Courtesy of J.J. Keefe

Editor's Page

Robert Timberg
April 2007
Back in 1966, our battalion commander was a chunky, bespectacled fireplug of a Marine named Walter Moore. His nickname was MuMu. No one knew where the moniker came from. Years ...

Comment and Discussion

April 2007
"LCS: A Step, Not an End" (See W. J. Holland, pp. 50-54. January 2007; C. Hooper, R. Lynch, pp. 6-7, 73, February 2007 Proceedings) Captain R. Robinson Harris, U.S. Navy ...
U.S. Marine Corps (Tom Sloan)

Commentary: Troop Level Increases: Pyrrhic Victory?

By Lieutenant Colonel Frank G. Hoffman, U.S. Marine Corps (Retired)
April 2007
Defense Secretary Robert Gates recently approved a substantial increase in the Army and Marine Corps. The Corps was authorized to expand from 175,000 to 202,000 Marines. Likewise, the Army was ...

What Took So Long?

By Commander John T. Kuehn, U.S. Navy (Retired)
April 2007
"States like these, and their terrorist allies, constitute an axis of evil, arming to threaten the peace of the world." -George W. Bush, 29 January 2002. Recently the Bush administration ...

Warlord Loop Reading List

April 2007
Online national security devotees hand-picked by retired Army Colonel John M. Collins each nominate two books that have had the most professional impact on them.

Challenges for the New Maritime Strategy

By Rear Admiral W. J. Holland, U.S. Navy (Retired)
April 2007
Expectations are high for the Navy's new maritime strategy. Its greatest accomplishment, however, may be answering the question so many are asking these days: "Why do we need a Navy?" ...

Bob Gates, Striped Pants SecDef?

By Mark Matthews
April 2007
The new Defense Secretary's influence seems to be drifting across the Potonac to Foggy Bottom. Robert M. Gates won praise for public candor when asked at his Senate confirmation hearing ...

Terrorism in Southeast Asia: A Navy Fight

By Ensign Andrew Sand, U.S. Navy
April 2007
In Southeast Asia, we have an enemy capable of conducting multiple attacks across locations separated by ocean water. This enemy is cooperative, spanning numerous networks and tied to al Qaeda ...

Building Global Partnerships

By Lieutenant Commander Bill Daly, U.S. Navy
April 2007
The Naval Staff College strengthens aspects of U.S. power and Navy programs that have not been stressed enough. It is critical that we learn more about other cultures. Understanding other ...

Handling the Burkes: The Art of the Mediterranean Moor

by Commander Esther J. McClure, Lieutenant Commander Monika Stoker, and Lieutenant Robert Blondin, U.S. Navy
April 2007
This essay complements Proceedings ’s previous articles on handling Arleigh Burke (DDG-51)—class destroyers. We address what may be the greatest challenge to a shiphandler’s skill: the Mediterranean (Med) moor. The ...

Professional Notes

April 2007
Enemy UAVs Threaten Our Security By Lieutenant Colonel Glen Butler, U.S. Marine Corps All U.S. forces engaged in the Global War on Terrorism ("Long War") must be prepared for an ...

Book Reviews

April 2007
The Past as Prologue: The Importance of History to the Military Profession Williamson Murray and Richard Hart Sinnreich, editors. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006. 265 pp. Notes. Index. $75 ...

U.S. Navy: Ships in Shoal Waters

By Norman Polmar
April 2007
The U.S. Navy's shipbuilding program is in shoal waters despite an increase in ship construction funds in the Fiscal Year 2008 budget recently sent to Congress. That budget plan-approved by ...

Combat Fleets

By Eric Wertheim, Editor, <i>Combat Fleets of the World</i>
April 2007
Several Allied fleets will benefit from the U.S. Navy's ongoing retirement of dedicated mine countermeasures vessels. As the Osprey class of coastal minehunters retires from service, many of the ships ...
Naval Historical Center

Lest We Forget: Tip Merrill; VF-43

By Lieutenant Commander Thomas J. Cutler, U.S. Navy (Retired), Lieutenant Commander Rick Burgess, U.S. Navy (Retired)
April 2007
Tip Merrill In the U.S. Naval Academy's Naval Warfare course, midshipmen are taught the principle of "commander's intent." It is defined as the means by which a commander conveys his ...

Naval Institute Foundation

April 2007
Foundation News Call for Support for Admiral Thomas Hayward's Oral History Over the course of 13 years, former Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Thomas B. Hayward discussed his life and ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.