882) Ice and snow of the brutal Korean winters only compounded the inherent dangers of a carrier ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.