Editor's Page

By Robert Timberg, Editor-in-Chief
October 2006
ctober 13 is the birthday of our Navy. On that date in 1775, in Philadelphia, a small group within the Continental Congress, led by John Adams, persuaded fellow legislators to ...

Comment and Discussion

October 2006
"A Civil War in the Military" (See M. Cancian, pp. 48-52, September 2006 Proceedings) Commander Jeffrey B, Barta, U.S. Navy-Colonel Cancian wrote an excellent overview of the issues facing today's ...

Military Justice?

By Lieutenant Colonel Gary Solis, USMC (Ret.)
October 2006
A former military judge advocate analyzes the disparate sentences being handed down for war crimes committed by U.S. troops.

For Those Who Dare

By Fred L. Schultz
October 2006
A journey through the history of the U.S. Naval Institute, focusing on the personalities who have helped build its cachet.

The Technological Perfect Storm

By Robert Kavetsky and Midshipman Christopher J. R. McCook, USN
October 2006
We are at a research and development crossroads. If it is not sustained, we will pay the price decades down the road.

My Messages to the Navy

By Trent Ward
October 2006
Almost weekly, I see scientists and engineers retire at Naval Air Warfare Center, Weapons Division, China Lake. It's just one indicator of America's looming shortage of such personnel. But, to ...

Movie Review: The Guardian

By Dave Danelo
October 2006
Limelight for the Coast Guard We all know the drill. Directors, actors, and screenwriters go to "boot camps," interview experts, and coordinate their celluloid efforts with military public affairs offices ...

The Failure of the All-Volunteer Force

By Captain John Byron, U.S. Navy (Retired)
October 2006
What's wrong with the All-Volunteer Force (AVF)? Perhaps nothing...until Iraq. Three decades old, the AVF arguably worked, carrying us post-Vietnam through the Cold War, the minor conflicts of the 1990s ...

Achieving the Right Mix

By Admiral Robert J. Natter, U.S. Navy (Retired) and Admiral Donald Pilling, U.S. Navy (Retired)
October 2006
As debate swirls around the need for the DDG-1000 and CG(X) and the future size of the Fleet, we should not overlook a cheaper, more practical option: extending the service ...

Cutting China’s "String of Pearls"

By Major Lawrence Spinetta, U.S. Air Force
October 2006
History teaches that land-based aircraft such as these U.S. Air Force F-15E Strike Eagles, can control the littorals and help counter China's maritime strategy. Military analysts believe that China plans ...

The Balkanization of Iraq

By Captain Joseph F. Bouchard, U.S. Navy (Retired)
October 2006
Cut-and-run? Stay the course? Perhaps Iraq's future lies in its division. The author explores the implications of such a policy. The United States' strategy in Iraq has failed. Iraq is ...

Time for Navy Air to Join Special Operations

By Lieutenant Commander Erik W. Ostrom, U.S. Navy
October 2006
As important as it is in today's warfighting, the Navy doesn't have much of a footprint in special operations. An aviation component could change that. As the Global War on ...

Explaining the War (in Two Minutes or Less)

By Colonel Kenneth Allard, U.S. Army (Retired)
October 2006
Warheads: Cable News and the Fog of War, a new book from the Naval Institute Press, provides a hard-hitting and sometimes hilarious look at television military analysts as they attempt ...

Professional Notes

October 2006
COTS: We Can't Afford to Do It Any Other Way By Captain Gibson Kerr, U.S. Navy Little did the submarine force know when it introduced commercial off the shelf (COTS) ...

Book Reviews

October 2006
DEFCON-2: Standing on the Brink of Nuclear War During the Cuban Missile Crisis Norman Polmar and John D. Gresham. Foreword by Tom Clancy. New York: John Wiley, 2006. 303 pp ...

Die Kriegsmarine: No Mystery in the Depths

By Norman Polmar, Author, Ships and Aircraft of the U.S. Fleet
October 2006
Carrier raystery may be solved" declared several newspapers after the Polish Navy located the remains of a large ship on the sea floor this summer. 1 Underwater photography did indeed ...

Combat Fleets

By Eric Wertheim, Editor, <i>Combat Fleets of the World</i>
October 2006
The Australian Navy's Appleleaf-class underway-replenishment oiler HMAS Westralia , shown here earlier this year, returned from her last overseas deployment in April 2006 and was decommissioned in September, following the ...

Lest We Forget: Homefront, VF-51 (Part 1)

By Lieutenant Commander Thomas J. Cutler, U.S. Navy (Retired), Lieutenant Commander Rick Burgess, U.S. Navy (Retired)
October 2006
Homefront While still a young girl, Doris Biorseth left South Dakota in the summer of 1941 and headed west, settling in Washington, where, for a time, she worked in a ...

Naval Institute Foundation

October 2006
Admiral Dennis Wilkinson's History Is Now Available Support from a number of admirers has enabled the Naval Institute to complete Vice Admiral Eugene P. "Dennis" Wilkinson's oral history. Admiral Wilkinson ...

From Our Archive: Chinese Junk in 1969

October 2006
The classic Western view of China's historical merchant fleet generally resembles this junk, contrasted with the USS Bon Homme Richard (CVA-31) in the Gulf of Tonkin in 1969. As archaeologists ...

Misnaming Aircraft Carriers

By Norman Polmar, Author, Ships and Aircraft of the U.S. Fleet
October 2006
Congressional legislation is pending as this column went to press that could force the Navy to name the next nuclear aircraft carrier, the CVN-78, for former president Gerald R. Ford ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.