The Naval Institute’s Editorial Board met on 4 November and selected the winners of the 2014 Leadership Essay Contest. The contest is sponsored by Dr. J. Phillip London and CACI International. This year’s contest was very competitive, with 96 authors submitting essays.
The winners are:
• First Prize: $5,000
“Lessons in Stoic Leadership”
By Ensign Jesse Burroughs, USN
This essay can be found on pages 66–70 of this issue.• Second Prize: $2,500
“3 Letters: The Difference Between failING and being a failURE”
By Captain Rafiel D. Warfield, USMC• Third Prize: $1,500
“Lead Us! Unlocking Junior Officer Potential”
By Lieutenant Michael Mabrey, USN
Honorable Mentions:
• “Past as Prologue: A Fresh Perspective on Naval Leadership from the Junior Officer Ranks”
By Lieutenant Jonathan Lushenko, USN• “Ruthless Self-Reflection: Integrating the Most Important Leadership Trait into a Highly Effective Leadership Persona”
By Captain James P. Donovan, USMCR• “Leadership Development: Seek Crucible Opportunities, Seek Mentoring”
By Lieutenant Jeff Janaro, USCG
All prize and honorable-mention winners receive a one-year membership or a one-year extension to a current membership.
As announced in the November Proceedings, the Naval Institute has begun publishing in the Apple Newsstand with current and previous issues of Naval History magazine and new special-issue volumes. Current subscribers can access the content, or single issues are available for sale.
The first special-issue volume, Submarines from Bushnell’s Turtle to Polaris, Parts I–III, present anthologies of the finest Proceedings articles tracing the U.S. submarine service from its beginnings, through two world wars, to the opening years of the nuclear era. Authors include Lieutenants Chester W. Nimitz and Hyman Rickover, USN. Each special volume is enhanced with slide shows, video, and maps. Available on the iPad only, look for more issues to be published quarterly.
The Defense Entrepreneur Forum, or DEF, was launched to stimulate and encourage innovation within and across the U.S. military. The drivers of this organization are, for the most part, junior military officers, government civilians, and members of industry with military backgrounds. Many DEF members are also members of the Naval Institute. The spirit of the organization is reminiscent of the early days of the Naval Institute when a small group of Navy and Marine officers got together in 1873 in Annapolis to introduce innovations into their profession.
At this year’s DEF conference, held at the University of Chicago’s riverfront Gleacher Center and the historic Merchandise Mart, the Naval Institute sponsored an innovation competition. Eight DEF members made 15-minute presentations in a shark-tank-type atmosphere at The Bunker, the Nation’s first veteran-based start-up incubator.
The winners of the competition were:
• First Prize: Syrian Airlift Project—$3,000
Major Mark Jacobsen, USAF• Second Prize: eDIVO—$1,500
Lieutenant Charlie Hymen, USN• Third Prize: MoneyJet—$500
Major Dave Blair, USAF
The Naval Institute plans to feature the three winners’ projects in a future issue of Proceedings.
Please be sure to register for our 4 December Defense Forum Washington 2014 addressing “What Does the Nation Need from Its Sea Services?” The conference will be held at the Newseum in Washington, D.C. from 1000–1530. Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) and Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) are invited. Congressman J. Randy Forbes (D-VA), and Mr. Ron O’Rourke of the Congressional Research Service are confirmed. Rear Admiral Kevin Donegan, USN, and Vice Admiral Chuck Michel, USCG, will present, and Peter Swartz of the Center for Naval Analyses will moderate a discussion on the changes in the world environment and context since the last maritime strategy was released in October 2007. Please go to for registration information.
Save the date for WEST 2015, 10–12 February in San Diego. This will be WEST’s 25th year!
I hope you will take a few moments to glance through our new holiday catalog at There is a superb selection of books and other gifts, and outstanding Member discounts on books ordered by 19 December. To receive this discount, use the coupon code “Holiday 2014.” You may order online——or via phone (800) 233-8764.
As we head into the end of 2014, I am happy to report the Naval Institute will have another successful year. We have made excellent progress on our mission goals of preserving important history, accelerating our progress toward the digital future, and reaching a greater audience through initiatives such as USNI News and our expanded essay contests. Membership is up for the third straight year, and the Naval Institute Foundation will set another record for 2014. We sincerely thank you for your membership and support!
On behalf of the staff of the Naval Institute, I wish all our Members a very joyous holiday season and a Merry Christmas!
Peter H. Daly VADM, USN (Ret.)
Life Member and Member since 1978