In Their Own Words: Joseph Callo and Sally McElwreath Callo
Support for the Naval Institute Foundation comes from many sources, including the husband—wife team of Rear Admiral Joseph Callo and Captain Sally McElwreath Callo, both U.S. Naval Reserve (Retired). Here is what they say about their commitment:
SALLY: Two of my brothers served in the military—one with the 82nd Airborne and as a helicopter pilot with the Seventh Infantry Division, and the other in the Army Corps of Engineers. My sense of military service came naturally. After graduating from Pace College, I gravitated toward the Navy by chance. The rest, as they say, is history. During my reserve career I came to understand the dedication of my career Navy counterparts and the overarching importance of the U.S. Navy to our past, present, and future. That has translated naturally to support for the Naval Institute Foundation and its support for the rigorous investigation of how maritime power relates to our national welfare.
One of the fringe benefits of that support is that it is a shared activity with my husband. As we pursue our individual careers, our commitment to the Naval Institute Foundation cuts across a lot of lines with a focus on a common interest in an important institution.
JOE: Family influence had a lot to do with my joining the NROTC unit at Yale. My father served in the Marine Corps with the American Expeditionary Force in Europe in 1918-19. He didn’t talk much about specifics (except how tough Parris Island was), but it was clear he was proud of his service. He believed willingness to serve in the military of one’s country should be a given. His discharge certificate hung over his desk all his life. Now, it hangs over mine. The message I took from his example was: “Serve by doing, not talking.”
My interest in sailing also had something to do with “going Navy” in college and a lot to do with my request for the amphibious forces after commissioning. Over the years, my reserve service added an important dimension to my life. I learned about down-to-earth things like leadership and loftier matters like how unalterably linked America’s strength is to maritime strength. And that latter point is what drew me to the Naval Institute more than 20 years ago—particularly Proceedings and Naval History magazines—and eventually to the Naval Institute Foundation. One cannot learn how important our Navy is while watching the nightly news, and that is exactly why the Naval Institute Foundation is so important. It supports the kind of intellectual exploration of naval and maritime matters that is lacking elsewhere. The Foundation is not just a rare national resource; it is a unique one.
Sponsors Underwrite September Seminars
The strength of Naval Institute seminars is enhanced by corporate support. Sponsorships allow us to offer high-quality programs to more people at reasonable cost—often free.
This month, the Naval Institute presents two symposiums: Forum 2004, produced jointly with the Marine Corps Association, and the annual Warfare Exposition in Virginia Beach. Our thanks to the following sponsors for their generosity:
Forum 2004
Lockheed Martin
Northrop Grumman
United Defense
Battelle Memorial Institute
General Dynamics
9th Annual Warfare Exposition and Symposium
Robert R. McCormick Tribune Foundation
Battelle Memorial Institute
United Defense
Articles on technology and innovation are made possible in part by a grant from Battelle Memorial Institute
Foundation News Archives
August 2004
July 2004
June 2004
April 2004
March 2004
February 2004
January 2004